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Pk nao da karma

Gm Shura


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Qual revisão está usando ? isso acontece em qualquer área ? está testando com personagens que são normais sem ter privilégios de ADM/GM ?

"Tente ser uma pessoa de valor , não de sucesso" - Albert Einstein



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Estou usando a revisao interlud, projeto x. acontece em qualquer area testei com personagens normais.


Confere se sua config em gameserver/config/functions/


O conteúdo está oculto, favor efetuar login ou se cadastrar!


" Você nunca sabe que resultados virão de suas ações, mas se você não fizer nada, não existirão resultados"



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Config do Karma acredito que esteja tudo correto. acredito que o problema seja no java dentro dele.



# PvP/PK Settings #
# -----------------------------
# Configure karma -
# -----------------------------
# Increase / loss of karma
MinKarma = 240
MaxKarma = 10000
# The number to divide the xp recieved by to calculate karma lost on xp gain/loss.
# Default: 260
XPDivider = 260
# The minimum karma lost if 0 karma is to be removed.
# Default: 0
BaseKarmaLost = 0
# Loss of equipment
CanGMDropEquipment = False
# Warning: Make sure the lists do NOT CONTAIN
# trailing spaces or spaces between the numbers!
# List of pet items we cannot drop.
# Default: 2375,3500,3501,3502,4422,4423,4424,4425,6648,6649,6650
ListOfPetItems = 2375,3500,3501,3502,4422,4423,4424,4425,6648,6649,6650
# Lists of items which should NEVER be dropped (note, adena will
# never be dropped) whether on this list or not
# Default: 57,1147,425,1146,461,10,2368,7,6,2370,2369,6842,6611,6612,6613,6614,6615,6616,6617,6618,6619,6620,6621,7694,8181,5575,7694,9388,9389,9390
ListOfNonDroppableItems = 57,1147,425,1146,461,10,2368,7,6,2370,2369,6842,6611,6612,6613,6614,6615,6616,6617,6618,6619,6620,6621,7694,8181,5575,7694
# Minimun pk requiered to drop
# Default: 5
MinimumPKRequiredToDrop = 5
# Calculation of PVP for players with karma?
AwardPKKillPVPPoint = True
# How much time one stays in PvP mode after hitting an innocent (in ms)
# Default: 120000
PvPVsNormalTime = 40000
# Length one stays in PvP mode after hitting a purple player (in ms)
# Default: 60000
PvPVsPvPTime = 20000
# ----------------------------------------------------
# Settings for players with karma -
# ----------------------------------------------------
# Player with karma can kill in a safe area?
AltKarmaPlayerCanBeKilledInPeaceZone = False
# The player with karma can buy?
AltKarmaPlayerCanShop = True
# The player with karma can use SOE or return?
AltKarmaPlayerCanTeleport = True
# The player with karma can use the gatekeepers?
AltKarmaPlayerCanUseGK = False
# The player with karma can trade?
AltKarmaPlayerCanTrade = True
# The player with karma can use the Warehouse?
AltKarmaPlayerCanUseWareHouse = True
# The dead player and the player that will use a SOE of any type will be teleported to floran
# --------------------------------
# Advanced PvP color system -
# --------------------------------
# Enable Advanced PvP color System?
EnablePvPColorSystem = True
# It works like: PvP,Color;PvP2,Color2,PvPn,Colorn. Example: 100,00FF00;200,FF0000;300,0000FF;
# Note: Colors Must Be in RBG format.
PvpColorList = 1000,FF7F00;
# ------------------------------
# Advanced PK color system -
# ------------------------------
# Enable Advanced PK color System?
EnablePkColorSystem = True
# It works like: PK,Color;PK2,Color2,PKn,Colorn. Example: 100,00FF00;200,FF0000;300,0000FF;
# Note: Colors Must Be in RBG format.
PkColorList = 100,F0FFF0;
# -----------------------------
# PK Info Settings -
# -----------------------------
# If it is enabled then it shows pk info to the players everytime
# A pk or pvp is done. Messages are:
# "You have killed PlayerX y times".
# OR
# "You have been killed y times by PlayerX.
EnablePkInfo = False
# ----------------------------
# Custom Reward -
# ----------------------------
# Enable / Disable custom reward
# It gives a medal ( or whatever item you set) to the winner of a pvp
# You can configure the id and the amount.
# PvP reword
PvpRewardEnabled = False
PvpRewardItemId = 6392
PvpRewardAmmount = 1
# PK reward
PKRewardEnabled = False
PKRewardItemId = 6392
PKRewardAmmount = 1
# If the same player to kill, then after X times the reward Will not Increase
RewardProtect = 0
# On / Off teleport flagged players through Gatekeeper
FlaggedPlayerCanUseGK = False
# Allow players to buff and heal while being flagged.
# Useful for pvp servers that has lame buffers.
# Using the Buffers inside the farm zones.
AltKarmaFlagPlayerCanUseBuffer = False
# Pvp And Xp Award System
# 0 Is by Default!
AllowAddExpSpAtPvP = False
AddExpAtPvp = 0
AddSpAtPvp = 0
# Allow Potions In PvP?
# Note : ALL Potions Won't Be Usable.
# Pots Such as CP , Greater CP , Healing , Greater Healing
# Quick Healing , Mana Pots , Elixirs
# Retail : True
AllowPotsInPvP = True
# Scroll Of Escape Restriction
# if False = A Player Cannot Use SOE When He Is Flagged.
# Default : True
AllowSoEInPvP = True
# Announces when a Player Pvp another Player. Default - false
AnnouncePvPKill = true
# Announces when a Player PK another Player. Default - false
AnnouncePkKill = true
# When the duel is more than 4 players are transported to the coordinates,
# Listed below
DuelSpawnX = -102495
DuelSpawnY = -209023
DuelSpawnZ = -3326
# Automaticly shows PVP&PK on title
PvpPkTitle = False
#Title Prefixes. If commented - "0 | 0" else "PvpTitlePrefix0PkTitlePrefix0"
PvPTitlePrefix =
PkTitlePrefix =
# War Legend Configs
WarLegendAura = False
KillsToGetWarLegendAura = 30
# Anti Farm System
# You must put True to active the AntiFarm mod.
AntiFarmEnabled = False
# You must active AntiFarmEnabled = True to enable this mod.
# AntiFarm for Party, IP, Clan and Ally.
AntiFarmParty = False
AntiFarmIP = False
AntiFarmClanAlly = False
# You must active AntiFarmEnabled = True to enable this mod.
# AntiFarm if player has level < AntiFarmMaxLvlDiff.
AntiFarmLvlDiff = False
AntiFarmMaxLvlDiff = 30
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Config do Karma acredito que esteja tudo correto. acredito que o problema seja no java dentro dele.



# PvP/PK Settings #
# -----------------------------
# Configure karma -
# -----------------------------
# Increase / loss of karma
MinKarma = 240
MaxKarma = 10000
# The number to divide the xp recieved by to calculate karma lost on xp gain/loss.
# Default: 260
XPDivider = 260
# The minimum karma lost if 0 karma is to be removed.
# Default: 0
BaseKarmaLost = 0
# Loss of equipment
CanGMDropEquipment = False
# Warning: Make sure the lists do NOT CONTAIN
# trailing spaces or spaces between the numbers!
# List of pet items we cannot drop.
# Default: 2375,3500,3501,3502,4422,4423,4424,4425,6648,6649,6650
ListOfPetItems = 2375,3500,3501,3502,4422,4423,4424,4425,6648,6649,6650
# Lists of items which should NEVER be dropped (note, adena will
# never be dropped) whether on this list or not
# Default: 57,1147,425,1146,461,10,2368,7,6,2370,2369,6842,6611,6612,6613,6614,6615,6616,6617,6618,6619,6620,6621,7694,8181,5575,7694,9388,9389,9390
ListOfNonDroppableItems = 57,1147,425,1146,461,10,2368,7,6,2370,2369,6842,6611,6612,6613,6614,6615,6616,6617,6618,6619,6620,6621,7694,8181,5575,7694
# Minimun pk requiered to drop
# Default: 5
MinimumPKRequiredToDrop = 5
# Calculation of PVP for players with karma?
AwardPKKillPVPPoint = True
# How much time one stays in PvP mode after hitting an innocent (in ms)
# Default: 120000
PvPVsNormalTime = 40000
# Length one stays in PvP mode after hitting a purple player (in ms)
# Default: 60000
PvPVsPvPTime = 20000
# ----------------------------------------------------
# Settings for players with karma -
# ----------------------------------------------------
# Player with karma can kill in a safe area?
AltKarmaPlayerCanBeKilledInPeaceZone = False
# The player with karma can buy?
AltKarmaPlayerCanShop = True
# The player with karma can use SOE or return?
AltKarmaPlayerCanTeleport = True
# The player with karma can use the gatekeepers?
AltKarmaPlayerCanUseGK = False
# The player with karma can trade?
AltKarmaPlayerCanTrade = True
# The player with karma can use the Warehouse?
AltKarmaPlayerCanUseWareHouse = True
# The dead player and the player that will use a SOE of any type will be teleported to floran
# --------------------------------
# Advanced PvP color system -
# --------------------------------
# Enable Advanced PvP color System?
EnablePvPColorSystem = True
# It works like: PvP,Color;PvP2,Color2,PvPn,Colorn. Example: 100,00FF00;200,FF0000;300,0000FF;
# Note: Colors Must Be in RBG format.
PvpColorList = 1000,FF7F00;
# ------------------------------
# Advanced PK color system -
# ------------------------------
# Enable Advanced PK color System?
EnablePkColorSystem = True
# It works like: PK,Color;PK2,Color2,PKn,Colorn. Example: 100,00FF00;200,FF0000;300,0000FF;
# Note: Colors Must Be in RBG format.
PkColorList = 100,F0FFF0;
# -----------------------------
# PK Info Settings -
# -----------------------------
# If it is enabled then it shows pk info to the players everytime
# A pk or pvp is done. Messages are:
# "You have killed PlayerX y times".
# OR
# "You have been killed y times by PlayerX.
EnablePkInfo = False
# ----------------------------
# Custom Reward -
# ----------------------------
# Enable / Disable custom reward
# It gives a medal ( or whatever item you set) to the winner of a pvp
# You can configure the id and the amount.
# PvP reword
PvpRewardEnabled = False
PvpRewardItemId = 6392
PvpRewardAmmount = 1
# PK reward
PKRewardEnabled = False
PKRewardItemId = 6392
PKRewardAmmount = 1
# If the same player to kill, then after X times the reward Will not Increase
RewardProtect = 0
# On / Off teleport flagged players through Gatekeeper
FlaggedPlayerCanUseGK = False
# Allow players to buff and heal while being flagged.
# Useful for pvp servers that has lame buffers.
# Using the Buffers inside the farm zones.
AltKarmaFlagPlayerCanUseBuffer = False
# Pvp And Xp Award System
# 0 Is by Default!
AllowAddExpSpAtPvP = False
AddExpAtPvp = 0
AddSpAtPvp = 0
# Allow Potions In PvP?
# Note : ALL Potions Won't Be Usable.
# Pots Such as CP , Greater CP , Healing , Greater Healing
# Quick Healing , Mana Pots , Elixirs
# Retail : True
AllowPotsInPvP = True
# Scroll Of Escape Restriction
# if False = A Player Cannot Use SOE When He Is Flagged.
# Default : True
AllowSoEInPvP = True
# Announces when a Player Pvp another Player. Default - false
AnnouncePvPKill = true
# Announces when a Player PK another Player. Default - false
AnnouncePkKill = true
# When the duel is more than 4 players are transported to the coordinates,
# Listed below
DuelSpawnX = -102495
DuelSpawnY = -209023
DuelSpawnZ = -3326
# Automaticly shows PVP&PK on title
PvpPkTitle = False
#Title Prefixes. If commented - "0 | 0" else "PvpTitlePrefix0PkTitlePrefix0"
PvPTitlePrefix =
PkTitlePrefix =
# War Legend Configs
WarLegendAura = False
KillsToGetWarLegendAura = 30
# Anti Farm System
# You must put True to active the AntiFarm mod.
AntiFarmEnabled = False
# You must active AntiFarmEnabled = True to enable this mod.
# AntiFarm for Party, IP, Clan and Ally.
AntiFarmParty = False
AntiFarmIP = False
AntiFarmClanAlly = False
# You must active AntiFarmEnabled = True to enable this mod.
# AntiFarm if player has level < AntiFarmMaxLvlDiff.
AntiFarmLvlDiff = False
AntiFarmMaxLvlDiff = 30

conseguiu arrumar amigo ? mim deparei cm esse Erro tbm :(

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