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Tudo que xRodox postou

  1. a quest seed of chaos nao passa mysterious wizard pack high five
  2. L2-Scripts(HighFive-GoD) REV 20720 ??
  3. @Allan Alcantara pode me ajudar a corrigir uma quest?
  4. tem sim a opcao em .security mas nao esta funcionando o ajuste tem que ser com os codigos java
  5. [2024-04-03 08:01:54] WARN -- Client: [Character: Dark[268480653] - Account: admin - IP:] - Failed running: [C] RequestEnterWorld - L2J- Server Version: 9999 ; SKILL_CHECK_ENABLE java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: SKILL_CHECK_ENABLE at l2e.commons.util.TransferSkillUtils.checkTransferItems(kg:177) at at at at at at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ at java.base/ ### alguem podendo da essa forca ??
  6. Testou algo? Sabe como tá esse h5?
  7. ola bom dia alguem usando em pack l2jeternity? morreu aqui?
  8. Essa geodata seria a melhor da versão h5 ou saiu uma melhor ?
  9. ivan ajudai ai, estou com varios erros por tentar salvar algo, eu uso eternity!
  10. @Hl4p3x tera a revisao mais atualizada e sem bug e com suporte pode ter certeza!!
  11. alguem por ai tem noção?? ivan é ocupado somente e demora bastante mas responde!
  12. Alguem teve esse mesmo erro? l2jeternity a versao ( ! ) Warning: implode(): Invalid arguments passed in C:\wamp64\www\ICPNet\engine\post.php on line 493 Call Stack # Time Memory Function Location 1 0.0003 381568 {main}( ) ...\index.php:0 2 0.0592 534320 require_once( 'C:\wamp64\www\ICPNet\engine\module_template.php ) ...\index.php:27 3 0.1046 710144 require_once( 'C:\wamp64\www\ICPNet\engine\post.php ) ...\module_template.php:59 4 0.1057 722544 implode( $glue = ',', $pieces = '' ) ...\post.php:493 ( ! ) Warning: implode(): Invalid arguments passed in C:\wamp64\www\ICPNet\engine\post.php on line 493 Call Stack # Time Memory Function Location 1 0.0003 381568 {main}( ) ...\index.php:0 2 0.0592 534320 require_once( 'C:\wamp64\www\ICPNet\engine\module_template.php ) ...\index.php:27 3 0.1046 710144 require_once( 'C:\wamp64\www\ICPNet\engine\post.php ) ...\module_template.php:59 4 0.2265 724152 implode( $glue = ',', $pieces = '' ) ...\post.php:493 ( ! ) Fatal error: Uncaught PDOException: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1048 Column 'allowSellItemsGrade' cannot be null in C:\wamp64\www\ICPNet\engine\classes\GameServer.php on line 425 ( ! ) PDOException: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1048 Column 'allowSellItemsGrade' cannot be null in C:\wamp64\www\ICPNet\engine\classes\GameServer.php on line 425 Call Stack # Time Memory Function Location 1 0.0003 381568 {main}( ) ...\index.php:0 2 0.0592 534320 require_once( 'C:\wamp64\www\ICPNet\engine\module_template.php ) ...\index.php:27 3 0.1046 710144 require_once( 'C:\wamp64\www\ICPNet\engine\post.php ) ...\module_template.php:59 4 0.3234 724264 ICPNetworks\GameServer->saveConfigs( $SITE_NAME = 'ICPNetworks', $siteTitle = 'ICPNetworks V4', $SERVER = 'High_Five-L2jEternity', $safeEnchant = '3', $maxEnchant = '16', $xpRate = '10', $spRate = '20', $dropRate = '30', $spoilRate = '40', $template = 'ICP_Control_Panel', $olyPeriod = '30', $timezone = 'America/Sao_Paulo', $instagram = 'l2brasil', $youtube = 'L2Brasil', $facebook = 'l2brasil', $discord = 'teste', $maxRankings = '30', $maxIndexRankings = '5', $clientDownload = '#', $systemDownload = '#', $accCreateByEmail = 0, $accRecoveryByEmail = 0, $smtpHost = '', $smtpPort = 587, $smtpEmail = '', $smtpPass = '', $donateCoinName = 'vip coin', $enableDeposit = 0, $depositBank = '', $depositBranch = '', $depositAccount = '', $depositType = '', $depositBeneficiary = '', $depositCpf = '', $donateEmail = '', $enableMercadopago = 0, $mpCurrency = '', $mpCoins = 1, $mpToken = '', $enablePagseguro = 0, $psCurrency = '', $psCoins = 1, $psEmail = '', $psToken = '', $enablePaypal = 0, $ppCurrency = 'USD', $ppCoins = 1, $ppEmail = '', $enableMessages = 'on', $enableNews = 'on', $maxNews = '5', $enableScreenshots = 'on', $maxScreenshots = '6', $enableVideos = 'on', $maxVideos = '6', $enableBosses = 'on', $enableCastles = 'on', $enableClanHalls = 'on', $enableTopPvp = 'on', $enableTopClassPvp = 'on', $maxClassPvp = '5', $enableTopPk = 'on', $enableTopClassPk = 'on', $maxClassPk = '5', $enableTopOnline = 'on', $enableTopAdena = 'on', $goldbarValue = '500000000', $enableTopClan = 'on', $enableTopClanByPvp = 0, $enableTopOly = 'on', $enableTopHero = 'on', $enableTopRaid = 'on', $enableRewardSystem = 0, $rewardSystemLoc = 'WAREHOUSE', $enableRewardOnline = 0, $rewardOnlineDays = 1, $rewardOnlineItems = '57,10000;', $enableRewardPvp = 0, $rewardPvpCount = 1, $rewardPvpItems = '3470,20;', $enableRewardPk = 0, $rewardPkCount = 1, $rewardPkItems = '57,15000;3470,10;', $enablePrimeShop = 0, $maxPrimeShop = 15, $primeShopLoc = 'WAREHOUSE', $enableItemBroker = 0, $allowSellItemsGrade = NULL, $allowComboItems = 0, $allowPvpItems = 0, $allowAugmentedItems = 0, $allowAuctionItems = 0, $auctionItemsDay = 7, $auctionRangeItems = 5, $maxItemBroker = 15, $itemBrokerLoc = 'WAREHOUSE', $enableCharacterBroker = 0, $allowAuctionCharacters = 0, $auctionCharactersDay = 7, $auctionRangeCharacters = 5, $minCharacterBrokerLevel = 76, $maxCharacterBroker = 15, $enableSafeEnchant = 0, $allowPvpEnchant = 0, $allowAugmentedEnchant = 0, $enchantChance = 60, $allowEnchantItemsGrade = NULL, $enchantDGrade = 1, $enchantCGrade = 1, $enchantBGrade = 1, $enchantAGrade = 1, $enchantSGrade = 1, $enchantS80Grade = 1, $enchantS84Grade = 1, $enchantRGrade = 1, $enchantR95Grade = 1, $enchantR99Grade = 1, $enchantR110Grade = 1, $enableCharacterChanges = 'on', $enableBaseChange = 'on', $baseChangePrice = '10', $enableSexChange = 'on', $sexChangePrice = '20', $enableNickChange = 'on', $nickChangePrice = '30', $enableAccChange = 'on', $accChangePrice = '40', $enableCheckStatus = 'on', $forceLoginOnline = 0, $forceGameOnline = 0, $allowServerStats = 'on', $enableFakePlayers = 0, $fakePlayers = '1.05', $login = 'webadmin', $senderPrivId = '10' ) ...\post.php:493 5 0.3236 736864 ICPNetworks\GameServer->execute( $query = 'INSERT INTO icp_configs (SITE_NAME, SITE_TITLE, SERVER, SAFE_ENCHANT, MAX_ENCHANT, XP_RATE, SP_RATE, DROP_RATE, SPOIL_RATE, TEMPLATE, OLY_PERIOD_DAYS, TIME_ZONE, INSTAGRAM, YOUTUBE, FACEBOOK, DISCORD, MAX_RANKINGS, MAX_INDEX_RANKINGS, CLIENT_DOWNLOAD_LINK, FILES_DOWNLOAD_LINK, CreateAccWithEmail, RecoveryAccWithEmail, SMTP_HOST, SMTP_PORT, SMTP_EMAIL, SMTP_PASS, DONATE_COIN_NAME, enable_deposit, bank_name, bank_branch, bank_account, bank_type, bank_beneficiary, bank_cpf, email_donate_confirmation, enable_me'..., $params = [0 => 'ICPNetworks', 1 => 'ICPNetworks V4', 2 => 'High_Five-L2jEternity', 3 => '3', 4 => '16', 5 => '10', 6 => '20', 7 => '30', 8 => '40', 9 => 'ICP_Control_Panel', 10 => '30', 11 => 'America/Sao_Paulo', 12 => 'l2brasil', 13 => 'L2Brasil', 14 => 'l2brasil', 15 => 'teste', 16 => '30', 17 => '5', 18 => '#', 19 => '#', 20 => 0, 21 => 0, 22 => '', 23 => 587, 24 => '', 25 => '', 26 => 'vip coin', 27 => 0, 28 => '', 29 => '', 30 => '', 31 => '', 32 => '', 33 => '', 34 => '', 35 => 0, 36 => '', 37 => 1, 38 => '', 39 => 0, 40 => '', 41 => 1, 42 => '', 43 => '', 44 => 0, 45 => 'USD', 46 => 1, 47 => '', 48 => 1, 49 => 1, 50 => '5', 51 => 1, 52 => '6', 53 => 1, 54 => '6', 55 => 1, 56 => 1, 57 => 1, 58 => 1, 59 => 1, 60 => '5', 61 => 1, 62 => 1, 63 => '5', 64 => 1, 65 => 1, 66 => '500000000', 67 => 1, 68 => 0, 69 => 1, 70 => 1, 71 => 1, 72 => 0, 73 => 'WAREHOUSE', 74 => 0, 75 => 1, 76 => '57,10000;', 77 => 0, 78 => 1, 79 => '3470,20;', 80 => 0, 81 => 1, 82 => '57,15000;3470,10;', 83 => 0, 84 => 15, 85 => 'WAREHOUSE', 86 => 0, 87 => NULL, 88 => 0, 89 => 0, 90 => 0, 91 => 0, 92 => 7, 93 => 5, 94 => 15, 95 => 'WAREHOUSE', 96 => 0, 97 => 0, 98 => 7, 99 => 5, 100 => 76, 101 => 15, 102 => 0, 103 => 0, 104 => 0, 105 => 60, 106 => NULL, 107 => 1, 108 => 1, 109 => 1, 110 => 1, 111 => 1, 112 => 1, 113 => 1, 114 => 1, 115 => 1, 116 => 1, 117 => 1, 118 => 1, 119 => 1, 120 => '10', 121 => 1, 122 => '20', 123 => 1, 124 => '30', 125 => 1, 126 => '40', 127 => 1, ...], $db = ??? ) ...\GameServer.php:1818 6 0.3238 743520 execute( $bound_input_params = [0 => 'ICPNetworks', 1 => 'ICPNetworks V4', 2 => 'High_Five-L2jEternity', 3 => '3', 4 => '16', 5 => '10', 6 => '20', 7 => '30', 8 => '40', 9 => 'ICP_Control_Panel', 10 => '30', 11 => 'America/Sao_Paulo', 12 => 'l2brasil', 13 => 'L2Brasil', 14 => 'l2brasil', 15 => 'teste', 16 => '30', 17 => '5', 18 => '#', 19 => '#', 20 => 0, 21 => 0, 22 => '', 23 => 587, 24 => '', 25 => '', 26 => 'vip coin', 27 => 0, 28 => '', 29 => '', 30 => '', 31 => '', 32 => '', 33 => '', 34 => '', 35 => 0, 36 => '', 37 => 1, 38 => '', 39 => 0, 40 => '', 41 => 1, 42 => '', 43 => '', 44 => 0, 45 => 'USD', 46 => 1, 47 => '', 48 => 1, 49 => 1, 50 => '5', 51 => 1, 52 => '6', 53 => 1, 54 => '6', 55 => 1, 56 => 1, 57 => 1, 58 => 1, 59 => 1, 60 => '5', 61 => 1, 62 => 1, 63 => '5', 64 => 1, 65 => 1, 66 => '500000000', 67 => 1, 68 => 0, 69 => 1, 70 => 1, 71 => 1, 72 => 0, 73 => 'WAREHOUSE', 74 => 0, 75 => 1, 76 => '57,10000;', 77 => 0, 78 => 1, 79 => '3470,20;', 80 => 0, 81 => 1, 82 => '57,15000;3470,10;', 83 => 0, 84 => 15, 85 => 'WAREHOUSE', 86 => 0, 87 => NULL, 88 => 0, 89 => 0, 90 => 0, 91 => 0, 92 => 7, 93 => 5, 94 => 15, 95 => 'WAREHOUSE', 96 => 0, 97 => 0, 98 => 7, 99 => 5, 100 => 76, 101 => 15, 102 => 0, 103 => 0, 104 => 0, 105 => 60, 106 => NULL, 107 => 1, 108 => 1, 109 => 1, 110 => 1, 111 => 1, 112 => 1, 113 => 1, 114 => 1, 115 => 1, 116 => 1, 117 => 1, 118 => 1, 119 => 1, 120 => '10', 121 => 1, 122 => '20', 123 => 1, 124 => '30', 125 => 1, 126 => '40', 127 => 1, ...] ) ...\GameServer.php:425
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