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Olympiad system e Economy dando erro por favo ajudar.

harley rodrigues


No meu log ta aparecendo esses erro não to conseguindo resolver alguém saberia oque é ?
Obs. os erros estão grifado de vermelho.
18:16:20,723 INFO Util:141 - ======================================================================-[ Team ]
18:16:20,739 INFO L2Frozen:35 -
18:16:20,739 INFO L2Frozen:36 - # ##### ##### ##### ##### ##### ##### ## #
18:16:20,739 INFO L2Frozen:37 - # # # # # # # # # # # #
18:16:20,739 INFO L2Frozen:38 - # ### #### ### # # # # # ### # # #
18:16:20,739 INFO L2Frozen:39 - # # # ### # # # # # # #
18:16:20,739 INFO L2Frozen:40 - ##### ##### # # ## ##### ##### ##### # ##
18:16:20,739 INFO L2Frozen:41 -
18:16:20,855 INFO Util:141 - ==================================================================-[ Database ]
18:16:20,908 INFO MLog:80 - MLog clients using log4j logging.
18:16:21,124 INFO C3P0Registry:204 - Initializing c3p0- [built 21-May-2007 15:04:56; debug? true; trace: 10]
18:16:21,625 INFO AbstractPoolBackedDataSource:462 - Initializing c3p0 pool... com.mchange.v2.c3p0.ComboPooledDataSource [ acquireIncrement -> 5, acquireRetryAttempts -> 0, acquireRetryDelay -> 500, autoCommitOnClose -> true, automaticTestTable -> connection_test_table, breakAfterAcquireFailure -> false, checkoutTimeout -> 0, connectionCustomizerClassName -> null, connectionTesterClassName -> com.mchange.v2.c3p0.impl.DefaultConnectionTester, dataSourceName -> 1hge1d09h2en9zv1mo96up|769c9116, debugUnreturnedConnectionStackTraces -> false, description -> null, driverClass -> com.mysql.jdbc.Driver, factoryClassLocation -> null, forceIgnoreUnresolvedTransactions -> false, identityToken -> 1hge1d09h2en9zv1mo96up|769c9116, idleConnectionTestPeriod -> 3600, initialPoolSize -> 10, jdbcUrl -> jdbc:mysql://localhost/gameserver_beta, maxAdministrativeTaskTime -> 0, maxConnectionAge -> 0, maxIdleTime -> 0, maxIdleTimeExcessConnections -> 0, maxPoolSize -> 50, maxStatements -> 0, maxStatementsPerConnection -> 100, minPoolSize -> 10, numHelperThreads -> 3, numThreadsAwaitingCheckoutDefaultUser -> 0, preferredTestQuery -> null, properties -> {user=******, password=******}, propertyCycle -> 0, testConnectionOnCheckin -> false, testConnectionOnCheckout -> false, unreturnedConnectionTimeout -> 0, usesTraditionalReflectiveProxies -> false ]
18:16:21,726 INFO Loader:212 - L2DatabaseFactory: loaded.
18:16:21,741 INFO Util:141 - ===================================================================-[ Threads ]
18:16:21,773 INFO HtmCache:82 - Cache
O conteúdo está oculto, favor efetuar login ou se cadastrar!
18:16:21,795 INFO CrestCache:150 - Cache[Crest]: 0,000MB on 0 files loaded. (Forget Time: 300s , Capacity: 50)
18:16:21,857 INFO L2ScriptEngineManager:89 - Initializing Script Engine Manager
18:16:22,507 INFO L2ScriptEngineManager:118 - Script Engine: jython 2.2.1 - Language: python - Language Version: 2.2.1
18:16:23,043 INFO L2ScriptEngineManager:118 - Script Engine: Oracle Nashorn 1.8.0_91 - Language: ECMAScript - Language Version: ECMA - 262 Edition 5.1
18:16:23,074 INFO L2ScriptEngineManager:118 - Script Engine: java 1.6 - Language: java - Language Version: 1.6
18:16:23,143 INFO L2ScriptEngineManager:118 - Script Engine: BeanShell Engine 1.1 - Language: BeanShell - Language Version: 2.0b5
18:16:23,243 INFO Util:141 - =====================================================================-[ World ]
18:16:23,243 INFO L2World:963 - L2World: Setting up World Regions
18:16:23,290 INFO L2World:991 - L2World: (87x128) World Region Grid set up.
18:16:23,328 INFO Announcements:192 - Announcements: Loaded 2 Announcements.
18:16:23,328 INFO AutoAnnouncementHandler:84 - GameServer: Loaded 0 Auto Announcements.
18:16:23,344 INFO IdFactory:136 - Updated characters online status.
18:16:23,528 INFO BitSetIDFactory:79 - IDFactory: 102912 id's available.
18:16:23,845 INFO StaticObjects:60 - StaticObject: Loaded 30 StaticObject Templates.
18:16:23,868 INFO TeleportLocationTable:94 - TeleportLocationTable: Loaded 828 Teleport Location Templates
18:16:24,094 INFO ExperienceData:95 - ExperienceData: Loaded 87 levels
18:16:24,095 INFO ExperienceData:96 - ExperienceData: Max Player Level is: 80
18:16:24,097 INFO ExperienceData:97 - ExperienceData: Max Pet Level is: 80
18:16:24,103 INFO DuelManager:56 - Initializing DuelManager
18:16:24,118 INFO ClassDamageManager:107 - Loaded 31 classes Damages configurations
18:16:24,122 INFO AutoSaveManager:56 - Initializing AutoSaveManager
18:16:24,131 INFO Util:141 - ====================================================================-[ Skills ]
18:16:30,446 INFO SkillsEngine:121 - SkillsEngine: Loaded 30524 Skill templates from XML files.
18:16:30,457 INFO SkillTreeTable:76 - SkillSpellbookTable: Loaded 334 spellbooks
18:16:30,463 INFO Loader:270 - Skills: All skills loaded.
18:16:30,467 INFO Util:141 - =====================================================================-[ Items ]
18:16:30,858 INFO ItemTable:300 - ItemTable: Loaded 1014 Armors.
18:16:30,877 INFO ItemTable:306 - ItemTable: Loaded 6881 Items.
18:16:31,191 INFO ItemTable:312 - ItemTable: Loaded 1313 Weapons.
18:16:31,196 INFO ItemTable:649 - Highest item id used: 9208
18:16:31,211 INFO ArmorSetsTable:87 - Loaded: 51 armor sets.
18:16:31,214 INFO CustomArmorSetsTable:72 - ArmorSetsTable: Loaded custom armor sets.
18:16:31,254 INFO ExtractableItemsData:148 - Extractable items data: Loaded 334 extractable items!
18:16:31,261 INFO SummonItemsData:133 - Summon items data: Loaded 12 summon items.
18:16:31,272 INFO SkillTreeTable:168 - FishTable: Loaded 270 Fishes.
18:16:31,276 INFO Util:141 - =======================================================================-[ Npc ]
18:16:31,284 INFO NpcWalkerRoutesTable:57 - Initializing Walkers Routes Table.
18:16:31,290 INFO NpcWalkerRoutesTable:124 - WalkerRoutesTable: Loaded 167 Npc Walker Routes.
18:16:31,607 INFO NpcTable:724 - NpcTable: Loaded 6592 Npc Templates.
18:16:31,611 INFO NpcTable:724 - NpcTable: Loaded 6593 Npc Templates.
18:16:31,688 INFO NpcTable:302 - CustomDropList : Added 0 custom droplist
18:16:31,805 INFO NpcTable:441 - NpcTable: Loaded 447 Minions.
18:16:31,807 INFO Util:141 - ================================================================-[ Characters ]
18:16:31,822 INFO ForumsBBSManager:113 - Loaded 4 forums. Last forum id used: 4
18:16:31,828 INFO ClanTable:154 - Restored 0 clans from the database.
18:16:31,844 INFO CharTemplateTable:274 - CharTemplateTable: Loaded 89 Character Templates.
18:16:31,854 INFO LevelUpData:106 - LevelUpData: Loaded 89 Character Level Up Templates.
18:16:31,862 INFO HennaTable:115 - HennaTable: Loaded 180 Templates.
18:16:31,985 INFO HennaTreeTable:138 - HennaTreeTable: Loaded 7128 Henna Tree Templates.
18:16:31,990 INFO HennaTable:170 - Helper Buff Table: Loaded 14 templates
18:16:31,995 INFO Util:141 - ===================================================================-[ Geodata ]
18:16:32,001 INFO GeoData:40 - Geodata Engine: Disabled.
18:16:32,002 INFO Util:141 - ===================================================================-[ Economy ]
18:16:32,225 WARN TradeController:299 - L2TradeList 363 itemId 1856 has an ADENA sell price lower then reference price.. Automatically Updating it..
18:16:32,231 WARN TradeController:299 - L2TradeList 364 itemId 1856 has an ADENA sell price lower then reference price.. Automatically Updating it..
18:16:32,535 INFO TradeController:355 - TradeController: Loaded 508 Buylists.
18:16:32,536 INFO TradeController:356 - TradeController: Loaded 132 Limited Buylists.
18:16:32,549 INFO TradeController:574 - TradeController: Loaded 0 Custom Buylists.
18:16:32,908 INFO Loader:330 - Multisell: loaded.
18:16:32,909 INFO Util:141 - ================================================================-[ Clan Halls ]
18:16:32,920 INFO ClanHallManager:72 - Initializing ClanHallManager
18:16:32,999 INFO ClanHallManager:122 - Loaded: 0 clan halls
18:16:33,000 INFO ClanHallManager:123 - Loaded: 44 free clan halls
18:16:33,006 INFO FortressOfResistance:151 - Fortress of Resistanse: siege will start the 03/06/16 21:00
18:16:33,013 INFO DevastatedCastle:161 - Devastated Castle: siege will start the 06/06/16 18:00
18:16:33,022 INFO BanditStrongholdSiege:78 - SiegeManager of Bandits Stronghold
18:16:33,027 INFO AuctionManager:130 - Initializing AuctionManager
18:16:33,078 INFO AuctionManager:159 - Loaded: 38 auction(s)
18:16:33,080 INFO Util:141 - ======================================================================-[ Zone ]
18:16:33,101 INFO ZoneData:104 - Loading zones...
18:16:33,253 INFO ArenaManager:39 - Initializing ArenaManager
18:16:38,237 INFO TownManager:42 - Initializing TownManager
18:16:38,527 INFO OlympiadStadiaManager:40 - Initializing OlympiadStadiaManager
18:16:38,962 INFO CastleManager:117 - Initializing CastleManager
18:16:39,004 INFO CastleManager:133 - Loaded: 9 castles
18:16:39,105 INFO GrandBossManager:83 - Initializing GrandBossManager
18:16:39,109 INFO GrandBossManager:130 - GrandBossManager: Loaded 15 Instances
18:16:39,389 INFO FishingZoneManager:39 - Initializing FishingZoneManager
18:16:40,846 INFO FortManager:56 - Initializing FortManager
18:16:40,911 INFO FortManager:114 - Loaded: 21 fortress
18:16:42,299 INFO GrandBossManager:182 - GrandBossManager: Initialized 17 Grand Boss Zones
18:16:42,304 INFO ZoneData:594 - Done: loaded 565 zones.
18:16:42,308 INFO Util:141 - =================================================================-[ Spawnlist ]
18:16:42,542 INFO CustomNpcInstanceManager:201 - CustomNpcInstanceManager: loaded 0 NPC to PC polymorphs.
18:16:43,332 INFO Siege:1236 - Siege of Dion: Sat Jun 04 20:00:00 BRT 2016
18:16:43,543 INFO Siege:1236 - Siege of Oren: Sun Jun 12 16:00:00 BRT 2016
18:16:45,961 INFO Siege:1236 - Siege of Gludio: Sat Jun 04 20:00:00 BRT 2016
18:16:45,978 INFO Siege:1236 - Siege of Giran: Sun Jun 12 16:00:00 BRT 2016
18:16:45,985 INFO Siege:1236 - Siege of Innadril: Sun Jun 12 16:00:00 BRT 2016
18:16:45,988 INFO Siege:1236 - Siege of Aden: Sat Jun 04 20:00:00 BRT 2016
18:16:46,152 INFO Siege:1236 - Siege of Goddard: Sun Jun 12 16:00:00 BRT 2016
18:16:46,187 INFO DayNightSpawnManager:74 - DayNightSpawnManager: Day/Night handler initialised
18:16:46,240 INFO Siege:1236 - Siege of Rune: Sat Jun 04 20:00:00 BRT 2016
18:16:46,243 INFO Siege:1236 - Siege of Schuttgart: Sat Jun 04 20:00:00 BRT 2016
18:16:46,656 INFO SpawnTable:182 - SpawnTable: Loaded 37240 Npc Spawn Locations.
18:16:46,659 INFO SpawnTable:183 - SpawnTable: Spawning completed, total number of NPCs in the world: 37240
18:16:46,769 INFO RaidBossSpawnManager:129 - RaidBossSpawnManager: Loaded 182 Instances
18:16:46,772 INFO RaidBossSpawnManager:130 - RaidBossSpawnManager: Scheduled 0 Instances
18:16:46,782 INFO DayNightSpawnManager:134 - DayNightSpawnManager: Deleted 0 night creatures
18:16:46,802 INFO DayNightSpawnManager:176 - DayNightSpawnManager: Spawning 232 day creatures
18:16:46,805 INFO Util:141 - ==========================================================-[ Dimensional Rift ]
18:16:46,815 INFO DimensionalRiftManager:172 - DimensionalRiftManager: Loaded 7 room types with 56 rooms.
18:16:46,906 INFO DimensionalRiftManager:280 - DimensionalRiftManager: Loaded 462 dimensional rift spawns, 0 errors.
18:16:46,910 INFO Util:141 - ======================================================================-[ Misc ]
18:16:46,961 INFO RecipeTable:88 - RecipeController: Loaded 871 Recipes.
18:16:46,968 INFO AugmentationData:99 - Initializing AugmentationData.
18:16:47,095 INFO AugmentationData:120 - AugmentationData: Loaded: 52 augmentation stats.
18:16:47,099 INFO MercTicketManager:67 - Initializing MercTicketManager
18:16:47,105 INFO MercTicketManager:738 - Loaded: 0 Mercenary Tickets
18:16:47,108 INFO PetitionManager:87 - Initializing PetitionManager
18:16:47,114 INFO CursedWeaponsManager:105 - Initializing CursedWeaponsManager
18:16:47,140 INFO CursedWeaponsManager:82 - Loaded: 2 cursed weapon(s).
18:16:47,176 INFO ItemsAutoDestroy:58 - Initializing ItemsAutoDestroy.
18:16:47,197 INFO Util:141 - =====================================================================-[ Manor ]
18:16:47,252 INFO L2Manor:385 - ManorManager: Loaded 256 seeds
18:16:47,256 INFO CastleManorManager:79 - Initializing CastleManorManager
18:16:47,266 INFO Util:141 - ===================================================================-[ Castles ]
18:16:47,273 INFO SiegeManager:214 - Initializing SiegeManager
18:16:47,304 INFO FortSiegeManager:190 - Initializing FortSiegeManager
18:16:47,333 INFO CrownManager:47 - CrownManager: initialized
18:16:47,334 INFO Util:141 - ======================================================================-[ Boat ]
18:16:47,341 INFO BoatManager:58 - Initializing BoatManager
18:16:47,378 INFO Util:141 - =====================================================================-[ Doors ]
18:16:47,419 INFO DoorTable:96 - Searching clan halls doors:
18:16:47,552 INFO DoorTable:121 - DoorTable: Loaded 1001 Door Templates.
18:16:47,555 INFO Util:141 - ===========================================================-[ Four Sepulchers ]
18:16:47,568 INFO GrandBossManager:130 - GrandBossManager: Loaded 15 Instances
18:16:47,734 INFO GrandBossManager:345 - FourSepulchersManager: Beginning in Attack time
18:16:47,737 INFO Util:141 - ===============================================================-[ Seven Signs ]
18:16:47,750 INFO SevenSigns:287 - SevenSigns: Currently in the Competition (Quest Event) period!
18:16:47,753 INFO SevenSigns:1440 - SevenSigns: The Seal of Avarice remains unclaimed.
18:16:47,756 INFO SevenSigns:1440 - SevenSigns: The Seal of Gnosis remains unclaimed.
18:16:47,762 INFO SevenSigns:1440 - SevenSigns: The Seal of Strife remains unclaimed.
18:16:47,765 INFO SevenSigns:301 - SevenSigns: The competition, if the current trend continues, will end in a tie this week.
18:16:47,772 INFO SevenSigns:325 - SevenSigns: Next period begins in 5 days, 23 hours and 43 mins.
18:16:47,862 INFO SevenSignsFestival:3393 - SevenSignsFestival: The first Festival of Darkness cycle begins in 2 minute(s).
18:16:47,866 INFO Util:141 - ===========================================================-[ Olympiad System ]
18:16:47,877 WARN Olympiad:207 - config/olympiad.cfg cannot be loaded... It will be created on next save or server shutdown..
18:16:47,886 INFO Olympiad:322 - Olympiad System: Loading Olympiad System....
18:16:47,889 INFO Olympiad:324 - Olympiad System: Currently in Olympiad Period
18:16:47,892 INFO Olympiad:334 - Olympiad System: 1063 minutes until period ends
18:16:47,896 INFO Olympiad:340 - Olympiad System: Next weekly change is in 10079 minutes
18:16:47,901 INFO Olympiad:344 - Olympiad System: Loaded 0 Nobles
18:16:47,904 INFO Olympiad:746 - Olympiad System: Competition Period Starts in 0 days, 0 hours and 0 mins.
18:16:47,910 INFO Olympiad:748 - Olympiad System: Event starts/started : Tue May 31 18:00:47 BRT 2016
18:16:47,917 INFO Hero:216 - Hero System: Loaded 0 Heroes.
18:16:47,918 INFO Hero:217 - Hero System: Loaded 0 all time Heroes.
18:16:47,920 INFO Util:141 - =============================================================-[ Access Levels ]
18:16:47,928 INFO Olympiad:763 - Olympiad System: Olympiad Game Started
18:16:47,930 INFO AccessLevels:105 - AccessLevels: Access level with name {} is using reserved master access level {}. Ignoring it.. Master Access 1
18:16:47,934 INFO AccessLevels:182 - AccessLevels: Master Access Level is 1
18:16:47,936 INFO AccessLevels:183 - AccessLevels: User Access Level is 0
18:16:47,945 INFO AdminCommandAccessRights:82 - Admin Access Rights: Loaded 483 Access Rigths from database.
18:16:47,948 INFO GmListTable:92 - GmListTable: initalized.
18:16:47,949 INFO Util:141 - ==================================================================-[ Handlers ]
18:16:47,979 INFO GameServer:155 - ItemHandler: Loaded 2047 handlers.
18:16:48,000 INFO GameServer:125 - SkillHandler: Loaded 76 handlers.
18:16:48,070 INFO AdminCommandHandler:194 - AdminCommandHandler: Loaded 500 handlers.
18:16:48,080 INFO GameServer:86 - UserCommandHandler: Loaded 16 handlers.
18:16:48,087 INFO GameServer:124 - VoicedCommandHandler: Loaded 15 handlers.
18:16:48,088 INFO Loader:433 - AutoChatHandler : Loaded 32 handlers in total.
18:16:48,091 INFO Loader:434 - AutoSpawnHandler : Loaded 129 handlers in total.
18:16:48,099 INFO Util:141 - ========================================================================-[ AI ]
18:16:48,102 INFO AILoader:58 - AI load:
18:16:48,103 INFO AILoader:60 - - Antharas_l2j
18:16:48,118 INFO QuestManager:51 - Initializing QuestManager
18:16:48,120 INFO AILoader:63 - - Baium_l2j
18:16:48,125 INFO AILoader:66 - - Core
18:16:48,132 INFO AILoader:69 - - Queen Ant
18:16:48,136 INFO AILoader:72 - - Van Halter
18:16:48,150 INFO GrandBossManager:268 - GrandBossManager: Updated High Priestess van Halter(29062) status to 1
18:16:48,155 INFO AILoader:74 - - Gordon
18:16:48,156 INFO AILoader:77 - - Monastery_l2j
18:16:48,161 INFO AILoader:80 - - Transform
18:16:48,166 INFO AILoader:82 - - Fairy Trees
18:16:48,168 INFO AILoader:84 - - Summon Minions
18:16:48,172 INFO AILoader:86 - - Zombie Gatekeepers
18:16:48,175 INFO AILoader:88 - - Ice Fairy Sirra
18:16:48,190 INFO AILoader:90 - - Golkonda
18:16:48,192 INFO AILoader:92 - - Hallate
18:16:48,193 INFO AILoader:94 - - Kernon
18:16:48,196 INFO AILoader:96 - - Varka/Ketra Ally
18:16:48,200 INFO AILoader:98 - - Barakiel
18:16:48,203 INFO AILoader:101 - - Orfen
18:16:48,209 INFO AILoader:104 - - Zaken_l2j
18:16:48,213 INFO AILoader:107 - - Frintezza_l2j
18:16:48,224 INFO AILoader:110 - - Valakas_l2j
18:16:48,228 INFO Util:141 - ===================================================================-[ Scripts ]
18:16:53,638 INFO QuestManager:127 - Replaced: SagasSuperclass with a new version
18:17:07,545 INFO Loader:490 - Compiled Scripts Cache is disabled.
18:17:07,553 INFO FaenorScriptEngine:77 - [FeanorScriptEngine] Loading Packages ...
18:17:07,559 INFO FaenorScriptEngine:93 - [FeanorScriptEngine] No Packages Loaded ...
18:17:07,585 INFO Util:141 - ====================================================================-[ Quests ]
18:17:07,590 INFO QuestManager:95 - Loaded: 454 quests
18:17:07,592 INFO Util:141 - ===============================================================-[ Game Server ]
18:17:07,599 INFO Loader:530 - IdFactory: Free ObjectID's remaining: 1879005868
18:17:07,612 INFO Util:141 - ===============================================================-[ Custom Mods ]
18:17:07,616 INFO Loader:560 - All custom mods are Disabled.
18:17:07,617 INFO Util:141 - ==============================================================-[ EventManager ]
18:17:07,636 INFO Loader:575 - All events are Disabled.
18:17:07,640 INFO OfflineTradeTable:181 - Loading offline traders...
18:17:07,644 INFO OfflineTradeTable:286 - Loaded: 0 offline trader(s)
18:17:07,646 INFO Util:141 - ================================================================-[ Protection ]
18:17:07,651 INFO Loader:583 - Check skills on enter actived.
18:17:07,654 INFO Loader:586 - Check bad name on enter actived.
18:17:07,659 INFO Loader:589 - Check OverEnchant items on enter actived.
18:17:07,664 INFO Loader:592 - Bypass Validation actived.
18:17:07,668 INFO Loader:595 - L2Walker protection actived.
18:17:07,698 INFO Loader:601 - Full packets flood protector actived.
18:17:07,700 INFO Loader:604 - Client flood protection actived.
18:17:07,702 INFO Util:141 - ======================================================================-[ Info ]
18:17:07,712 INFO Loader:607 - Operating System: Windows 10 10.0 amd64
18:17:07,720 INFO Loader:608 - Available CPUs: 4
18:17:07,721 INFO Loader:609 - Maximum Numbers of Connected Players: 1000
18:17:07,732 INFO Loader:610 - GameServer Started, free memory 568 Mb of 910 Mb
18:17:07,740 INFO Loader:611 - Used memory: 341 MB
18:17:07,742 INFO Util:141 - =============================================================-[ Java specific ]
18:17:07,751 INFO Loader:614 - JRE name: Oracle Corporation
18:17:07,758 INFO Loader:615 - JRE specification version: 1.8
18:17:07,763 INFO Loader:616 - JRE version: 1.8.0_91
18:17:07,767 INFO Loader:617 - --- Detecting Java Virtual Machine (JVM)
18:17:07,769 INFO Loader:618 - JVM installation directory: C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_91
18:17:07,775 INFO Loader:619 - JVM Avaible Memory(RAM): 910 MB
18:17:07,777 INFO Loader:620 - JVM specification version: 1.8
18:17:07,785 INFO Loader:621 - JVM specification vendor: Oracle Corporation
18:17:07,792 INFO Loader:622 - JVM specification name: Java Virtual Machine Specification
18:17:07,796 INFO Loader:623 - JVM implementation version: 25.91-b15
18:17:07,800 INFO Loader:624 - JVM implementation vendor: Oracle Corporation
18:17:07,803 INFO Loader:625 - JVM implementation name: Java HotSpot 64-Bit Server VM
18:17:07,808 INFO Util:141 - ====================================================================-[ Status ]
18:17:10,434 INFO Loader:629 - Server Loaded in 49 seconds
18:17:10,439 INFO Util:141 - ====================================================================-[ Telnet ]
18:17:10,443 INFO Loader:641 - Telnet server is disabled.
18:17:10,445 INFO Util:141 - =====================================================================-[ Login ]
18:17:10,466 INFO LoginServerThread:155 - Connecting to login on
18:17:11,093 INFO LoginServerThread:282 - Registered on login as Server 1 : Extreme


Editado por harley rodrigues


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E o segundo erro ?

18:16:32,002 INFO Util:141 - ===================================================================-[ Economy ]
18:16:32,225 WARN TradeController:299 - L2TradeList 363 itemId 1856 has an ADENA sell price lower then reference price.. Automatically Updating it..
18:16:32,231 WARN TradeController:299 - L2TradeList 364 itemId 1856 has an ADENA sell price lower then reference price.. Automatically Updating it..
18:16:32,535 INFO TradeController:355 - TradeController: Loaded 508 Buylists.
18:16:32,536 INFO TradeController:356 - TradeController: Loaded 132 Limited Buylists.
18:16:32,549 INFO TradeController:574 - TradeController: Loaded 0 Custom Buylists.
18:16:32,908 INFO Loader:330 - Multisell: loaded.
18:16:32,909 INFO Util:141 - ================================================================-[ Clan Halls ]


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O segundo erro é que voce tem um item vendendo na loja cuja o preco esta MENOR do que o preço dele no database


procure pelo itemid 1856, veja o preço dele, e depois va em merchant_buy_list e veja o tradelist 364 - id 1856 e verifique o preço corretamente.

A Vida é uma eterna lição...

Estamos sempre aprendendo...

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O segundo erro é que voce tem um item vendendo na loja cuja o preco esta MENOR do que o preço dele no database


procure pelo itemid 1856, veja o preço dele, e depois va em merchant_buy_list e veja o tradelist 364 - id 1856 e verifique o preço corretamente.


Conseguir arruma o erro, mais tem esse outro erro mais não aparece no log da um olhada, ela aparece no login server e no game server.

INFO ====================================================================-[ Skills ]
SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".
SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation
SLF4J: See
O conteúdo está oculto, favor efetuar login ou se cadastrar!
for further details.
INFO SkillsEngine: Loaded 30524 Skill templates from XML files.
INFO SkillSpellbookTable: Loaded 334 spellbooks
INFO Skills: All skills loaded.
INFO =====================================================================-[ Items ]
segue a imagem.
O conteúdo está oculto, favor efetuar login ou se cadastrar!
Editado por harley rodrigues


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para esse erro que tem em 99% das rev você vai baixar a biblioteca que vou deixar pra download e colocar o arquivo dentro da lib.


O conteúdo está oculto, favor efetuar login ou se cadastrar!

"Tente ser uma pessoa de valor , não de sucesso" - Albert Einstein



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para esse erro que tem em 99% das rev você vai baixar a biblioteca que vou deixar pra download e colocar o arquivo dentro da lib.


O conteúdo está oculto, favor efetuar login ou se cadastrar!

Valeu tmj :)


Editado por harley rodrigues


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Estou com o mesmo erro do rapaz acima:



INFO ====================================================================-[ Skills ]
SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".
SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation
SLF4J: See for further details.

INFO SkillsEngine: Loaded 30524 Skill templates from XML files.
INFO SkillSpellbookTable: Loaded 334 spellbooks
INFO Skills: All skills loaded.



esse mesmo erro tinha no loguin server, quando adicionei o arquivo no "lib" do loguinserver o erro saiu,

mais ja no gameserver, o erro foi substituído por esse:



INFO ====================================================================-[ Skills ]

481 [main] ERROR coin.l2jfrozen.gameserver.datatables.aql.SkillTreeTable - Error while creatinh enchant skill table com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSynta

xErrorException: Unknown column 'success_rate79' in 'field list'

INFO SkillsEngine: Loaded 30524 Skill templates from XML files.
INFO SkillSpellbookTable: Loaded 334 spellbooks
INFO Skills: All skills loaded.



estou usando a revisão jFrozen 1132 limpa, sem nem um mod ainda

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Isso já é outro erro que não tem a ver com o erro anterior, crie um tópico para não fugir do assunto.

"Tente ser uma pessoa de valor , não de sucesso" - Albert Einstein



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Estou com o mesmo erro do rapaz acima:



INFO ====================================================================-[ Skills ]

SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".

SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation

SLF4J: See for further details.

INFO SkillsEngine: Loaded 30524 Skill templates from XML files.

INFO SkillSpellbookTable: Loaded 334 spellbooks

INFO Skills: All skills loaded.



esse mesmo erro tinha no loguin server, quando adicionei o arquivo no "lib" do loguinserver o erro saiu,

mais ja no gameserver, o erro foi substituído por esse:



INFO ====================================================================-[ Skills ]

481 [main] ERROR coin.l2jfrozen.gameserver.datatables.aql.SkillTreeTable - Error while creatinh enchant skill table com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSynta

xErrorException: Unknown column 'success_rate79' in 'field list'

INFO SkillsEngine: Loaded 30524 Skill templates from XML files.

INFO SkillSpellbookTable: Loaded 334 spellbooks

INFO Skills: All skills loaded.



estou usando a revisão jFrozen 1132 limpa, sem nem um mod ainda

Conseguiu resolver esse erro mano? To quebrando a cabeça pra tentar resolver e nada!

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Conseguiu resolver esse erro mano? To quebrando a cabeça pra tentar resolver e nada!

Qual dos dois? Em relação ao segundo, dê uma olhada nessa parte:



E nessa:

Unknown column 'success_rate79' in 'field list'


Claro que é necessário analisar o erro por completo, mas essas duas partes podem lhe ajudar a corrigir.

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é isso mesmo, mais n tenho ideia de cm resolver ^^

Isso é um mod que você está adicionando ou é algo parecido com isso?


Faça um dump (caso dê errado você executa esse dump que fez) da sua tabela "enchant_skill_trees", depois delete, e execute essa aqui:

O conteúdo está oculto, favor efetuar login ou se cadastrar!

Editado por João. VitorB.
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