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L2JHellas Free Interlude Project

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A good project with excellent's mod added a good way that does not harm the server , I was hoping that success and welcome to L2JBrasil.

Um bom projeto com ecxelentes mod's adicionados corretamente, assim não fazendo pesar o servidor, desejo sucesso e bem vindo a L2JBrasil.

Editado por Marlon Raveli
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Um pack bem interessante cara. Eu vou dá uma testada e verificar uns detalhes interessantes.


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L2JBRASIL - 15 anos vendendo SS e flechas em Giran! (Trade / Adena)

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l2jarchid é certo jserve isso? Então porque não usar acis mais recentes e continua como jhalles? economizar tempo e trabalho, porque jhalles tem muito problema há algum tempo atrás eu estava indo para participar de um bloco mais ele tem alguns erros bobos, e tem muitas libs desnecessários. Apoio assume acis e refazer as jhalles seria estável, mais leve e mais livre.

Editado por L2jKain
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l2jarchid é certo jserve isso? Então porque não usar acis mais recentes e continua como jhalles? economizar tempo e trabalho, porque jhalles tem muito problema há algum tempo atrás eu estava indo para participar de um bloco mais ele tem alguns erros bobos, e tem muitas libs desnecessários. Apoio assume acis e refazer as jhalles seria estável, mais leve e mais livre.

man wtf is going on with you. i have clean l2jhellas and i did many reworks on it. i delete many unnecessary customs-libs by the way :) dont talk for something years ago. talk for now. first test then talk. if you want to speak about l2jhellas or something at least speak english otherwise i will reply to you in greek.asd


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man wtf is going on with you. i have clean l2jhellas and i did many reworks on it. i delete many unnecessary customs-libs by the way :) dont talk for something years ago. talk for now. first test then talk. if you want to speak about l2jhellas or something at least speak english otherwise i will reply to you in greek.asd

Just ignore comments like that ppl who only knows to say that aCis is "better" because everyone says it.
He doesn't even know in which world is living.


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Also you need to update your mysql

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and here is the full timeline to check for updates.

O conteúdo está oculto, favor efetuar login ou se cadastrar!

Editado por AbSoLuTePoWeR


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Hello I will be following your project know that will be worth much apena use I see that you are dedicated enough and this is lacking in certain people when you start a project and leaves in half since you do not see that more and more are improving your project. And anything will be reporting.


Obs: I am using translator then out something different is not my fault jajajaja...


Msn: [email protected]



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