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Shiva Project

Goddess Of Destruction Chapter 2 -  Tauti


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Jdk 1.7:

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O conteúdo está oculto, favor efetuar login ou se cadastrar!


O conteúdo está oculto, favor efetuar login ou se cadastrar!



100% Open Source e sempre será.

Base: L2jtw


Este projecto ainda não está traduzido para inglês, mas esse é o primeiro objetivo.


Procuro quem mexa em sql, html, java

Quem quiser se juntar a mim é bem vindo.




MrNapz aKa Mardok - Core & Datapack

Diabinha - Datapack


Entre outros que espero que venham :)





Rev Compilada: Em breve.

Editado por mardok



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Opa. Tenta add mod de acentos nele que eu começo a traduzir umas HTML's :D.


Boa sorte com o projeto, gostei bastante!!!

Aew, quem curte MPB, dá uma olhadinha no Canal de minha amiga, lá ela publica covers semanalmente... Valeu!

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eu gostaria de ajudar nesse seu svn mais tipo cara depois isso não vai virar privado não ne caras estou ae disposto a ajudar com que eu puder manda pm ae posso ajudar com html e outras coisas possíveis java não e minha praia mais tento ajudar no que eu puder achando bugs essas coisas

L2-Vanquish 15x Grand Crusade - The Best Server Retail


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eu gostaria de ajudar nesse seu svn mais tipo cara depois isso não vai virar privado não ne caras estou ae disposto a ajudar com que eu puder manda pm ae posso ajudar com html e outras coisas possíveis java não e minha praia mais tento ajudar no que eu puder achando bugs essas coisas


Ok, aguarde pm.



Edit: svn limpo e organizado, vamos lá começar a trabalhar xD

Editado por mardok



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Parabéns mano pelo projeto so nao entro pq de java manjo nada.


Todos podem ajudar, todos aqueles que testarem a rev e encontrarem bugs já estão ajudando muito :)



Já estou a fazer upload dos html's traduzidos, se encontrarem algum comando que não esteja a funcionar reportem :)



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Todos podem ajudar, todos aqueles que testarem a rev e encontrarem bugs já estão ajudando muito :)


Já estou a fazer upload dos html's traduzidos, se encontrarem algum comando que não esteja a funcionar reportem :)

to sem cliente goddess, mais vou ajudar noque eu puder, //ADD (

O conteúdo está oculto, favor efetuar login ou se cadastrar!
) esse site ira ajudar a conseguir informações dos npcs, status, drops, (já testei, esta idêntico ao oficial), bem vou ver noq posso ajudar sem meu cliente e com uma net ridicula


<skill id="11517" levels="4" name="Horn Melody">

<table name="#pAtk"> 1.17 1.19 1.21 1.23 </table>

<table name="#mAtk"> 1.79 1.83 1.87 1.91 </table>

<table name="#mpConsume"> 140 151 170 181 </table>


<set name="reuseDelay" val="2000" />

<set name="hitTime" val="4000" />

<set name="magicLvl" val="85" />

<set name="skillType" val="BUFF" />

<set name="skillRadius" val="1000" />

<set name="isMagic" val="1" />

<set name="operateType" val="A1" />

<set name="castRange" val="400" />

<set name="effectRange" val="900" />

<set name="aggroPoints" val="583" />


<effect name="Buff" abnormalTime="1800" val="0" abnormalLvl="1" abnormalType="berserker">

<mul order="0x30" stat="pDef" val="1.15" />

<mul order="0x30" stat="pAtk" val="#pAtk" />

<mul order="0x30" stat="mAtk" val="#mAtk" />

<mul order="0x30" stat="mDef" val="1.30" />





(Fix for Horn Melody Skill) Acording to Official Server: Fix Target, Mpconsume per level, weapon required (ADM-Rafael) OBS: Não testei, mais deixei de acordo ao servidor oficial

Editado por ADM-Rafael
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mano esse ae ta como os outros o database installer não ta funcionando sei que e chato fazer tudo de novo base por base vc não teria ae o Backup

Eu tenho uma solução simples pra esse problema do database installer que causa tanto flood

Refazendo o database installer, vou fazer isso amanha, so não faço hoje porque ja é hora de dormir :P

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Complementando o que o @ADM-Rafael falou, todos os packs que eu via até hoje do Goddess tem a limitação de uso de buffs de Iss Enchanters para apenas Dual Sword, e isso é errado, pois no Oficial os buffs da classe podem ser usados usando-se qualquer tipo de arma.


Outra coisa, esse buff de Iss não funciona em Clan/Ally. De acordo com a descrição, é apenas em party...


Horn Melody Lv.4 - Increases party members P. Atk.+23%, P. Def.+15%, M. Atk.+91%, and M. Def.+30% for 30 minutes.


Apenas alguns buffs, como Celestial Aegis, afetam Clan Members.

Editado por Fahise
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Achei algumas coisas que talvez ajude.

Algumas instancias e pulos.

Se tradando de ser Tauti já poderia remover a TW e os spawns das catacumbas e necropolis e também remover o seven sings.



<!DOCTYPE list SYSTEM "instances.dtd">


<!-- Octavis - Normal Mode -->

<instance id="180" name="Octavis Catacomb" maxChannels="10" collapseIfEmpty="10" timelimit="120" dispelBuffs="true" respawn="60">

<collapse on-party-dismiss="true" timer="60"/>

<level min="95" max="99"/>

<party min="2" max="5"/>

<return loc="-178428 147061 2131"/> <!-- TODO[K]: RLC (HC) -->

<teleport loc="210548, 118712, -10020"/>

<remove itemId="0" count="0" necessary="false"/>

<give itemId="0" count="0"/>

<quest id="0"/>

<reuse resetReuse="30 6 * * 3,6" setUponEntry="false" sharedReuseGroup="4"/>


<door id="26210001" opened="true"/>

<door id="26210002" opened="true"/>



<zone name="[Octavis_epic]" active="true"/>








<door id="26210001" name="[Magmell_Orbis_S.B1F.Orbis_Passage_Door]" hp="150" pdef="1" mdef="1">

<pos x="208810" y="120575" z="-10023"/>

<shape ax="208792" ay="120693" bx="208789" by="120456" cx="208827" cy="120458" dx="208824" dy="120695" minz="-10034" maxz="-9034"/>

<set name="opened" value="false"/>

<set name="unlockable" value="false"/>

<set name="key" value="0"/>

<set name="show_hp" value="false"/>


<door id="26210002" name="[Magmell_Orbis_S.B1F.Orbis_Passage_Door]" hp="150" pdef="1" mdef="1">

<pos x="209356" y="120575" z="-10023"/>

<shape ax="209338" ay="120693" bx="209335" by="120456" cx="209373" cy="120458" dx="209370" dy="120695" minz="-10034" maxz="-9034"/>

<set name="opened" value="false"/>

<set name="unlockable" value="false"/>

<set name="key" value="0"/>

<set name="show_hp" value="false"/>







<!DOCTYPE list SYSTEM "instances.dtd">


<!-- Thx GodWorld, at this Instance(spawn) -->

<!-- Teredor -->

<instance id="160" name="Teredor Cavern" maxChannels="10" collapseIfEmpty="10" timelimit="120" dispelBuffs="true" respawn="60">

<collapse on-party-dismiss="true" timer="60"/>

<level min="85" max="90"/>

<party min="7" max="14"/>

<return loc="85772 -142527 -1336"/>

<teleport loc="186805 -173786 -3872"/>

<remove itemId="0" count="0" necessary="false"/>

<give itemId="0" count="0"/>

<quest id="0"/>

<reuse resetReuse="30 6 * * *" setUponEntry="false" sharedReuseGroup="0"/>

<!-- 33092 Amer -->

<spawn mobId="33092" type="point" respawn="0">

<coords loc="186767 -173841 -3872 215"/>



<!-- 19024 Beatle -->

<spawn mobId="19024" type="point" respawn="60">

<coords loc="184243 -181629 -3760 215"/>


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<coords loc="186599 -177587 -3568 1137"/>


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<coords loc="184756 -180661 -3720 43383"/>


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<coords loc="186972 -179108 -3568 0"/>


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<coords loc="186540 -179012 -3552 0"/>


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<coords loc="186764 -179044 -3552 0"/>


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<coords loc="184763 -179882 -3640 9616"/>


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<coords loc="180820 -184539 -3504 21368"/>


<spawn mobId="19024" type="point" respawn="60">

<coords loc="181309 -185648 -3504 10463"/>



<!-- 19023 Egg -->

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<coords loc="176603 -184975 -3800 0"/>


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<!-- 18997 Egg -->

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<!DOCTYPE list SYSTEM "instances.dtd">


<!-- Isthina - Normal Mode -->

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id id2 desc

14 1 u,В глубине Северного Леса\0

14 5 u,Объятия Тиминиэль\0

15 1 u,В глубине Южного Леса\0

15 9 u,Объятия Тиминиэль\0

18 23 u,Восточная Часть Сада\0

18 25 u,Южная Часть Сада\0

18 11 u,Сад с Фонтаном\0

18 13 u,Сад Афроса\0

18 4 u,Сад Афроса\0

18 19 u,Сад Афроса\0

18 15 u,Сад Афроса\0

18 5 u,Сад со Статуей Ангела\0

19 1 u,Сад Афроса\0

19 2 u,Сад Афроса\0

19 4 u,Выполнение\0

19 7 u,Сад с Фонтаном\0

19 11 u,Вход Сада Бытия\0

21 1 u,Кровавые Топи\0

21 7 u,Алтарь Зла\0

id id2 desc

14 1 a,Deep inside the Northern Forest\0

14 5 a,Arms of Timiniel\0

15 1 a,Deep inside the Southern Forest\0

15 9 a,Arms of Timiniel\0

18 23 a,East of the Garden\0

18 25 a,South of the Garden\0

18 11 a,Fountain Garden\0

18 13 a,Apherus Garden\0

18 4 a,Apherus Garden\0

18 19 a,Apherus Garden\0

18 15 a,Apherus Garden\0

18 5 a,Angel Statue Garden\0

19 1 a,Apherus Garden\0

19 2 a,Apherus Garden\0

19 4 a,Progress\0

19 7 a,Fountain Garden\0

19 11 a,Garden of Genesis Entrance\0

21 1 a,Bloody Swampland\0

21 7 a,Altar of Evil\0



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y="80560" z="1928">

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<!--В глубине Северного Леса-->

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<!--Объятия Тиминиэль-->

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<!--В глубине Северного Леса-->

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<!--Объятия Тиминиэль-->

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y="82800" z="1456">

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<!--В глубине Южного Леса-->

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<!--Объятия Тиминиэль-->

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<!--В глубине Южного Леса-->

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<!--Объятия Тиминиэль-->

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<!--Восточная Часть Сада-->

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<!--Южная Часть Сада-->


<!--Восточная Часть Сада-->

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<!--Сад с Фонтаном-->

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<!--Сад Афроса-->


<!--Сад с Фонтаном-->

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<!--Сад Афроса-->

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<!--Сад Афроса-->

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<!--Южная Часть Сада-->

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<!--Сад Афроса-->

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<!--Сад со Статуей Ангела-->


<!--Сад Афроса-->

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<!--Сад Афроса-->

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<!--Сад со Статуей Ангела-->

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<!--Сад Афроса-->

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<!--Сад Афроса-->

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<!--Сад Афроса-->

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<!--Сад с Фонтаном-->

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<!--Вход Сада Бытия-->


<!--Сад с Фонтаном-->

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<!--Вход Сада Бытия-->

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<!--Кровавые топи-->

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<!--Алтарь зла-->

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<!--Кровавые топи-->

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<!--Алтарь зла-->

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<point x="-175238" y="242801" z="2031" next_way_id="4"/>


<way id="4">

<point x="-172144" y="245589" z="2397" next_way_id="5"/>


<way id="5">

<point x="-173368" y="249680" z="2198" next_way_id="6"/>


<way id="6">

<point x="-170225" y="249979" z="2408" next_way_id="7"/>


<way id="7">

<point x="-172266" y="252408" z="1269" next_way_id="8"/>


<way id="8">

<point x="-170385" y="251797" z="778" next_way_id="9"/>


<way id="9">

<point x="-167861" y="253295" z="1770" next_way_id="10"/>


<way id="10">

<point x="-168406" y="255825" z="714" next_way_id="11"/>


<way id="11">

<point x="-166964" y="258460" z="170" next_way_id="12"/>


<way id="12">

<point x="-163173" y="255571" z="-301" next_way_id="13"/>


<way id="13">

<point x="-160496" y="256829" z="-990" next_way_id="14"/>


<way id="14">

<point x="-158959" y="254966" z="-477" next_way_id="15"/>


<way id="15">

<point x="-156214" y="255930" z="-761" next_way_id="16"/>


<way id="16">

<point x="-155227" y="253348" z="-1305" next_way_id="17"/>


<way id="17">

<point x="-152694" y="253517" z="-825" next_way_id="18"/>


<way id="18">

<point x="-150678" y="252758" z="-1369" next_way_id="19"/>


<way id="19">

<point x="-149482" y="253328" z="-120" next_way_id="-1"/>



<track id="34" name="Giran to Guillotine East Gate/Guillotine North Gate-" x="83964" y="147720" z="-3400">

<way id="0">

<point x="81756" y="148447" z="-3136" next_way_id="1"/>

<!--Guillotine East Gate-->

<point x="82884" y="146666" z="-2936" next_way_id="10"/>

<!--Guillotine North Gate-->

<point x="83951" y="147548" z="-3400" next_way_id="-1"/>



<!--Guillotine East Gate-->

<way id="1">

<point x="80668" y="148470" z="-2952" next_way_id="2"/>


<way id="2">

<point x="78580" y="148107" z="-2448" next_way_id="3"/>


<way id="3">

<point x="75786" y="150098" z="-2976" next_way_id="4"/>


<way id="4">

<point x="73158" y="151248" z="-2400" next_way_id="5"/>


<way id="5">

<point x="74529" y="154253" z="-2272" next_way_id="6"/>


<way id="6">

<point x="69588" y="153160" z="-2096" next_way_id="7"/>


<way id="7">

<point x="61029" y="156010" z="-1776" next_way_id="8"/>


<way id="8">

<point x="59874" y="154371" z="-2640" next_way_id="9"/>


<way id="9">

<point x="59874" y="154371" z="-2640" next_way_id="-1"/>


<!--Guillotine North Gate-->

<way id="10">

<point x="82054" y="145324" z="-2384" next_way_id="11"/>


<way id="11">

<point x="79742" y="145440" z="-2880" next_way_id="12"/>


<way id="12">

<point x="77639" y="143755" z="-3376" next_way_id="13"/>


<way id="13">

<point x="75335" y="142661" z="-3608" next_way_id="14"/>


<way id="14">

<point x="73213" y="141394" z="-3528" next_way_id="15"/>


<way id="15">

<point x="71292" y="141068" z="-3120" next_way_id="16"/>


<way id="16">

<point x="66851" y="138289" z="-2520" next_way_id="17"/>


<way id="17">

<point x="60557" y="131728" z="-1616" next_way_id="18"/>


<way id="18">

<point x="54395" y="137376" z="-2592" next_way_id="19"/>


<way id="19">

<point x="54395" y="137376" z="-2592" next_way_id="-1"/>






Editado por tuningxtreme

Projeto privado Lindvior - Ertheia

Source Godworld.

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Alguém tem como dar um parecer do andamento do desenvolvimento dessa revisão em relação ao Datapack, tipo itens, quests e etc?

Olha o Trac mano, e tambem o projeto ta baseado no L2JTW

Projeto privado Lindvior - Ertheia

Source Godworld.

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O meu primeiro objetivo é diferenciar-me doutros projectos que não estão em ingles, incluindo projetos privados em que são vendidos e nem sequer se encontram traduzidos para ingles.

São algumas centenas de ficheiros, por isso sejam pacientes que eu todos os dias vou upando novas traduções :P depois vamos ao resto.



Edit: 13 & 14 traduções.

O conteúdo está oculto, favor efetuar login ou se cadastrar!

O conteúdo está oculto, favor efetuar login ou se cadastrar!

Editado por mardok



Link para o comentário
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O meu primeiro objetivo é diferenciar-me doutros projectos que não estão em ingles, incluindo projetos privados em que são vendidos e nem sequer se encontram traduzidos para ingles.

São algumas centenas de ficheiros, por isso sejam pacientes que eu todos os dias vou upando novas traduções :P depois vamos ao resto.

Já estou fazendo o Database Installer novo, logo logo fica pronto

O conteúdo está oculto, favor efetuar login ou se cadastrar!

Ai o Database Installer, se tive algum erro avise :D

Editado por WolfLord-War
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O que eu for achando na net vou postando aqui pro projeto ficar completo.

Alem disso podemos pegar xmls de itens do initiative e do infinity.

Projeto privado Lindvior - Ertheia

Source Godworld.

Link para o comentário
Compartilhar em outros sites

O que eu for achando na net vou postando aqui pro projeto ficar completo.

Alem disso podemos pegar xmls de itens do initiative e do infinity.

As bases são diferentes, eu sou datapack developer posso ajudar a fazer as xml manualmente, pois a maioria dos itens da initiative e infinity estão imcompletos e bugados

Link para o comentário
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As bases são diferentes, eu sou datapack developer posso ajudar a fazer as xml manualmente, pois a maioria dos itens da initiative e infinity estão imcompletos e bugados


putssssssssss mais um........ agora todo noob edita uma porra xml ou html agora é tudo developer mexer com core e java que é bom nada...


pq n add ai

O conteúdo está oculto, favor efetuar login ou se cadastrar!


Protocol version: 479


Server Packets:


  1. 0x00: Die
  2. 0x01: Revive
  3. 0x02: AttackOutofRange
  4. 0x03: AttackinCoolTime
  5. 0x04: AttackDeadTarget
  6. 0x05: SpawnItem
  7. 0x06: SellList
  8. 0x07: BuyList
  9. 0x08: DeleteObject
  10. 0x09: CharacterSelectionInfo
  11. 0x0A: LoginFail
  12. 0x0B: CharacterSelected
  13. 0x0C: NpcInfo
  14. 0x0D: NewCharacterSuccess
  15. 0x0E: NewCharacterFail
  16. 0x0F: CharacterCreateSuccess
  17. 0x10: CharacterCreateFail
  18. 0x11: ItemList
  19. 0x12: SunRise
  20. 0x13: SunSet
  21. 0x14: TradeStart
  22. 0x15: TradeStartOk
  23. 0x16: DropItem
  24. 0x17: GetItem
  25. 0x18: StatusUpdate
  26. 0x19: NpcHtmlMessage
  27. 0x1A: TradeOwnAdd
  28. 0x1B: TradeOtherAdd
  29. 0x1C: TradeDone
  30. 0x1D: CharacterDeleteSuccess
  31. 0x1E: CharacterDeleteFail
  32. 0x1F: ActionFail
  33. 0x20: SeverClose
  34. 0x21: InventoryUpdate
  35. 0x22: TeleportToLocation
  36. 0x23: TargetSelected
  37. 0x24: TargetUnselected
  38. 0x25: AutoAttackStart
  39. 0x26: AutoAttackStop
  40. 0x27: SocialAction
  41. 0x28: ChangeMoveType
  42. 0x29: ChangeWaitType
  43. 0x2A: ManagePledgePower
  44. 0x2B: CreatePledge
  45. 0x2C: AskJoinPledge
  46. 0x2D: JoinPledge
  47. 0x2E: VersionCheck
  48. 0x2F: MTL
  49. 0x30: NS
  50. 0x31: CI
  51. 0x32: UI
  52. 0x33: Attack
  53. 0x34: WithdrawalPledge
  54. 0x35: OustPledgeMember
  55. 0x36: SetOustPledgeMember
  56. 0x37: DismissPledge
  57. 0x38: SetDismissPledge
  58. 0x39: AskJoinParty
  59. 0x3A: JoinParty
  60. 0x3B: WithdrawalParty
  61. 0x3C: OustPartyMember
  62. 0x3D: SetOustPartyMember
  63. 0x3E: DismissParty
  64. 0x3F: SetDismissParty
  65. 0x40: MagicAndSkillList
  66. 0x41: WareHouseDepositList
  67. 0x42: WareHouseWithdrawList
  68. 0x43: WareHouseDone
  69. 0x44: ShortCutRegister
  70. 0x45: ShortCutInit
  71. 0x46: ShortCutDelete
  72. 0x47: StopMove
  73. 0x48: MagicSkillUse
  74. 0x49: MagicSkillCanceled
  75. 0x4A: Say2
  76. 0x4B: EquipUpdate
  77. 0x4C: DoorInfo
  78. 0x4D: DoorStatusUpdate
  79. 0x4E: PartySmallWindowAll
  80. 0x4F: PartySmallWindowAdd
  81. 0x50: PartySmallWindowDeleteAll
  82. 0x51: PartySmallWindowDelete
  83. 0x52: PartySmallWindowUpdate
  84. 0x53: TradePressOwnOk
  85. 0x54: MagicSkillLaunched
  86. 0x55: FriendAddRequestResult
  87. 0x56: FriendAdd
  88. 0x57: FriendRemove
  89. 0x58: FriendList
  90. 0x59: FriendStatus
  91. 0x5A: PledgeShowMemberListAll
  92. 0x5B: PledgeShowMemberListUpdate
  93. 0x5C: PledgeShowMemberListAdd
  94. 0x5D: PledgeShowMemberListDelete
  95. 0x5E: MagicList
  96. 0x5F: SkillList
  97. 0x60: VehicleInfo
  98. 0x61: FinishRotating
  99. 0x62: SystemMessage
  100. 0x63: StartPledgeWar
  101. 0x64: ReplyStartPledgeWar
  102. 0x65: StopPledgeWar
  103. 0x66: ReplyStopPledgeWar
  104. 0x67: SurrenderPledgeWar
  105. 0x68: ReplySurrenderPledgeWar
  106. 0x69: SetPledgeCrest
  107. 0x6A: PledgeCrest
  108. 0x6B: SetupGauge
  109. 0x6C: VehicleDeparture
  110. 0x6D: VehicleCheckLocation
  111. 0x6E: GetOnVehicle
  112. 0x6F: GetOffVehicle
  113. 0x70: TradeRequest
  114. 0x71: RestartResponse
  115. 0x72: MoveToPawn
  116. 0x73: SSQInfo
  117. 0x74: GameGuardQuery
  118. 0x75: L2FriendList
  119. 0x76: L2Friend
  120. 0x77: L2FriendStatus
  121. 0x78: L2FriendSay
  122. 0x79: ValidateLocation
  123. 0x7A: StartRotating
  124. 0x7B: ShowBoard
  125. 0x7C: ChooseInventoryItem
  126. 0x7D: Dummy
  127. 0x7E: MoveToLocationInVehicle
  128. 0x7F: StopMoveInVehicle
  129. 0x80: ValidateLocationInVehicle
  130. 0x81: TradeUpdate
  131. 0x82: TradePressOtherOk
  132. 0x83: FriendAddRequest
  133. 0x84: LogOutOk
  134. 0x85: AbnormalStatusUpdate
  135. 0x86: QuestList
  136. 0x87: EnchantResult
  137. 0x88: PledgeShowMemberListDeleteAll
  138. 0x89: PledgeInfo
  139. 0x8A: PledgeExtendedInfo
  140. 0x8B: SurrenderPersonally
  141. 0x8C: Ride
  142. 0x8D: Dummy
  143. 0x8E: PledgeShowInfoUpdate
  144. 0x8F: ClientAction
  145. 0x90: AcquireSkillList
  146. 0x91: AcquireSkillInfo
  147. 0x92: ServerObjectInfo
  148. 0x93: GMHide
  149. 0x94: AcquireSkillDone
  150. 0x95: GMViewCharacterInfo
  151. 0x96: GMViewPledgeInfo
  152. 0x97: GMViewSkillInfo
  153. 0x98: GMViewMagicInfo
  154. 0x99: GMViewQuestInfo
  155. 0x9A: GMViewItemList
  156. 0x9B: GMViewWarehouseWithdrawList
  157. 0x9C: ListPartyWating
  158. 0x9D: PartyRoomInfo
  159. 0x9E: PlaySound
  160. 0x9F: StaticObject
  161. 0xA0: PrivateStoreManageList
  162. 0xA1: PrivateStoreList
  163. 0xA2: PrivateStoreMsg
  164. 0xA3: ShowMinimap
  165. 0xA4: ReviveRequest
  166. 0xA5: AbnormalVisualEffect
  167. 0xA6: TutorialShowHtml
  168. 0xA7: TutorialShowQuestionMark
  169. 0xA8: TutorialEnableClientEvent
  170. 0xA9: TutorialCloseHtml
  171. 0xAA: ShowRadar
  172. 0xAB: WithdrawAlliance
  173. 0xAC: OustAllianceMemberPledge
  174. 0xAD: DismissAlliance
  175. 0xAE: SetAllianceCrest
  176. 0xAF: AllianceCrest
  177. 0xB0: ServerCloseSocket
  178. 0xB1: PetStatusShow
  179. 0xB2: PetInfo
  180. 0xB3: PetItemList
  181. 0xB4: PetInventoryUpdate
  182. 0xB5: AllianceInfo
  183. 0xB6: PetStatusUpdate
  184. 0xB7: PetDelete
  185. 0xB8: DeleteRadar
  186. 0xB9: MyTargetSelected
  187. 0xBA: PartyMemberPosition
  188. 0xBB: AskJoinAlliance
  189. 0xBC: JoinAlliance
  190. 0xBD: PrivateStoreBuyManageList
  191. 0xBE: PrivateStoreBuyList
  192. 0xBF: PrivateStoreBuyMsg
  193. 0xC0: VehicleStart
  194. 0xC1: RequestTimeCheck
  195. 0xC2: StartAllianceWar
  196. 0xC3: ReplyStartAllianceWar
  197. 0xC4: StopAllianceWar
  198. 0xC5: ReplyStopAllianceWar
  199. 0xC6: SurrenderAllianceWar
  200. 0xC7: SkillCoolTime
  201. 0xC8: PackageToList
  202. 0xC9: CastleSiegeInfo
  203. 0xCA: CastleSiegeAttackerList
  204. 0xCB: CastleSiegeDefenderList
  205. 0xCC: NickNameChanged
  206. 0xCD: PledgeStatusChanged
  207. 0xCE: RelationChanged
  208. 0xCF: EventTrigger
  209. 0xD0: MultiSellList
  210. 0xD1: SetSummonRemainTime
  211. 0xD2: PackageSendableList
  212. 0xD3: EarthQuake
  213. 0xD4: FlyToLocation
  214. 0xD5: BlockList
  215. 0xD6: SpecialCamera
  216. 0xD7: NormalCamera
  217. 0xD8: SkillRemainSec
  218. 0xD9: NetPing
  219. 0xDA: Dice
  220. 0xDB: Snoop
  221. 0xDC: RecipeBookItemList
  222. 0xDD: RecipeItemMakeInfo
  223. 0xDE: RecipeShopManageList
  224. 0xDF: RecipeShopSellList
  225. 0xE0: RecipeShopItemInfo
  226. 0xE1: RecipeShopMsg
  227. 0xE2: ShowCalc
  228. 0xE3: MonRaceInfo
  229. 0xE4: HennaItemInfo
  230. 0xE5: HennaInfo
  231. 0xE6: HennaUnequipList
  232. 0xE7: HennaUnequipInfo
  233. 0xE8: MacroList
  234. 0xE9: BuyListSeed
  235. 0xEA: ShowTownMap
  236. 0xEB: ObserverStart
  237. 0xEC: ObserverEnd
  238. 0xED: ChairSit
  239. 0xEE: HennaEquipList
  240. 0xEF: SellListProcure
  241. 0xF0: GMHennaInfo
  242. 0xF1: RadarControl
  243. 0xF2: ClientSetTime
  244. 0xF3: ConfirmDlg
  245. 0xF4: PartySpelled
  246. 0xF5: ShopPreviewList
  247. 0xF6: ShopPreviewInfo
  248. 0xF7: CameraMode
  249. 0xF8: ShowXMasSeal
  250. 0xF9: EtcStatusUpdate
  251. 0xFA: ShortBuffStatusUpdate
  252. 0xFB: SSQStatus
  253. 0xFC: PetitionVote
  254. 0xFD: AgitDecoInfo
  255. 0xFE:0x00: Dummy
  256. 0xFE:0x01: ExDummy
  257. 0xFE:0x02: ExRegenMax
  258. 0xFE:0x03: ExEventMatchUserInfo
  259. 0xFE:0x04: ExColosseumFenceInfo
  260. 0xFE:0x05: ExEventMatchSpelledInfo
  261. 0xFE:0x06: ExEventMatchFirecracker
  262. 0xFE:0x07: ExEventMatchTeamUnlocked
  263. 0xFE:0x08: ExEventMatchGMTest
  264. 0xFE:0x09: ExPartyRoomMember
  265. 0xFE:0x0A: ExClosePartyRoom
  266. 0xFE:0x0B: ExManagePartyRoomMember
  267. 0xFE:0x0C: ExEventMatchLockResult
  268. 0xFE:0x0D: ExAutoSoulShot
  269. 0xFE:0x0E: ExEventMatchList
  270. 0xFE:0x0F: ExEventMatchObserver
  271. 0xFE:0x10: ExEventMatchMessage
  272. 0xFE:0x11: ExEventMatchScore
  273. 0xFE:0x12: ExServerPrimitive
  274. 0xFE:0x13: ExOpenMPCC
  275. 0xFE:0x14: ExCloseMPCC
  276. 0xFE:0x15: ExShowCastleInfo
  277. 0xFE:0x16: ExShowFortressInfo
  278. 0xFE:0x17: ExShowAgitInfo
  279. 0xFE:0x18: ExShowFortressSiegeInfo
  280. 0xFE:0x19: ExPartyPetWindowAdd
  281. 0xFE:0x1A: ExPartyPetWindowUpdate
  282. 0xFE:0x1B: ExAskJoinMPCC
  283. 0xFE:0x1C: ExPledgeEmblem
  284. 0xFE:0x1D: ExEventMatchTeamInfo
  285. 0xFE:0x1E: ExEventMatchCreate
  286. 0xFE:0x1F: ExFishingStart
  287. 0xFE:0x20: ExFishingEnd
  288. 0xFE:0x21: ExShowQuestInfo
  289. 0xFE:0x22: ExShowQuestMark
  290. 0xFE:0x23: ExSendManorList
  291. 0xFE:0x24: ExShowSeedInfo
  292. 0xFE:0x25: ExShowCropInfo
  293. 0xFE:0x26: ExShowManorDefaultInfo
  294. 0xFE:0x27: ExShowSeedSetting
  295. 0xFE:0x28: ExFishingStartCombat
  296. 0xFE:0x29: ExFishingHpRegen
  297. 0xFE:0x2A: ExEnchantSkillList
  298. 0xFE:0x2B: ExEnchantSkillInfo
  299. 0xFE:0x2C: ExShowCropSetting
  300. 0xFE:0x2D: ExShowSellCropList
  301. 0xFE:0x2E: ExOlympiadMatchEnd
  302. 0xFE:0x2F: ExMailArrived
  303. 0xFE:0x30: ExStorageMaxCount
  304. 0xFE:0x31: ExEventMatchManage
  305. 0xFE:0x32: ExMultiPartyCommandChannelInfo
  306. 0xFE:0x33: ExPCCafePointInfo
  307. 0xFE:0x34: ExSetCompassZoneCode
  308. 0xFE:0x35: ExGetBossRecord
  309. 0xFE:0x36: ExAskJoinPartyRoom
  310. 0xFE:0x37: ExListPartyMatchingWaitingRoom
  311. 0xFE:0x38: ExSetMpccRouting
  312. 0xFE:0x39: ExShowAdventurerGuideBook
  313. 0xFE:0x3A: ExShowScreenMessage
  314. 0xFE:0x3B: PledgeSkillList
  315. 0xFE:0x3C: PledgeSkillListAdd
  316. 0xFE:0x3D: PledgeSkillListRemove
  317. 0xFE:0x3E: PledgePowerGradeList
  318. 0xFE:0x3F: PledgeReceivePowerInfo
  319. 0xFE:0x40: PledgeReceiveMemberInfo
  320. 0xFE:0x41: PledgeReceiveWarList
  321. 0xFE:0x42: PledgeReceiveSubPledgeCreated
  322. 0xFE:0x43: ExRedSky
  323. 0xFE:0x44: PledgeReceiveUpdatePower
  324. 0xFE:0x45: FlySelfDestination
  325. 0xFE:0x46: ShowPCCafeCouponShowUI
  326. 0xFE:0x47: ExSearchOrc
  327. 0xFE:0x48: ExCursedWeaponList
  328. 0xFE:0x49: ExCursedWeaponLocation
  329. 0xFE:0x4A: ExRestartClient
  330. 0xFE:0x4B: ExRequestHackShield
  331. 0xFE:0x4C: ExUseSharedGroupItem
  332. 0xFE:0x4D: ExMPCCShowPartyMemberInfo
  333. 0xFE:0x4E: ExDuelAskStart
  334. 0xFE:0x4F: ExDuelReady
  335. 0xFE:0x50: ExDuelStart
  336. 0xFE:0x51: ExDuelEnd
  337. 0xFE:0x52: ExDuelUpdateUserInfo
  338. 0xFE:0x53: ExShowVariationMakeWindow
  339. 0xFE:0x54: ExShowVariationCancelWindow
  340. 0xFE:0x55: ExPutItemResultForVariationMake
  341. 0xFE:0x56: ExPutIntensiveResultForVariationMake
  342. 0xFE:0x57: ExPutCommissionResultForVariationMake
  343. 0xFE:0x58: ExVariationResult
  344. 0xFE:0x59: ExPutItemResultForVariationCancel
  345. 0xFE:0x5A: ExVariationCancelResult
  346. 0xFE:0x5B: ExDuelEnemyRelation
  347. 0xFE:0x5C: ExPlayAnimation
  348. 0xFE:0x5D: ExMPCCPartyInfoUpdate
  349. 0xFE:0x5E: ExPlayScene
  350. 0xFE:0x5F: ExSpawnEmitter
  351. 0xFE:0x60: ExEnchantSkillInfoDetail
  352. 0xFE:0x61: ExBasicActionList
  353. 0xFE:0x62: ExAirShipInfo
  354. 0xFE:0x63: ExAttributeEnchantResult
  355. 0xFE:0x64: ExChooseInventoryAttributeItem
  356. 0xFE:0x65: ExGetOnAirShip
  357. 0xFE:0x66: ExGetOffAirShip
  358. 0xFE:0x67: ExMoveToLocationAirShip
  359. 0xFE:0x68: ExStopMoveAirShip
  360. 0xFE:0x69: ExShowTrace
  361. 0xFE:0x6A: ExItemAuctionInfo
  362. 0xFE:0x6B: ExNeedToChangeName
  363. 0xFE:0x6C: ExPartyPetWindowDelete
  364. 0xFE:0x6D: ExTutorialList
  365. 0xFE:0x6E: ExRpItemLink
  366. 0xFE:0x6F: ExMoveToLocationInAirShip
  367. 0xFE:0x70: ExStopMoveInAirShip
  368. 0xFE:0x71: ExValidateLocationInAirShip
  369. 0xFE:0x72: ExUISetting
  370. 0xFE:0x73: ExMoveToTargetInAirShip
  371. 0xFE:0x74: ExAttackInAirShip
  372. 0xFE:0x75: ExMagicSkillUseInAirShip
  373. 0xFE:0x76: ExShowBaseAttributeCancelWindow
  374. 0xFE:0x77: ExBaseAttributeCancelResult
  375. 0xFE:0x78: ExSubPledgetSkillAdd
  376. 0xFE:0x79: ExResponseFreeServer
  377. 0xFE:0x7A: ExShowProcureCropDetail
  378. 0xFE:0x7B: ExHeroList
  379. 0xFE:0x7C: ExOlympiadUserInfo
  380. 0xFE:0x7D: ExOlympiadSpelledInfo
  381. 0xFE:0x7E: ExOlympiadMode
  382. 0xFE:0x7F: ExShowFortressMapInfo
  383. 0xFE:0x80: ExPVPMatchRecord
  384. 0xFE:0x81: ExPVPMatchUserDie
  385. 0xFE:0x82: ExPrivateStoreWholeMsg
  386. 0xFE:0x83: ExPutEnchantTargetItemResult
  387. 0xFE:0x84: ExPutEnchantSupportItemResult
  388. 0xFE:0x85: ExChangeNicknameNColor
  389. 0xFE:0x86: ExGetBookMarkInfo
  390. 0xFE:0x87: ExNotifyPremiumItem
  391. 0xFE:0x88: ExGetPremiumItemList
  392. 0xFE:0x89: ExPeriodicItemList
  393. 0xFE:0x8A: ExJumpToLocation
  394. 0xFE:0x8B: ExPVPMatchCCRecord
  395. 0xFE:0x8C: ExPVPMatchCCMyRecord
  396. 0xFE:0x8D: ExPVPMatchCCRetire
  397. 0xFE:0x8E: ExShowTerritory
  398. 0xFE:0x8F: ExNpcQuestHtmlMessage
  399. 0xFE:0x90: ExSendUIEvent
  400. 0xFE:0x91: ExNotifyBirthDay
  401. 0xFE:0x92: ExShowDominionRegistry
  402. 0xFE:0x93: ExReplyRegisterDominion
  403. 0xFE:0x94: ExReplyDominionInfo
  404. 0xFE:0x95: ExShowOwnthingPos
  405. 0xFE:0x96: ExCleftList
  406. 0xFE:0x97: ExCleftState
  407. 0xFE:0x98: ExDominionChannelSet
  408. 0xFE:0x99: ExBlockUpSetList
  409. 0xFE:0x9A: ExBlockUpSetState
  410. 0xFE:0x9B: ExStartScenePlayer
  411. 0xFE:0x9C: ExAirShipTeleportList
  412. 0xFE:0x9D: ExMpccRoomInfo
  413. 0xFE:0x9E: ExListMpccWaiting
  414. 0xFE:0x9F: ExDissmissMpccRoom
  415. 0xFE:0xA0: ExManageMpccRoomMember
  416. 0xFE:0xA1: ExMpccRoomMember
  417. 0xFE:0xA2: ExVitalityPointInfo
  418. 0xFE:0xA3: ExShowSeedMapInfo
  419. 0xFE:0xA4: ExMpccPartymasterList
  420. 0xFE:0xA5: ExDominionWarStart
  421. 0xFE:0xA6: ExDominionWarEnd
  422. 0xFE:0xA7: ExShowLines
  423. 0xFE:0xA8: ExPartyMemberRenamed
  424. 0xFE:0xA9: ExEnchantSkillResult
  425. 0xFE:0xAA: ExRefundList
  426. 0xFE:0xAB: ExNoticePostArrived
  427. 0xFE:0xAC: ExShowReceivedPostList
  428. 0xFE:0xAD: ExReplyReceivedPost
  429. 0xFE:0xAE: ExShowSentPostList
  430. 0xFE:0xAF: ExReplySentPost
  431. 0xFE:0xB0: ExResponseShowStepOne
  432. 0xFE:0xB1: ExResponseShowStepTwo
  433. 0xFE:0xB2: ExResponseShowContents
  434. 0xFE:0xB3: ExShowPetitionHtml
  435. 0xFE:0xB4: ExReplyPostItemList
  436. 0xFE:0xB5: ExChangePostState
  437. 0xFE:0xB6: ExReplyWritePost
  438. 0xFE:0xB7: ExInitializeSeed
  439. 0xFE:0xB8: ExRaidReserveResult
  440. 0xFE:0xB9: ExBuySellList
  441. 0xFE:0xBA: ExCloseRaidSocket
  442. 0xFE:0xBB: ExPrivateMarketList
  443. 0xFE:0xBC: ExRaidCharacterSelected
  444. 0xFE:0xBD: ExAskCoupleAction
  445. 0xFE:0xBE: ExBrBroadcastEventState
  446. 0xFE:0xBF: ExBR_LoadEventTopRankers
  447. 0xFE:0xC0: ExChangeNPCState
  448. 0xFE:0xC1: ExAskModifyPartyLooting
  449. 0xFE:0xC2: ExSetPartyLooting
  450. 0xFE:0xC3: ExRotation
  451. 0xFE:0xC4: ExChangeClientEffectInfo
  452. 0xFE:0xC5: ExMembershipInfo
  453. 0xFE:0xC6: ExReplyHandOverPartyMaster
  454. 0xFE:0xC7: ExQuestNpcLogList
  455. 0xFE:0xC8: ExQuestItemList
  456. 0xFE:0xC9: ExGMViewQuestItemList
  457. 0xFE:0xCA: ExResartResponse
  458. 0xFE:0xCB: ExVoteSystemInfo
  459. 0xFE:0xCC: ExShuttuleInfo
  460. 0xFE:0xCD: ExSuttleGetOn
  461. 0xFE:0xCE: ExSuttleGetOff
  462. 0xFE:0xCF: ExSuttleMove
  463. 0xFE:0xD0: ExMTLInSuttle
  464. 0xFE:0xD1: ExStopMoveInShuttle
  465. 0xFE:0xD2: ExValidateLocationInShuttle
  466. 0xFE:0xD3: ExAgitAuctionCmd
  467. 0xFE:0xD4: ExConfirmAddingPostFriend
  468. 0xFE:0xD5: ExReceiveShowPostFriend
  469. 0xFE:0xD6: ExReceiveOlympiad
  470. 0xFE:0xD7: ExBR_GamePoint
  471. 0xFE:0xD8: ExBR_ProductList
  472. 0xFE:0xD9: ExBR_ProductInfo
  473. 0xFE:0xDA: ExBR_BuyProduct
  474. 0xFE:0xDB: ExBR_PremiumState
  475. 0xFE:0xDC: ExBrExtraUserInfo
  476. 0xFE:0xDD: ExBrBuffEventState
  477. 0xFE:0xDE: ExBR_RecentProductList
  478. 0xFE:0xDF: ExBR_MinigameLoadScores
  479. 0xFE:0xE0: ExBR_AgathionEnergyInfo
  480. 0xFE:0xE1: ExShowChannelingEffect
  481. 0xFE:0xE2: ExGetCrystalizingEstimation
  482. 0xFE:0xE3: ExGetCrystalizingFail
  483. 0xFE:0xE4: ExNavitAdventPointInfo
  484. 0xFE:0xE5: ExNavitAdventEffect
  485. 0xFE:0xE6: ExNavitAdventTimeChange
  486. 0xFE:0xE7: ExAbnormalStatusUpdateFromTarget
  487. 0xFE:0xE8: ExStopScenePlayer
  488. 0xFE:0xE9: ExFlyMove
  489. 0xFE:0xEA: ExDynamicQuest
  490. 0xFE:0xEB: ExSubjobInfo
  491. 0xFE:0xEC: ExChangeMPCost
  492. 0xFE:0xED: ExFriendDetailInfo
  493. 0xFE:0xEE: ExBlockAddResult
  494. 0xFE:0xEF: ExBlockRemoveResult
  495. 0xFE:0xF0: ExBlockDefailInfo
  496. 0xFE:0xF1: ExLoadInzonePartyHistory
  497. 0xFE:0xF2: ExFriendNotifyNameChange
  498. 0xFE:0xF3: ExShowCommission
  499. 0xFE:0xF4: ExResponseCommissionItemList
  500. 0xFE:0xF5: ExResponseCommissionInfo
  501. 0xFE:0xF6: ExResponseCommissionRegister
  502. 0xFE:0xF7: ExResponseCommissionDelete
  503. 0xFE:0xF8: ExResponseCommissionList
  504. 0xFE:0xF9: ExResponseCommissionBuyInfo
  505. 0xFE:0xFA: ExResponseCommissionBuyItem
  506. 0xFE:0xFB: ExAcquirableSkillListByClass
  507. 0xFE:0xFC: ExMagicAttackInfo
  508. 0xFE:0xFD: ExAcquireSkillInfo
  509. 0xFE:0xFE: ExNewSkillToLearnByLevelUp
  510. 0xFE:0xFF: ExCallToChangeClass
  511. 0xFE:0x100: ExChangeToAwakenedClass
  512. 0xFE:0x101: ExTacticalSign
  513. 0xFE:0x102: ExLoadStatWorldRank
  514. 0xFE:0x103: ExLoadStatUser
  515. 0xFE:0x104: ExLoadStatHotLink
  516. 0xFE:0x105: ExWaitWaitingSubStituteInfo
  517. 0xFE:0x106: ExRegistWaitingSubstituteOk
  518. 0xFE:0x107: ExRegistPartySubstitute
  519. 0xFE:0x108: ExDeletePartySubstitute
  520. 0xFE:0x109: ExTimeOverPartySubstitute
  521. 0xFE:0x10A: ExGet24HzSessionID
  522. 0xFE:0x10B: Ex2NDPasswordCheck
  523. 0xFE:0x10C: Ex2NDPasswordVerify
  524. 0xFE:0x10D: Ex2NDPasswordAck
  525. 0xFE:0x10E: ExFlyMoveBroadcast
  526. 0xFE:0x10F: ExShowUsm
  527. 0xFE:0x110: ExShowStatPage
  528. 0xFE:0x111: ExIsCharNameCreatable
  529. 0xFE:0x112: ExGoodsInventoryChangedNoti
  530. 0xFE:0x113: ExGoodsInventoryInfo
  531. 0xFE:0x114: ExGoodsInventoryResult
  532. 0xFE:0x115: ExAlterSkillRequest
  533. 0xFE:0x116: ExNotifyFlyMoveStart
  534. 0xFE:0x117: ExDummy
  535. 0xFE:0x118: ExCloseCommission
  536. 0xFE:0x119: ExChangeAttributeItemList
  537. 0xFE:0x11A: ExChangeAttributeInfo
  538. 0xFE:0x11B: ExChangeAttributeOk
  539. 0xFE:0x11C: ExChangeAttributeFail
  540. 0xFE:0x11D: ExExchangeSubstitute
  541. 0xFE:0x11E: ExLightingCandleEvent
  542. 0xFE:0x11F: ExVitalityEffectInfo
  543. 0xFE:0x120: ExLoginVitalityEffectInfo
  544. 0xFE:0x121: ExBR_PresentBuyProduct
  545. 0xFE:0x122: ExMentorList
  546. 0xFE:0x123: ExMentorAdd
  547. 0xFE:0x124: ListMenteeWaiting
  548. 0xFE:0x125: ExInzoneWaitingInfo
  549. 0xFE:0x126: ExCuriousHouseState
  550. 0xFE:0x127: ExCuriousHouseEnter
  551. 0xFE:0x128: ExCuriousHouseLeave
  552. 0xFE:0x129: ExCuriousHouseMemberList
  553. 0xFE:0x12A: ExCuriousHouseMemberUpdate
  554. 0xFE:0x12B: ExCuriousHouseRemainTime
  555. 0xFE:0x12C: ExCuriousHouseResult
  556. 0xFE:0x12D: ExCuriousHouseObserveList
  557. 0xFE:0x12E: ExCuriousHouseObserveMode
  558. 0xFE:0x12F: ExSysstring
  559. 0xFE:0x130: ExChoose_Shape_Shifting_Item
  560. 0xFE:0x131: ExPut_Shape_Shifting_Target_Item_Result
  561. 0xFE:0x132: ExPut_Shape_Shifting_Extraction_Item_Result
  562. 0xFE:0x133: ExShape_Shifting_Result
  563. 0xFE:0x134: ExCastleState
  564. 0xFE:0x135: ExNCGuardReceiveDataFromServer
  565. 0xFE:0x136: ExKalieEvent
  566. 0xFE:0x137: ExPledgeUnionState
  567. 0xFE:0x138: ExPledgeUnionFlow
  568. 0xFE:0x139: ExPledgeUnionStateInfo
  569. 0xFE:0x13A: ExUnionPoint
  570. 0xFE:0x13B: ExKalieEventJackpotUser
  571. 0xFE:0x13C: ExAbnormalVisualEffectInfo
  572. 0xFE:0x13D: ExCheck_SpeedHack
  573. 0xFE:0x13E: ExBR_NewIConCashBtnWnd
  574. 0xFE:0x13F: ExEvent_Campaign_Info
  575. 0xFE:0x140: ExValidateActiveCharacter
  576. 0xFE:0x141: ExCloseCommissionRegiste





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Projeto privado Lindvior - Ertheia

Source Godworld.

Ertheia -- >

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putssssssssss mais um........ agora todo noob edita uma porra xml ou html agora é tudo developer mexer com core e java que é bom nada...



pq n add ai

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Protocol version: 479


Server Packets:

  1. 0x00: Die
  2. 0x01: Revive
  3. 0x02: AttackOutofRange
  4. 0x03: AttackinCoolTime
  5. 0x04: AttackDeadTarget
  6. 0x05: SpawnItem
  7. 0x06: SellList
  8. 0x07: BuyList
  9. 0x08: DeleteObject
  10. 0x09: CharacterSelectionInfo
  11. 0x0A: LoginFail
  12. 0x0B: CharacterSelected
  13. 0x0C: NpcInfo
  14. 0x0D: NewCharacterSuccess
  15. 0x0E: NewCharacterFail
  16. 0x0F: CharacterCreateSuccess
  17. 0x10: CharacterCreateFail
  18. 0x11: ItemList
  19. 0x12: SunRise
  20. 0x13: SunSet
  21. 0x14: TradeStart
  22. 0x15: TradeStartOk
  23. 0x16: DropItem
  24. 0x17: GetItem
  25. 0x18: StatusUpdate
  26. 0x19: NpcHtmlMessage
  27. 0x1A: TradeOwnAdd
  28. 0x1B: TradeOtherAdd
  29. 0x1C: TradeDone
  30. 0x1D: CharacterDeleteSuccess
  31. 0x1E: CharacterDeleteFail
  32. 0x1F: ActionFail
  33. 0x20: SeverClose
  34. 0x21: InventoryUpdate
  35. 0x22: TeleportToLocation
  36. 0x23: TargetSelected
  37. 0x24: TargetUnselected
  38. 0x25: AutoAttackStart
  39. 0x26: AutoAttackStop
  40. 0x27: SocialAction
  41. 0x28: ChangeMoveType
  42. 0x29: ChangeWaitType
  43. 0x2A: ManagePledgePower
  44. 0x2B: CreatePledge
  45. 0x2C: AskJoinPledge
  46. 0x2D: JoinPledge
  47. 0x2E: VersionCheck
  48. 0x2F: MTL
  49. 0x30: NS
  50. 0x31: CI
  51. 0x32: UI
  52. 0x33: Attack
  53. 0x34: WithdrawalPledge
  54. 0x35: OustPledgeMember
  55. 0x36: SetOustPledgeMember
  56. 0x37: DismissPledge
  57. 0x38: SetDismissPledge
  58. 0x39: AskJoinParty
  59. 0x3A: JoinParty
  60. 0x3B: WithdrawalParty
  61. 0x3C: OustPartyMember
  62. 0x3D: SetOustPartyMember
  63. 0x3E: DismissParty
  64. 0x3F: SetDismissParty
  65. 0x40: MagicAndSkillList
  66. 0x41: WareHouseDepositList
  67. 0x42: WareHouseWithdrawList
  68. 0x43: WareHouseDone
  69. 0x44: ShortCutRegister
  70. 0x45: ShortCutInit
  71. 0x46: ShortCutDelete
  72. 0x47: StopMove
  73. 0x48: MagicSkillUse
  74. 0x49: MagicSkillCanceled
  75. 0x4A: Say2
  76. 0x4B: EquipUpdate
  77. 0x4C: DoorInfo
  78. 0x4D: DoorStatusUpdate
  79. 0x4E: PartySmallWindowAll
  80. 0x4F: PartySmallWindowAdd
  81. 0x50: PartySmallWindowDeleteAll
  82. 0x51: PartySmallWindowDelete
  83. 0x52: PartySmallWindowUpdate
  84. 0x53: TradePressOwnOk
  85. 0x54: MagicSkillLaunched
  86. 0x55: FriendAddRequestResult
  87. 0x56: FriendAdd
  88. 0x57: FriendRemove
  89. 0x58: FriendList
  90. 0x59: FriendStatus
  91. 0x5A: PledgeShowMemberListAll
  92. 0x5B: PledgeShowMemberListUpdate
  93. 0x5C: PledgeShowMemberListAdd
  94. 0x5D: PledgeShowMemberListDelete
  95. 0x5E: MagicList
  96. 0x5F: SkillList
  97. 0x60: VehicleInfo
  98. 0x61: FinishRotating
  99. 0x62: SystemMessage
  100. 0x63: StartPledgeWar
  101. 0x64: ReplyStartPledgeWar
  102. 0x65: StopPledgeWar
  103. 0x66: ReplyStopPledgeWar
  104. 0x67: SurrenderPledgeWar
  105. 0x68: ReplySurrenderPledgeWar
  106. 0x69: SetPledgeCrest
  107. 0x6A: PledgeCrest
  108. 0x6B: SetupGauge
  109. 0x6C: VehicleDeparture
  110. 0x6D: VehicleCheckLocation
  111. 0x6E: GetOnVehicle
  112. 0x6F: GetOffVehicle
  113. 0x70: TradeRequest
  114. 0x71: RestartResponse
  115. 0x72: MoveToPawn
  116. 0x73: SSQInfo
  117. 0x74: GameGuardQuery
  118. 0x75: L2FriendList
  119. 0x76: L2Friend
  120. 0x77: L2FriendStatus
  121. 0x78: L2FriendSay
  122. 0x79: ValidateLocation
  123. 0x7A: StartRotating
  124. 0x7B: ShowBoard
  125. 0x7C: ChooseInventoryItem
  126. 0x7D: Dummy
  127. 0x7E: MoveToLocationInVehicle
  128. 0x7F: StopMoveInVehicle
  129. 0x80: ValidateLocationInVehicle
  130. 0x81: TradeUpdate
  131. 0x82: TradePressOtherOk
  132. 0x83: FriendAddRequest
  133. 0x84: LogOutOk
  134. 0x85: AbnormalStatusUpdate
  135. 0x86: QuestList
  136. 0x87: EnchantResult
  137. 0x88: PledgeShowMemberListDeleteAll
  138. 0x89: PledgeInfo
  139. 0x8A: PledgeExtendedInfo
  140. 0x8B: SurrenderPersonally
  141. 0x8C: Ride
  142. 0x8D: Dummy
  143. 0x8E: PledgeShowInfoUpdate
  144. 0x8F: ClientAction
  145. 0x90: AcquireSkillList
  146. 0x91: AcquireSkillInfo
  147. 0x92: ServerObjectInfo
  148. 0x93: GMHide
  149. 0x94: AcquireSkillDone
  150. 0x95: GMViewCharacterInfo
  151. 0x96: GMViewPledgeInfo
  152. 0x97: GMViewSkillInfo
  153. 0x98: GMViewMagicInfo
  154. 0x99: GMViewQuestInfo
  155. 0x9A: GMViewItemList
  156. 0x9B: GMViewWarehouseWithdrawList
  157. 0x9C: ListPartyWating
  158. 0x9D: PartyRoomInfo
  159. 0x9E: PlaySound
  160. 0x9F: StaticObject
  161. 0xA0: PrivateStoreManageList
  162. 0xA1: PrivateStoreList
  163. 0xA2: PrivateStoreMsg
  164. 0xA3: ShowMinimap
  165. 0xA4: ReviveRequest
  166. 0xA5: AbnormalVisualEffect
  167. 0xA6: TutorialShowHtml
  168. 0xA7: TutorialShowQuestionMark
  169. 0xA8: TutorialEnableClientEvent
  170. 0xA9: TutorialCloseHtml
  171. 0xAA: ShowRadar
  172. 0xAB: WithdrawAlliance
  173. 0xAC: OustAllianceMemberPledge
  174. 0xAD: DismissAlliance
  175. 0xAE: SetAllianceCrest
  176. 0xAF: AllianceCrest
  177. 0xB0: ServerCloseSocket
  178. 0xB1: PetStatusShow
  179. 0xB2: PetInfo
  180. 0xB3: PetItemList
  181. 0xB4: PetInventoryUpdate
  182. 0xB5: AllianceInfo
  183. 0xB6: PetStatusUpdate
  184. 0xB7: PetDelete
  185. 0xB8: DeleteRadar
  186. 0xB9: MyTargetSelected
  187. 0xBA: PartyMemberPosition
  188. 0xBB: AskJoinAlliance
  189. 0xBC: JoinAlliance
  190. 0xBD: PrivateStoreBuyManageList
  191. 0xBE: PrivateStoreBuyList
  192. 0xBF: PrivateStoreBuyMsg
  193. 0xC0: VehicleStart
  194. 0xC1: RequestTimeCheck
  195. 0xC2: StartAllianceWar
  196. 0xC3: ReplyStartAllianceWar
  197. 0xC4: StopAllianceWar
  198. 0xC5: ReplyStopAllianceWar
  199. 0xC6: SurrenderAllianceWar
  200. 0xC7: SkillCoolTime
  201. 0xC8: PackageToList
  202. 0xC9: CastleSiegeInfo
  203. 0xCA: CastleSiegeAttackerList
  204. 0xCB: CastleSiegeDefenderList
  205. 0xCC: NickNameChanged
  206. 0xCD: PledgeStatusChanged
  207. 0xCE: RelationChanged
  208. 0xCF: EventTrigger
  209. 0xD0: MultiSellList
  210. 0xD1: SetSummonRemainTime
  211. 0xD2: PackageSendableList
  212. 0xD3: EarthQuake
  213. 0xD4: FlyToLocation
  214. 0xD5: BlockList
  215. 0xD6: SpecialCamera
  216. 0xD7: NormalCamera
  217. 0xD8: SkillRemainSec
  218. 0xD9: NetPing
  219. 0xDA: Dice
  220. 0xDB: Snoop
  221. 0xDC: RecipeBookItemList
  222. 0xDD: RecipeItemMakeInfo
  223. 0xDE: RecipeShopManageList
  224. 0xDF: RecipeShopSellList
  225. 0xE0: RecipeShopItemInfo
  226. 0xE1: RecipeShopMsg
  227. 0xE2: ShowCalc
  228. 0xE3: MonRaceInfo
  229. 0xE4: HennaItemInfo
  230. 0xE5: HennaInfo
  231. 0xE6: HennaUnequipList
  232. 0xE7: HennaUnequipInfo
  233. 0xE8: MacroList
  234. 0xE9: BuyListSeed
  235. 0xEA: ShowTownMap
  236. 0xEB: ObserverStart
  237. 0xEC: ObserverEnd
  238. 0xED: ChairSit
  239. 0xEE: HennaEquipList
  240. 0xEF: SellListProcure
  241. 0xF0: GMHennaInfo
  242. 0xF1: RadarControl
  243. 0xF2: ClientSetTime
  244. 0xF3: ConfirmDlg
  245. 0xF4: PartySpelled
  246. 0xF5: ShopPreviewList
  247. 0xF6: ShopPreviewInfo
  248. 0xF7: CameraMode
  249. 0xF8: ShowXMasSeal
  250. 0xF9: EtcStatusUpdate
  251. 0xFA: ShortBuffStatusUpdate
  252. 0xFB: SSQStatus
  253. 0xFC: PetitionVote
  254. 0xFD: AgitDecoInfo
  255. 0xFE:0x00: Dummy
  256. 0xFE:0x01: ExDummy
  257. 0xFE:0x02: ExRegenMax
  258. 0xFE:0x03: ExEventMatchUserInfo
  259. 0xFE:0x04: ExColosseumFenceInfo
  260. 0xFE:0x05: ExEventMatchSpelledInfo
  261. 0xFE:0x06: ExEventMatchFirecracker
  262. 0xFE:0x07: ExEventMatchTeamUnlocked
  263. 0xFE:0x08: ExEventMatchGMTest
  264. 0xFE:0x09: ExPartyRoomMember
  265. 0xFE:0x0A: ExClosePartyRoom
  266. 0xFE:0x0B: ExManagePartyRoomMember
  267. 0xFE:0x0C: ExEventMatchLockResult
  268. 0xFE:0x0D: ExAutoSoulShot
  269. 0xFE:0x0E: ExEventMatchList
  270. 0xFE:0x0F: ExEventMatchObserver
  271. 0xFE:0x10: ExEventMatchMessage
  272. 0xFE:0x11: ExEventMatchScore
  273. 0xFE:0x12: ExServerPrimitive
  274. 0xFE:0x13: ExOpenMPCC
  275. 0xFE:0x14: ExCloseMPCC
  276. 0xFE:0x15: ExShowCastleInfo
  277. 0xFE:0x16: ExShowFortressInfo
  278. 0xFE:0x17: ExShowAgitInfo
  279. 0xFE:0x18: ExShowFortressSiegeInfo
  280. 0xFE:0x19: ExPartyPetWindowAdd
  281. 0xFE:0x1A: ExPartyPetWindowUpdate
  282. 0xFE:0x1B: ExAskJoinMPCC
  283. 0xFE:0x1C: ExPledgeEmblem
  284. 0xFE:0x1D: ExEventMatchTeamInfo
  285. 0xFE:0x1E: ExEventMatchCreate
  286. 0xFE:0x1F: ExFishingStart
  287. 0xFE:0x20: ExFishingEnd
  288. 0xFE:0x21: ExShowQuestInfo
  289. 0xFE:0x22: ExShowQuestMark
  290. 0xFE:0x23: ExSendManorList
  291. 0xFE:0x24: ExShowSeedInfo
  292. 0xFE:0x25: ExShowCropInfo
  293. 0xFE:0x26: ExShowManorDefaultInfo
  294. 0xFE:0x27: ExShowSeedSetting
  295. 0xFE:0x28: ExFishingStartCombat
  296. 0xFE:0x29: ExFishingHpRegen
  297. 0xFE:0x2A: ExEnchantSkillList
  298. 0xFE:0x2B: ExEnchantSkillInfo
  299. 0xFE:0x2C: ExShowCropSetting
  300. 0xFE:0x2D: ExShowSellCropList
  301. 0xFE:0x2E: ExOlympiadMatchEnd
  302. 0xFE:0x2F: ExMailArrived
  303. 0xFE:0x30: ExStorageMaxCount
  304. 0xFE:0x31: ExEventMatchManage
  305. 0xFE:0x32: ExMultiPartyCommandChannelInfo
  306. 0xFE:0x33: ExPCCafePointInfo
  307. 0xFE:0x34: ExSetCompassZoneCode
  308. 0xFE:0x35: ExGetBossRecord
  309. 0xFE:0x36: ExAskJoinPartyRoom
  310. 0xFE:0x37: ExListPartyMatchingWaitingRoom
  311. 0xFE:0x38: ExSetMpccRouting
  312. 0xFE:0x39: ExShowAdventurerGuideBook
  313. 0xFE:0x3A: ExShowScreenMessage
  314. 0xFE:0x3B: PledgeSkillList
  315. 0xFE:0x3C: PledgeSkillListAdd
  316. 0xFE:0x3D: PledgeSkillListRemove
  317. 0xFE:0x3E: PledgePowerGradeList
  318. 0xFE:0x3F: PledgeReceivePowerInfo
  319. 0xFE:0x40: PledgeReceiveMemberInfo
  320. 0xFE:0x41: PledgeReceiveWarList
  321. 0xFE:0x42: PledgeReceiveSubPledgeCreated
  322. 0xFE:0x43: ExRedSky
  323. 0xFE:0x44: PledgeReceiveUpdatePower
  324. 0xFE:0x45: FlySelfDestination
  325. 0xFE:0x46: ShowPCCafeCouponShowUI
  326. 0xFE:0x47: ExSearchOrc
  327. 0xFE:0x48: ExCursedWeaponList
  328. 0xFE:0x49: ExCursedWeaponLocation
  329. 0xFE:0x4A: ExRestartClient
  330. 0xFE:0x4B: ExRequestHackShield
  331. 0xFE:0x4C: ExUseSharedGroupItem
  332. 0xFE:0x4D: ExMPCCShowPartyMemberInfo
  333. 0xFE:0x4E: ExDuelAskStart
  334. 0xFE:0x4F: ExDuelReady
  335. 0xFE:0x50: ExDuelStart
  336. 0xFE:0x51: ExDuelEnd
  337. 0xFE:0x52: ExDuelUpdateUserInfo
  338. 0xFE:0x53: ExShowVariationMakeWindow
  339. 0xFE:0x54: ExShowVariationCancelWindow
  340. 0xFE:0x55: ExPutItemResultForVariationMake
  341. 0xFE:0x56: ExPutIntensiveResultForVariationMake
  342. 0xFE:0x57: ExPutCommissionResultForVariationMake
  343. 0xFE:0x58: ExVariationResult
  344. 0xFE:0x59: ExPutItemResultForVariationCancel
  345. 0xFE:0x5A: ExVariationCancelResult
  346. 0xFE:0x5B: ExDuelEnemyRelation
  347. 0xFE:0x5C: ExPlayAnimation
  348. 0xFE:0x5D: ExMPCCPartyInfoUpdate
  349. 0xFE:0x5E: ExPlayScene
  350. 0xFE:0x5F: ExSpawnEmitter
  351. 0xFE:0x60: ExEnchantSkillInfoDetail
  352. 0xFE:0x61: ExBasicActionList
  353. 0xFE:0x62: ExAirShipInfo
  354. 0xFE:0x63: ExAttributeEnchantResult
  355. 0xFE:0x64: ExChooseInventoryAttributeItem
  356. 0xFE:0x65: ExGetOnAirShip
  357. 0xFE:0x66: ExGetOffAirShip
  358. 0xFE:0x67: ExMoveToLocationAirShip
  359. 0xFE:0x68: ExStopMoveAirShip
  360. 0xFE:0x69: ExShowTrace
  361. 0xFE:0x6A: ExItemAuctionInfo
  362. 0xFE:0x6B: ExNeedToChangeName
  363. 0xFE:0x6C: ExPartyPetWindowDelete
  364. 0xFE:0x6D: ExTutorialList
  365. 0xFE:0x6E: ExRpItemLink
  366. 0xFE:0x6F: ExMoveToLocationInAirShip
  367. 0xFE:0x70: ExStopMoveInAirShip
  368. 0xFE:0x71: ExValidateLocationInAirShip
  369. 0xFE:0x72: ExUISetting
  370. 0xFE:0x73: ExMoveToTargetInAirShip
  371. 0xFE:0x74: ExAttackInAirShip
  372. 0xFE:0x75: ExMagicSkillUseInAirShip
  373. 0xFE:0x76: ExShowBaseAttributeCancelWindow
  374. 0xFE:0x77: ExBaseAttributeCancelResult
  375. 0xFE:0x78: ExSubPledgetSkillAdd
  376. 0xFE:0x79: ExResponseFreeServer
  377. 0xFE:0x7A: ExShowProcureCropDetail
  378. 0xFE:0x7B: ExHeroList
  379. 0xFE:0x7C: ExOlympiadUserInfo
  380. 0xFE:0x7D: ExOlympiadSpelledInfo
  381. 0xFE:0x7E: ExOlympiadMode
  382. 0xFE:0x7F: ExShowFortressMapInfo
  383. 0xFE:0x80: ExPVPMatchRecord
  384. 0xFE:0x81: ExPVPMatchUserDie
  385. 0xFE:0x82: ExPrivateStoreWholeMsg
  386. 0xFE:0x83: ExPutEnchantTargetItemResult
  387. 0xFE:0x84: ExPutEnchantSupportItemResult
  388. 0xFE:0x85: ExChangeNicknameNColor
  389. 0xFE:0x86: ExGetBookMarkInfo
  390. 0xFE:0x87: ExNotifyPremiumItem
  391. 0xFE:0x88: ExGetPremiumItemList
  392. 0xFE:0x89: ExPeriodicItemList
  393. 0xFE:0x8A: ExJumpToLocation
  394. 0xFE:0x8B: ExPVPMatchCCRecord
  395. 0xFE:0x8C: ExPVPMatchCCMyRecord
  396. 0xFE:0x8D: ExPVPMatchCCRetire
  397. 0xFE:0x8E: ExShowTerritory
  398. 0xFE:0x8F: ExNpcQuestHtmlMessage
  399. 0xFE:0x90: ExSendUIEvent
  400. 0xFE:0x91: ExNotifyBirthDay
  401. 0xFE:0x92: ExShowDominionRegistry
  402. 0xFE:0x93: ExReplyRegisterDominion
  403. 0xFE:0x94: ExReplyDominionInfo
  404. 0xFE:0x95: ExShowOwnthingPos
  405. 0xFE:0x96: ExCleftList
  406. 0xFE:0x97: ExCleftState
  407. 0xFE:0x98: ExDominionChannelSet
  408. 0xFE:0x99: ExBlockUpSetList
  409. 0xFE:0x9A: ExBlockUpSetState
  410. 0xFE:0x9B: ExStartScenePlayer
  411. 0xFE:0x9C: ExAirShipTeleportList
  412. 0xFE:0x9D: ExMpccRoomInfo
  413. 0xFE:0x9E: ExListMpccWaiting
  414. 0xFE:0x9F: ExDissmissMpccRoom
  415. 0xFE:0xA0: ExManageMpccRoomMember
  416. 0xFE:0xA1: ExMpccRoomMember
  417. 0xFE:0xA2: ExVitalityPointInfo
  418. 0xFE:0xA3: ExShowSeedMapInfo
  419. 0xFE:0xA4: ExMpccPartymasterList
  420. 0xFE:0xA5: ExDominionWarStart
  421. 0xFE:0xA6: ExDominionWarEnd
  422. 0xFE:0xA7: ExShowLines
  423. 0xFE:0xA8: ExPartyMemberRenamed
  424. 0xFE:0xA9: ExEnchantSkillResult
  425. 0xFE:0xAA: ExRefundList
  426. 0xFE:0xAB: ExNoticePostArrived
  427. 0xFE:0xAC: ExShowReceivedPostList
  428. 0xFE:0xAD: ExReplyReceivedPost
  429. 0xFE:0xAE: ExShowSentPostList
  430. 0xFE:0xAF: ExReplySentPost
  431. 0xFE:0xB0: ExResponseShowStepOne
  432. 0xFE:0xB1: ExResponseShowStepTwo
  433. 0xFE:0xB2: ExResponseShowContents
  434. 0xFE:0xB3: ExShowPetitionHtml
  435. 0xFE:0xB4: ExReplyPostItemList
  436. 0xFE:0xB5: ExChangePostState
  437. 0xFE:0xB6: ExReplyWritePost
  438. 0xFE:0xB7: ExInitializeSeed
  439. 0xFE:0xB8: ExRaidReserveResult
  440. 0xFE:0xB9: ExBuySellList
  441. 0xFE:0xBA: ExCloseRaidSocket
  442. 0xFE:0xBB: ExPrivateMarketList
  443. 0xFE:0xBC: ExRaidCharacterSelected
  444. 0xFE:0xBD: ExAskCoupleAction
  445. 0xFE:0xBE: ExBrBroadcastEventState
  446. 0xFE:0xBF: ExBR_LoadEventTopRankers
  447. 0xFE:0xC0: ExChangeNPCState
  448. 0xFE:0xC1: ExAskModifyPartyLooting
  449. 0xFE:0xC2: ExSetPartyLooting
  450. 0xFE:0xC3: ExRotation
  451. 0xFE:0xC4: ExChangeClientEffectInfo
  452. 0xFE:0xC5: ExMembershipInfo
  453. 0xFE:0xC6: ExReplyHandOverPartyMaster
  454. 0xFE:0xC7: ExQuestNpcLogList
  455. 0xFE:0xC8: ExQuestItemList
  456. 0xFE:0xC9: ExGMViewQuestItemList
  457. 0xFE:0xCA: ExResartResponse
  458. 0xFE:0xCB: ExVoteSystemInfo
  459. 0xFE:0xCC: ExShuttuleInfo
  460. 0xFE:0xCD: ExSuttleGetOn
  461. 0xFE:0xCE: ExSuttleGetOff
  462. 0xFE:0xCF: ExSuttleMove
  463. 0xFE:0xD0: ExMTLInSuttle
  464. 0xFE:0xD1: ExStopMoveInShuttle
  465. 0xFE:0xD2: ExValidateLocationInShuttle
  466. 0xFE:0xD3: ExAgitAuctionCmd
  467. 0xFE:0xD4: ExConfirmAddingPostFriend
  468. 0xFE:0xD5: ExReceiveShowPostFriend
  469. 0xFE:0xD6: ExReceiveOlympiad
  470. 0xFE:0xD7: ExBR_GamePoint
  471. 0xFE:0xD8: ExBR_ProductList
  472. 0xFE:0xD9: ExBR_ProductInfo
  473. 0xFE:0xDA: ExBR_BuyProduct
  474. 0xFE:0xDB: ExBR_PremiumState
  475. 0xFE:0xDC: ExBrExtraUserInfo
  476. 0xFE:0xDD: ExBrBuffEventState
  477. 0xFE:0xDE: ExBR_RecentProductList
  478. 0xFE:0xDF: ExBR_MinigameLoadScores
  479. 0xFE:0xE0: ExBR_AgathionEnergyInfo
  480. 0xFE:0xE1: ExShowChannelingEffect
  481. 0xFE:0xE2: ExGetCrystalizingEstimation
  482. 0xFE:0xE3: ExGetCrystalizingFail
  483. 0xFE:0xE4: ExNavitAdventPointInfo
  484. 0xFE:0xE5: ExNavitAdventEffect
  485. 0xFE:0xE6: ExNavitAdventTimeChange
  486. 0xFE:0xE7: ExAbnormalStatusUpdateFromTarget
  487. 0xFE:0xE8: ExStopScenePlayer
  488. 0xFE:0xE9: ExFlyMove
  489. 0xFE:0xEA: ExDynamicQuest
  490. 0xFE:0xEB: ExSubjobInfo
  491. 0xFE:0xEC: ExChangeMPCost
  492. 0xFE:0xED: ExFriendDetailInfo
  493. 0xFE:0xEE: ExBlockAddResult
  494. 0xFE:0xEF: ExBlockRemoveResult
  495. 0xFE:0xF0: ExBlockDefailInfo
  496. 0xFE:0xF1: ExLoadInzonePartyHistory
  497. 0xFE:0xF2: ExFriendNotifyNameChange
  498. 0xFE:0xF3: ExShowCommission
  499. 0xFE:0xF4: ExResponseCommissionItemList
  500. 0xFE:0xF5: ExResponseCommissionInfo
  501. 0xFE:0xF6: ExResponseCommissionRegister
  502. 0xFE:0xF7: ExResponseCommissionDelete
  503. 0xFE:0xF8: ExResponseCommissionList
  504. 0xFE:0xF9: ExResponseCommissionBuyInfo
  505. 0xFE:0xFA: ExResponseCommissionBuyItem
  506. 0xFE:0xFB: ExAcquirableSkillListByClass
  507. 0xFE:0xFC: ExMagicAttackInfo
  508. 0xFE:0xFD: ExAcquireSkillInfo
  509. 0xFE:0xFE: ExNewSkillToLearnByLevelUp
  510. 0xFE:0xFF: ExCallToChangeClass
  511. 0xFE:0x100: ExChangeToAwakenedClass
  512. 0xFE:0x101: ExTacticalSign
  513. 0xFE:0x102: ExLoadStatWorldRank
  514. 0xFE:0x103: ExLoadStatUser
  515. 0xFE:0x104: ExLoadStatHotLink
  516. 0xFE:0x105: ExWaitWaitingSubStituteInfo
  517. 0xFE:0x106: ExRegistWaitingSubstituteOk
  518. 0xFE:0x107: ExRegistPartySubstitute
  519. 0xFE:0x108: ExDeletePartySubstitute
  520. 0xFE:0x109: ExTimeOverPartySubstitute
  521. 0xFE:0x10A: ExGet24HzSessionID
  522. 0xFE:0x10B: Ex2NDPasswordCheck
  523. 0xFE:0x10C: Ex2NDPasswordVerify
  524. 0xFE:0x10D: Ex2NDPasswordAck
  525. 0xFE:0x10E: ExFlyMoveBroadcast
  526. 0xFE:0x10F: ExShowUsm
  527. 0xFE:0x110: ExShowStatPage
  528. 0xFE:0x111: ExIsCharNameCreatable
  529. 0xFE:0x112: ExGoodsInventoryChangedNoti
  530. 0xFE:0x113: ExGoodsInventoryInfo
  531. 0xFE:0x114: ExGoodsInventoryResult
  532. 0xFE:0x115: ExAlterSkillRequest
  533. 0xFE:0x116: ExNotifyFlyMoveStart
  534. 0xFE:0x117: ExDummy
  535. 0xFE:0x118: ExCloseCommission
  536. 0xFE:0x119: ExChangeAttributeItemList
  537. 0xFE:0x11A: ExChangeAttributeInfo
  538. 0xFE:0x11B: ExChangeAttributeOk
  539. 0xFE:0x11C: ExChangeAttributeFail
  540. 0xFE:0x11D: ExExchangeSubstitute
  541. 0xFE:0x11E: ExLightingCandleEvent
  542. 0xFE:0x11F: ExVitalityEffectInfo
  543. 0xFE:0x120: ExLoginVitalityEffectInfo
  544. 0xFE:0x121: ExBR_PresentBuyProduct
  545. 0xFE:0x122: ExMentorList
  546. 0xFE:0x123: ExMentorAdd
  547. 0xFE:0x124: ListMenteeWaiting
  548. 0xFE:0x125: ExInzoneWaitingInfo
  549. 0xFE:0x126: ExCuriousHouseState
  550. 0xFE:0x127: ExCuriousHouseEnter
  551. 0xFE:0x128: ExCuriousHouseLeave
  552. 0xFE:0x129: ExCuriousHouseMemberList
  553. 0xFE:0x12A: ExCuriousHouseMemberUpdate
  554. 0xFE:0x12B: ExCuriousHouseRemainTime
  555. 0xFE:0x12C: ExCuriousHouseResult
  556. 0xFE:0x12D: ExCuriousHouseObserveList
  557. 0xFE:0x12E: ExCuriousHouseObserveMode
  558. 0xFE:0x12F: ExSysstring
  559. 0xFE:0x130: ExChoose_Shape_Shifting_Item
  560. 0xFE:0x131: ExPut_Shape_Shifting_Target_Item_Result
  561. 0xFE:0x132: ExPut_Shape_Shifting_Extraction_Item_Result
  562. 0xFE:0x133: ExShape_Shifting_Result
  563. 0xFE:0x134: ExCastleState
  564. 0xFE:0x135: ExNCGuardReceiveDataFromServer
  565. 0xFE:0x136: ExKalieEvent
  566. 0xFE:0x137: ExPledgeUnionState
  567. 0xFE:0x138: ExPledgeUnionFlow
  568. 0xFE:0x139: ExPledgeUnionStateInfo
  569. 0xFE:0x13A: ExUnionPoint
  570. 0xFE:0x13B: ExKalieEventJackpotUser
  571. 0xFE:0x13C: ExAbnormalVisualEffectInfo
  572. 0xFE:0x13D: ExCheck_SpeedHack
  573. 0xFE:0x13E: ExBR_NewIConCashBtnWnd
  574. 0xFE:0x13F: ExEvent_Campaign_Info
  575. 0xFE:0x140: ExValidateActiveCharacter
  576. 0xFE:0x141: ExCloseCommissionRegiste





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Sou DP/Core Developer :D. Os Mano pira kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk'. Racho de rir^^


@Mardok e quando vão começar os fix no core? Abraços.

Editado por MarphY'

Aew, quem curte MPB, dá uma olhadinha no Canal de minha amiga, lá ela publica covers semanalmente... Valeu!

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Sou DP/Core Developer :D. Os Mano pira kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk'. Racho de rir^^


@Mardok e quando vão começar os fix no core? Abraços.


Se eu foce vcs esqueciam traduções e iam arrumar a parte de funcionalidade do jogo tradução é de menos....

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