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erro game server



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Sua config está sem nada, você tem que por algum valor nela.


SellBuffSkillList , arquivo services ou algo do tipo.

Editado por Tayran.JavaDev

"Tente ser uma pessoa de valor , não de sucesso" - Albert Einstein



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Sua config está sem nada, você tem que por algum valor nela.


SellBuffSkillList , arquivo services ou algo do tipo.

e o pior amigo que ja procurei e nao acho :S


# =================================================
# Properties #
# Services Configs /PremiumPack #
# =================================================
# On / off cats (NPC ID 31860) to change professions.
# To turn should put 1,2,3
AllowClassMasters = 1,2,3
# Price change of profession.
# To disable set the values ​​0,0,0.
ClassMastersPrice = 200,20000,20000000
# Item impose as payment
# Default Adena
ClassMastersPriceItem = 57
# If set to true, in town near GK will spawn EventGatekeeper
AllowEventGatekeeper = False
# If set to true, in each city will spawn near the GC UpdateAnnouncer (News about the current update)
AllowUpdateAnnouncer = false
# Services Car mounts
RideHireEnabled = false
# Service nick change
NickChangeEnabled = True
NickChangePrice = 50
NickChangeItem = 37008
# Allow the use of symbols
NickChangeAllowSimbol = false
# Tools Display name pet
PetNameChangeEnabled = True
PetNameChangePrice = 25
PetNameChangeItem = 37008
# Use our Improved baby pets
BabyPetExchangeEnabled = True
BabyPetExchangePrice = 25
BabyPetExchangeItem = 37008
# SRS Service
SexChangeEnabled = true
SexChangePrice = 25
SexChangeItem = 37008
# Service change the base class
BaseChangeEnabled = False
BaseChangePrice = 10000
BaseChangeItem = 37000
# Delevel Manager
AllowDelevel = True
DelevelItem = 57
DelevelCount = 150000000
DelevelMinLevel = 72
# Service department subclass
SeparateSubEnabled = false
SeparateSubPrice = 10000
SeparateSubItem = 37000
# Service color change nickname
NickColorChangeEnabled = false
# The order of colors inverted - BBGGRR
NickColorChangeList = 00FF00;00DD00
NickColorChangePrice = 100
NickColorChangeItem = 4037
# Change the color of the title of Service
TitleColorChangeEnabled = true
# The order of colors inverted - BBGGRR
TitleColorChangeList = 000050, 00DD00, AADD77, 99FFBB, BBFF99, A0FFFF, 3399FF, CC9999, 33CC33, 99CCFF, 33FF66
TitleColorChangePrice = 2
TitleColorChangeItem = 37000
# Tools sale noblesse
NoblessSellEnabled = False
NoblessSellPrice = 20
NoblessSellItem = 37000
# Tools sale hero
HeroSellEnabled = false
HeroSellDay = 30, 100
HeroSellPrice = 30, 100
HeroSellItem = 4037, 4037
# Set Service clean PK's
WashPkEnabled = true
# Item ID for clean PK's
WashPkItem = 37008
# Price Item clean PK's
WashPkPrice = 3
# Service password changes through the player .password
# ID / Count 0 for no fee
ChangePassword = true
ChangePasswordPayId = 0
ChangePassowrdPayCount = 0
ApasswdTemplate = [A-Za-z0-9]{5,16}
# Service expansion of stock
ExpandInventoryEnabled = true
ExpandInventoryPrice = 1
ExpandInventoryItem = 37000
ExpandInventoryMax = 250
# Expansion of personal service warehouse
ExpandWarehouseEnabled = true
ExpandWarehousePrice = 1
ExpandWarehouseItem = 37000
# Service expansion clan warehouse
ExpandCWHEnabled = True
ExpandCWHPrice = 1
ExpandCWHItem = 37000
# Tools Display name clan
ClanNameChangeEnabled = True
ClanNameChangePrice = 250
ClanNameChangeItem = 37008
# Service level changes
LevelChangeEnabled = true
LevelUPChangeMax = 85
LevelUPChangePrice = 10
LevelUPChangeItem = 37000
LevelDownChangeMax = 1
LevelDownChangePrice = 1
LevelDownChangeItem = 37000
# Sale at Pet collars Manager'ov, fully configurable, depending on the wishes of
# Example - Sale Light Purple-Maned Horse Mounting Bracelet
# 7 day - 10COL, 30 - 30COL, forever - 100COL
# SellPets = 4037:10 -> 13022; 4037:30 -> 20030; 4037:100 -> 20029
SellPets = 0
# Service "offline commerce" AKA offtrade
# Use the command. Offline for offline trades
AllowOfflineTrade = true
# Offline trading is allowed only in areas of offshore.xml
AllowOfflineTradeOnlyOffshore = false
# Minimum level for trade
OfflineMinLevel = 40
# Color name of offline players
OfflineTradeNameColor = A0FFFF
# Charge for to offline trade
OfflineTradePrice = 0
OfflineTradePriceItem = 57
# Offline merchant allowed to sit more days, the default 14 days
OfflineTradeDaysToKick = 32
# Restore after restart
OfflineRestoreAfterRestart = true
# Ban on trade in the region is only valid for off-line traders
NoTradeOnlyOffline = false
# Ban on trade in the forbidden zone
NoTradeBlockZone = false
# Trade taxes as a percentage
TradeTax = 0.0
# Trade taxes in offshore areas
OffshoreTradeTax = 0.0
# The tax is charged only with offline traders
TradeTaxOnlyOffline = false
# Allowed to trade only at a distance from other merchants
TradeOnlyFar = false
# Search radius traders
TradeRadius = 30
#'s Offshore harbor Giran
GiranHarborZone = false
#'s Offshore Parnassus
ParnassusZone = false
ParnassusNoTax = false
ParnassusPrice = 500000
# In the offshore area of ​​the castle did not pay taxes (otherwise the zone belongs Giran)
NoCastleTaxInOffshore = false
# Minimum level for the trading markets (Kraft \ purchase \ buying)
MinLevelForTrade = 0
# =================================================
# Lottery #
# =================================================
# On \ off lottery manager
AllowLottery = true
# The prize for winning
LotteryPrize = 250
# Set the value of the lottery Beleth (Default 2000 Adena || 5 Donator Coins).
AltLotteryPrice = 5
# Ticket
LotteryTicketPrice = 5
# Number of the prize for matching 5-room
Lottery5NumberRate = 0.1
# Number of the prize for matching 4 numbers
Lottery4NumberRate = 0.1
# Number of the prize for matching 3 numbers
Lottery3NumberRate = 0.1
# The prize for matching one or two rooms
Lottery2and1NumberPrize = 200
# =================================================
# Roulette #
# =================================================
# On / off roulette
AllowRoulette = false
# The minimum bet.
RouletteMinBet = 100
# The maximum rate, the difference with a minimum of 6 decimal orders limiting the Martingale system with a series of 20 losses.
RouletteMaxBet = 1000
# Service activates in Item Broker - Dealer search things.
UseItemBrokerItemSearch = true
# Leave a character in the game at break connecting
# Time a character is in the game, the team is set .control
EnableNoCarrier = true
# The minimum allowable time (in seconds)
NoCarrierMinTime = 60
# The maximum allowable time (in seconds)
NoCarrierMaxTime = 240
# Time by default, if not set the player (in seconds)
NoCarrierDefaultTime = 60
# The system rewards for PVP
PkPvPKillEnable = false
PvPKillRewardCount = 1
PvPkillRewardItem = 4037
PkKillRewardCount = 1
PkkillRewardItem = 4037
PkPvPTieifSameIP = true
# Include multi language support teleporter?
# If true no matter what language the client patch, names of locations will be taken from the server
# If false names will be constantly on the en., Regardless of the language selected team .lang
AllowMultiLangGatekeeper = false
# Language by default (when creating ampersand and entrance into the world if it has not chosen language)
DefaultGKLang = en
# Fake Players List
AllowFakePlayers = True
FakePlayersSit = False
FakePlayersPercent = 100
AllowParsTotalOnline = True
FirstOnlineUpdate = 1
OnlineUpdate = 1
# =================================
# Refferal System #
# =================================
# System is working only with AUTO LOOT !!!
# Enable refferal system
EnableReffSystem = false
# Save character info in sql table delay (mins)
refferSystemSaveInterval = 10
# Max refferals that player can recieve
maxRefferalsPerChar = 10
# Minimum on-line time that player must be on-line until can reffer (hours)
MinOnlineTimeForReffering = 1
# Min level for reffering char
MinLevelForReffering = 1
# How many percents to give from the loot
RefferPercentToGive = 0.1
# Item list that percents will be transfered to reffered player.
ReffItemsList = 57,6673
# =================================
# Away System #
# =================================
# Away system, to take a rest from the game without logging out
AllowAwayStatus = True
# This service only for premium account holders?
AwayOnlyForPremium = False
# Nick title if in away mode? [ RED = 0000FF ]
AwayTitleColor = 0000FF
# Can use only in peace zone?
AwayOnlyInPeaceZone = True
# If in away mode can aggro mobs?
AwayPlayerTakeAggro = False
# Delay before entering the away mode?
AwayTimer = 5
# Delay before exiting the away mode?
BackTimer = 5
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é por que a pessoa não adicionou a config no documento, você vai ter que adicionar a config ai e por algum valor nela para o erro sumir.

"Tente ser uma pessoa de valor , não de sucesso" - Albert Einstein



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14.10.2016 в 02:51, kayllan сказал:

esto com esse pequeno erro se alguem tiver desde ja agradeço!

O conteúdo está oculto, favor efetuar login ou se cadastrar!

You and I both believe that games are the finest kind of entertainment. But nowadays, I'd rather hang out with people who have advantages. I may enjoy myself while simultaneously earning money at the online games. But I like playing at reliable

O conteúdo está oculto, favor efetuar login ou se cadastrar!
. It was easy to choose trustworthy casinos with advantageous conditions of use.

Editado por PaulGomez
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