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L2JHellas Free Interlude Project

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Hello I will be following your project know that will be worth much apena use I see that you are dedicated enough and this is lacking in certain people when you start a project and leaves in half since you do not see that more and more are improving your project. And anything will be reporting.


Obs: I am using translator then out something different is not my fault jajajaja...

hahaha :P ok i undestand :) thanks :) i hope that you will help :) to improve it more :)


too much to ask that you make a back up file to load live?

what?write it in your language and i will translate it because i did not understand :P


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Oh My God it's so great absolut please send me a mp for we work together on this project i have the hellas project when was clouse project please talk with me we can do alot on this project.

Obrigado vira em Breve


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Lol sorry my inglish is bad xD , I wanted to tell you if you could make a backup file to load directly to navicat


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my latest database backup it got my account too but its test account :P

Oh My God it's so great absolut please send me a mp for we work together on this project i have the hellas project when was clouse project please talk with me we can do alot on this project.

ok mate add me on skype nikos.nikonikos1


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added new compiled with latest revision. check time line for the updates :) Compiled rev 518 -->

O conteúdo está oculto, favor efetuar login ou se cadastrar!


sorry , you could tell me why I do not read passwords ? , try to create from the startSQLAccountManager and accounts are set up auto create

O conteúdo está oculto, favor efetuar login ou se cadastrar!

sorry for double post i saw it now. if you got problems report them in our forum this is not the right section mate.

Editado por AbSoLuTePoWeR


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sorry , you could tell me why I do not read passwords ? , try to create from the startSQLAccountManager and accounts are set up auto create

O conteúdo está oculto, favor efetuar login ou se cadastrar!

i dont know what are you doing with your sqlaccountmanager but you are doing it wrong. i dont have this error with my sqlaccountmanager.


but really you dont need that sqlaccountmanager since you can log in your mysql database manually and do any actions you want manually. for example if you want to make your champion admin just go to your database find characters table find the column accesslevel and set it 8. its not big deal. simple and easy.


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I can not my friend ,1000 Ways try but that LOGIN CONTROLLER not let me go

Are u sure that your settings from /login/config/Network/LoginServer.ini are correct in this part?

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cuz here its working properly.


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Are u sure that your settings from /login/config/Network/LoginServer.ini are correct in this part?

O conteúdo está oculto, favor efetuar login ou se cadastrar!
cuz here its working properly.

Como seria o certo ?

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wonderful project :D im just having some trouble with the communityboard.. like adding custom htm shop.. and just got stuck there actually..
dream scenario would be a communityboard with optional buffer / gk / gm shop.


anyone knows of a community board with all that which would work with l2jhellas ?

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wonderful project :D im just having some trouble with the communityboard.. like adding custom htm shop.. and just got stuck there actually..

dream scenario would be a communityboard with optional buffer / gk / gm shop.



anyone knows of a community board with all that which would work with l2jhellas ?

I've sent you the link where you can take it in the hellas forum.

I think this may be exploitable.

But if you want i'll try to do it for you.

I'll be able to do this only monday.

If anyone do before, you will not need to wait ^^.


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in which this wheel java project? I tried it the GVE FACTION system and found nothing in the project on *I found nothing related to the system GVE factions.*. could you tell me more about? which the latest build? It has a specific patch? Thank you in advance :D my english is not good sorry :s

Editado por Dieguinho
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