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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/28/18 em Posts

  1. L2BattleRoyale. Quick, fun, fair. The server The game engine is designed to run infinite instanced games in parallel, so you don't have to wait to play a game. Every character has the same stats. Level is 1 and it doesn't matter. You cannot level up (for now). Armors are COSMETIC ONLY. They give no stats or skills. The main game lobby is the town of Giran. You can queue for a game using the Tutorial window which is always visible in the lobby. There are no classes. Instead your class is set based on the item you are currently wielding. There are 5 ranks of weapons D Grade: One low level skill C Grade: One higher level skill B Grade: An extra skill A Grade: An extra skill S Grade: An extra skill You gain adena in games and you can use them to buy cosmetic items. The game's rules The objective is simple. Be the last man standing in the game. Each game has 4 phases. Teleport to the map Game starting n Circle stages Game ending Each map has a minimum and a maximum amount of players it can host. When the minimum amount is in the queue then a game will start it's teleport stage. If the game isn't full at this stage then people can still join. If someone leaves, the game is aborted. During the "Game starting" stage you can run around but you cannot attack or pickup items. At the end of this stage the chests will spawn. During the "Circles" stage you must loot chests for weapons and other items like potions and prepare for the pvp that is to come. Two circles will also spawn. - The Blue Circle indicates that if you go outside you will take damage per second. - The White circle indicates where the blue circle will be at the end of the round. You have to stay inside the blue circle if you don't want to take any damage. While outside the White Circle, you will get a radar above your character pointing you to the White Circle. Be the last man standing and win the game. The season system After the launch a season system will be introduced. Each season lasts for 1 month. During this period all your stats will be recorded. By the end of the month the top 5 players will get Hero aura and Hero Circlets, while the top one will get the Castle Circlet. A leaderboard with all the stats will be ingame and on the website. The weapon classes Rogue Mage Duelist Archer Warlord Fists dude (Need a better name) Gameplay Here are a couple of videos showcases what a 5man game looks like Disclaimer This server is NOT your typical L2. It bites off the Battle Royale genre and it adapts it for Lineage2. If quick and fair pvp sounds fun then I would highly recommend you give it a go before rejecting it. This is also NOT a pay to win server. In fact there will NEVER BE DONATIONS THAT GIVE ANY COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE EVER. Doesn't matter if you start today or in 2 months, you will have equal chances in winning. Wanna join the fun? The server is up on Technical Alpha stage. You can test our 5-Man map and the 7 Weapon Classes today at 17:00 BST (19:00 Greek time) Download the l2.ini here [Hidden Content] For more info join us on Discord today!
    1 point
  2. O de adena? sim, mas os outros métodos de buy/sell também estavam comprometidos contra overflow e o autor do fix resolveu arrumar tudo logo (obrigatório para um server em produção).
    1 point
  3. Pra quem está com o bug da multisell, postei o fix no pastebin: [Hidden Content] créditos: x-user (membro do fórum aCis).
    1 point
  4. Estou querendo emitir uma nota de informação no fórum. Tem coisas que só por Deus na aCis. Vi alguns bugs que não tinha antes aparecendo agora, e me deu uma leve impressão que foram colocados de propósito para vender atualização ou algo do tipo! Vou estudar mais sobre o caso e dar um parecer pra essa galerinha não se sair perdendo. Vou copiar seu coments! :)
    1 point
  5. Dear, L2JBrasil Community today i would love to share with you a detailed interface i've fixed a lot of bugs and changed a lot of things since me & Iordanov are 6 years Friends he told me share it clean w/o bugs the reason we do this is because a Brazilian person T3ddy & Moshpit selling on black market the current version but they are kinda stupid since interface not work on 80% of servers with smartguard people pming me to fix their thing but since they bought it from other hands i no offer any support to them lets start Note: we are not responsible if interface not works on some protected servers you want bypass? buy it and we can disccus about it. Some Screens.. Shows in different Row Domi/WC/Ressists/simple buffs Shows Debuffs in Seperate Row Options: Party Classes / & New Party Icons Auto Assist 1st Ma 2nd Ma Classic Mini Map: KeyBinds: Invite/Dismiss/Changepartyleader/trade Shows Enemy casted skills Skill Gauge Debuffs & Timer Olympiad Damage Calculator Download Link: [Hidden Content]
    1 point
  6. Spyro era um personagem muito conhecido nos anos 90. O simpático dragão roxo estrelou uma trilogia de jogos para o Playstation que hoje é vista de maneira nostálgica. Quando Crash Bandicoot ganhou um remaster para sua trilogia clássica E Aí, quem jogou?
    1 point
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