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[ Interlude ] L2JBRASIL Pré-Configurado By:CaioxD


Da Seu Voto Ai Se Gostou Ou Nao  

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Sempre Gostei Das Suas Rev e Tals Mais Tem Como Almenta o Atack speed Dela ?


Mano tu edita em Gameserve>Data>Stats>Weapons


Vai ta o arquivo XML com o nome os ids da arma ai tu edita lá do seu gosto, ou então pode ser por Skill's espero ter Ajudado :D



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Metas: ( ) Aprender PHP , ( ) Aprender Java, ( ) Criar Servidor , ( ) Criar um Custom, ( ) Criar um Tutorial , ( ) Ajudar Alguém , ( ) Chegar a 500 post, ( ) Fazer um Pré Configurado

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Editado por ADMIN.amorim


Paysandu Sport Club, Terror Bicolor

"Em qualquer situação nunca deixarei de amar o mais vitorioso clube do norte do Brasil"

Castanhal / Pará

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Mano tu edita em Gameserve>Data>Stats>Weapons


Vai ta o arquivo XML com o nome os ids da arma ai tu edita lá do seu gosto, ou então pode ser por Skill's espero ter Ajudado :D

Mais Tipo Atack Speed Maximo e 1800 Teem Como Eu Configura Ultra Stations ? Para 3500 No Max o Atack Speed ?


Paysandu Sport Club, Terror Bicolor

"Em qualquer situação nunca deixarei de amar o mais vitorioso clube do norte do Brasil"

Castanhal / Pará

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Mais Tipo Atack Speed Maximo e 1800 Teem Como Eu Configura Ultra Stations ? Para 3500 No Max o Atack Speed ?


Tem uma opção no Other.propiertes, que muda



Em breve


Metas: ( ) Aprender PHP , ( ) Aprender Java, ( ) Criar Servidor , ( ) Criar um Custom, ( ) Criar um Tutorial , ( ) Ajudar Alguém , ( ) Chegar a 500 post, ( ) Fazer um Pré Configurado

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Tem uma opção no Other.propiertes, que muda

# movement speed for strider and Wyvern

WyvernSpeed = 100

StriderSpeed = 80


#Allow the Wyvern manager located in every castle to train Wyverns and Striders from Hatchlings

AllowWyvernUpgrader = False


# If True, when effects of the same stack group are used, lesser

# effects will be canceled if stronger effects are used. New effects

# that are added will be canceled if they are of lesser priority to the old one.

# If False, they will not be canceled, and it will switch to them after the

# stronger one runs out, if the lesser one is still in effect.

CancelLesserEffect = True


# If you wish to disable the use of guards against aggressive monsters.

# Default is False.

AllowGuards = False


# If True, the following deep blue mobs' drop penalties will be applied:

# - When player's level is 9 times greater than mob's level, drops got divided by 3

# - After 9 lvl's of difference between player and deep blue mobs, drop chance is

# lowered by 9% each level that difference increases. (9lvls diff = -9%; 10lvls diff = -18%; ...)

# NOTE1: These rules are applied to both normal and sweep drops

# NOTE2: These rules ignores the server's rate when drop is of Adena type (Complies with retail server)

UseDeepBlueDropRules = True


# Inventory space limits

MaximumSlotsForNoDwarf = 300

MaximumSlotsForDwarf = 300

MaximumSlotsForGMPlayer = 300


# Warehouse space limits (Must be < 300 for prevent client crash)

# Dwarfs will get bonus from level 60

MaximumWarehouseSlotsForDwarf = 200

MaximumWarehouseSlotsForNoDwarf = 200

MaximumWarehouseSlotsForClan = 200

MaximumFreightSlots = 200


# % regeneration of normal regeneration speed

HpRegenMultiplier = 100

MpRegenMultiplier = 100

CpRegenMultiplier = 100


# % regeneration and defense for RaidBoss and their minions

RaidHpRegenMultiplier = 100

RaidMpRegenMultiplier = 100

RaidDefenceMultiplier = 300


#Configure Minimum and Maximum multiplier time between RaidBoss respawn.

#By Default 12Hours*1.0 for Minimum Time and 24Hours*1.0 for Maximum Time.

RaidMinRespawnMultiplier = 1.0

RaidMaxRespawnMultiplier = 1.0


# Minions respawn timer 300000 = 5 mins

RaidMinionRespawnTime = 300000


# Unstuck interval, seconds, default is 300 sec.

UnstuckInterval = 30


# Player Protection from (agro) mobs after getting up from fake death; in seconds, 0 for disabled

PlayerFakeDeathUpProtection = 0



# Set the first option here to one of the (auto, percentage, level, none).

# With "auto method" member is cut from Exp/SP distribution when his share is lower

# then party bonus acquired for him (30% for 2 member party)

# In that case he will not receive any Exp/SP from party and is not counted for party bonus

# The second option takes effect when "percentage" method is chosen. Don't use high values for this!

# The third option takes effect when "level" method is chosen. Don't use low values for this!

# If you don't want to have a cutoff point for party members' XP distribution,

# then just set the first option to "none". Defaults are: percentage , 3.0 , 30 ; respectively.

PartyXpCutoffMethod = auto

PartyXpCutoffPercent = 3.0

PartyXpCutoffLevel = 30


# Amount of HP, MP, and CP is restored

# Values are in percent of max

RespawnRestoreCP = 1000

RespawnRestoreHP = 1000

RespawnRestoreMP = 1000


# Allow random respawning in towns, based on a maximum random offset

# from the base respawn coordinates.

RespawnRandomInTown = True

RespawnRandomMaxOffset = 1


# Maximum number of allowed slots for Private Stores (sell/buy) for dwarves and for all other races

# Normally, dwarves get 5 slots for pvt stores, while other races get only 4

MaxPvtStoreSlotsDwarf = 5

MaxPvtStoreSlotsOther = 4


# Store buffs/debuffs other effects on user logout?

StoreSkillCooltime= True


# List of Skills that aren't allowed on RaidBosses

ForbiddenRaidSkills = 1064,100


# List of pet rent (Wyvern,Strider). etc: 111,222,333

ListPetRentNpc = 30827


# Announce to players the location of the Mammon NPCs during Seal Validation.

# Default is False.

AnnounceMammonSpawn = False


# Alt privileges for GMs based on command privileges

AltPrivilegesAdmin = False

AltPrivilegesSecureCheck = True

AltPrivilegesDefaultLevel = 100


# The way //admin panel looks can be "modern" or "classic"

# (default is modern while classic provides more compatibility)

GMAdminMenuStyle = modern

# Enable players to send in-game petitions.

PetitioningAllowed = True

# Total number of petitions to allow per player, per session.

MaxPetitionsPerPlayer = 5

# Total number of petitions pending, if more are submitted they will be rejected.

MaxPetitionsPending = 25



# Jail configuration -


# Jail is a PvP zone

JailIsPvp = True

# Disable all chat in jail (except normal one)

JailDisableChat = True



# Death Penalty chance if killed by mob (%)-


DeathPenaltyChance = 0



# Augmentation Skill chance (default=11) -


AugSkillChance = 11



# Soul Crystal Chances -


SoulCrystalBreakChance = 10

SoulCrystalLevelChance = 32

????????????? rsrsrs ?


Paysandu Sport Club, Terror Bicolor

"Em qualquer situação nunca deixarei de amar o mais vitorioso clube do norte do Brasil"

Castanhal / Pará

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# movement speed for strider and Wyvern

WyvernSpeed = 100

StriderSpeed = 80


#Allow the Wyvern manager located in every castle to train Wyverns and Striders from Hatchlings

AllowWyvernUpgrader = False


# If True, when effects of the same stack group are used, lesser

# effects will be canceled if stronger effects are used. New effects

# that are added will be canceled if they are of lesser priority to the old one.

# If False, they will not be canceled, and it will switch to them after the

# stronger one runs out, if the lesser one is still in effect.

CancelLesserEffect = True


# If you wish to disable the use of guards against aggressive monsters.

# Default is False.

AllowGuards = False


# If True, the following deep blue mobs' drop penalties will be applied:

# - When player's level is 9 times greater than mob's level, drops got divided by 3

# - After 9 lvl's of difference between player and deep blue mobs, drop chance is

# lowered by 9% each level that difference increases. (9lvls diff = -9%; 10lvls diff = -18%; ...)

# NOTE1: These rules are applied to both normal and sweep drops

# NOTE2: These rules ignores the server's rate when drop is of Adena type (Complies with retail server)

UseDeepBlueDropRules = True


# Inventory space limits

MaximumSlotsForNoDwarf = 300

MaximumSlotsForDwarf = 300

MaximumSlotsForGMPlayer = 300


# Warehouse space limits (Must be < 300 for prevent client crash)

# Dwarfs will get bonus from level 60

MaximumWarehouseSlotsForDwarf = 200

MaximumWarehouseSlotsForNoDwarf = 200

MaximumWarehouseSlotsForClan = 200

MaximumFreightSlots = 200


# % regeneration of normal regeneration speed

HpRegenMultiplier = 100

MpRegenMultiplier = 100

CpRegenMultiplier = 100


# % regeneration and defense for RaidBoss and their minions

RaidHpRegenMultiplier = 100

RaidMpRegenMultiplier = 100

RaidDefenceMultiplier = 300


#Configure Minimum and Maximum multiplier time between RaidBoss respawn.

#By Default 12Hours*1.0 for Minimum Time and 24Hours*1.0 for Maximum Time.

RaidMinRespawnMultiplier = 1.0

RaidMaxRespawnMultiplier = 1.0


# Minions respawn timer 300000 = 5 mins

RaidMinionRespawnTime = 300000


# Unstuck interval, seconds, default is 300 sec.

UnstuckInterval = 30


# Player Protection from (agro) mobs after getting up from fake death; in seconds, 0 for disabled

PlayerFakeDeathUpProtection = 0



# Set the first option here to one of the (auto, percentage, level, none).

# With "auto method" member is cut from Exp/SP distribution when his share is lower

# then party bonus acquired for him (30% for 2 member party)

# In that case he will not receive any Exp/SP from party and is not counted for party bonus

# The second option takes effect when "percentage" method is chosen. Don't use high values for this!

# The third option takes effect when "level" method is chosen. Don't use low values for this!

# If you don't want to have a cutoff point for party members' XP distribution,

# then just set the first option to "none". Defaults are: percentage , 3.0 , 30 ; respectively.

PartyXpCutoffMethod = auto

PartyXpCutoffPercent = 3.0

PartyXpCutoffLevel = 30


# Amount of HP, MP, and CP is restored

# Values are in percent of max

RespawnRestoreCP = 1000

RespawnRestoreHP = 1000

RespawnRestoreMP = 1000


# Allow random respawning in towns, based on a maximum random offset

# from the base respawn coordinates.

RespawnRandomInTown = True

RespawnRandomMaxOffset = 1


# Maximum number of allowed slots for Private Stores (sell/buy) for dwarves and for all other races

# Normally, dwarves get 5 slots for pvt stores, while other races get only 4

MaxPvtStoreSlotsDwarf = 5

MaxPvtStoreSlotsOther = 4


# Store buffs/debuffs other effects on user logout?

StoreSkillCooltime= True


# List of Skills that aren't allowed on RaidBosses

ForbiddenRaidSkills = 1064,100


# List of pet rent (Wyvern,Strider). etc: 111,222,333

ListPetRentNpc = 30827


# Announce to players the location of the Mammon NPCs during Seal Validation.

# Default is False.

AnnounceMammonSpawn = False


# Alt privileges for GMs based on command privileges

AltPrivilegesAdmin = False

AltPrivilegesSecureCheck = True

AltPrivilegesDefaultLevel = 100


# The way //admin panel looks can be "modern" or "classic"

# (default is modern while classic provides more compatibility)

GMAdminMenuStyle = modern

# Enable players to send in-game petitions.

PetitioningAllowed = True

# Total number of petitions to allow per player, per session.

MaxPetitionsPerPlayer = 5

# Total number of petitions pending, if more are submitted they will be rejected.

MaxPetitionsPending = 25



# Jail configuration -


# Jail is a PvP zone

JailIsPvp = True

# Disable all chat in jail (except normal one)

JailDisableChat = True



# Death Penalty chance if killed by mob (%)-


DeathPenaltyChance = 0



# Augmentation Skill chance (default=11) -


AugSkillChance = 11



# Soul Crystal Chances -


SoulCrystalBreakChance = 10

SoulCrystalLevelChance = 32

????????????? rsrsrs ?



Vá no altsettings esqueci que é L2JBrasil





Gameserve>Data>Stats ai vai esta lá a pasta Skill



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Metas: ( ) Aprender PHP , ( ) Aprender Java, ( ) Criar Servidor , ( ) Criar um Custom, ( ) Criar um Tutorial , ( ) Ajudar Alguém , ( ) Chegar a 500 post, ( ) Fazer um Pré Configurado

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Bom trabalho Caio, poderia me dizer como eu mudo aquele nome quando abro a system, [ Logar no Korix - Sair do Korix ] ,. e como bloquear pra cada classe só usar a arma certa, tipo Archer só usar Bown , porque tô com um paladino usando bown.. vlw mano, Aguardo resposta .

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