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StinkyMadness last won the day on Janeiro 20

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Sobre StinkyMadness

  • Data de Nascimento 03/26/1994

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StinkyMadness's Achievements

  1. Hello there, I wanted to share an tool that parsing your client icons to items XML and skills XML. So you can use icons on HTML with "item.getIcon()" and "skill.getIcon()". The tool using client grp files to parse the custom items/skills. Preview/Tutorial Download Parser
  2. From the photo you sharing looks like Interlude. The left side of HTML its design that Frozen using on EnterWorld welcome popout.
  3. Interface.u -> Tooltip.uc You can add check there to avoid print stats with 0 value.
  4. @ Darley Discord : StinkyMadness#6783
  5. WHOLE "ThreadPoolManager" for PCBang system? you know there exist already
  6. StinkyMadness


    Post here your Console Error so we direct you witch line on source have problem
  7. Maybe you have messed up the XML, check your data/xml/skills/ and be sure your don't do something wrong on this skill. Then Reload skills and try again give the skill.
  8. Just change the ID of the command on system and on Core.
  9. just adapt not improve any part of code (that is really old) : Here Also required on system/commandname-e.dat : 115 114 dressme
  10. Post here full DIFF you got and maybe i will adapt it to last revision
  11. I don't know if allowed to post something like that but if not then moderator can warn me with message or correct me where i can post my services. - Augment System : Preview (Price : 15€) Note : You can add any augment skill on any level. - Skill Enchant System : Preview (Price : 15€) Note : Codex Mastery : On failed keep the enchant value | Codex Donate 100% success. - Achievement System : Preview (Price : 50€) Note : Current list have 52 different achievements with unlimited stage each Flexible to add your own achievement. - Champion Level System : Preview (Price : 15€) Note : Each time you kill an champion monster it will level up on next spawn. On the final level you can setup to spawn any raidboss (or random from list).
  12. Looks like on your Database missing an column named "visual_item_id" i don't know the source your use but something was wrong on your database install or its missing this change.
  13. i was thinking something similar to daily achievements ? i don't get that with the "Coin" ? for now there are 52 Types each type (except some One-Time achievements like Noble,Leader,ClanLvL,Married and 2-3 more...) you can setup up to infinity leavel via XML only and SQL part its calculating in real time. Also some Achievement "Missing" from the video because it have "filter" like: ACADEMY : Appears only if you have not done the second class transfer. SPOIL : Appears only if you have spoil skill "ID : 254" else no reason to be there. CLAN_LEVEL_UP : Appears only if you are leader of your clan. CASTLE : Appears only if you are leader of your clan.ACADEMY and so on.. <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <list> <achievement type="MONSTER" name="Monster Killer" icon="icon.skill0018" desc="Kill %required% monsters."> <stage lvl="1" required="500" reward="57" count="1000"/> <stage lvl="2" required="1000" reward="57" count="1000"/> <stage lvl="3" required="2500" reward="57" count="1000"/> <stage lvl="4" required="5000" reward="57" count="1000"/> <stage lvl="5" required="10000" reward="57" count="1000"/> <stage lvl="6" required="25000" reward="57" count="1000"/> </achievement> </list>
  14. Hello guys, I'm creating an new Achievement System for my server and for Marketplace and i need more achievement ideas. This is my current list of achievements if you can think any other Achievement please reply your idea to add it on my list: PVP : Kill X flagged players. PK : Execute X unsurprising players. DEATHS : Collect X Deaths. GUARD : Kill X Guards or Siege Guards. DUAL : Win X Dual games. SUBCLASS : Complete X subclasses. LEADER : Become a Clan leader. ACADEMY : Complete clan academy training. CLAN_LEVEL_UP : Reach your clan to X level. CASTLE : Become owner of a Castle. NOBLE : Become noble player. HEROIC : Become heroic player for X periods. MARRIED : Get Merried. MONSTER : Kill X Monsters MONSTER_CHAMPION : Kill X Champion Monsters RAIDBOSS : Kill X Raidbosses. GRANDBOSS : Kill X Grandbosses. QUEEN_ANT : Kill QueenAnt X times. CORE : Kill Core X times. ORFEN : Kill Orfen X times. ZAKEN : Kill Zaken X times. BAIUM : Kill Baium X times. ANTHARAS : Kill Antharas X times. VALAKAS : Kill Valakas X times. HALISHA : Kill Halisha X times. ENCHANT_SKILL : Enchant one of your skill up to X enchant level. ENCHANT_WEAPON : Enchant a weapon item up to X enchant level. ENCHANT_OTHER : Enchant non weapon item up to X enchant level. ENCHANT_SUCCESS : Success use X enchant scrolls. ENCHANT_FAILED : Fail to use X enchant scrolls. CURSED_WEAPON : Be owner of cursed weapon for X times. AUGMENT : Augment X time an item. OPEN_CHEST : Success open Chest. OLYMPIAD_FIGHT : Play X Olympiad fights. OLYMPIAD_FIGHT_WON : Won X Olympiad fights. OLYMPIAD_FIGHT_LOSE : Lose X Olumpiad fights. SPOIL : Success spoil X monsters. FISHING : Success fishing X times. RECIPE_LEARN : Learn X amount of Recipes. RECIPE_SUCCESS : Success X times to craft and item. RECIPE_FAIL : Fail X times to craft and item. RESSURECT : Ressurect a dead player X times. RESSURECTED : Get ressurected from player X times. RECOMMEND : Recommend a player X times. RECOMMENDED : Get recommended from player X times. KARMA : Reach X amount of karma. SPAWN_CRISTMAS_TREE : Spawn X cristmas trees. FEED_BEAST : Feed X beasts. TYRANNOSAURUS : Kill X Tyrannosaurus. ENTER_RIFT : Enter on Rift X times. LOTTERY_WIN : Win a lottery X games. QUEST_COMPLETE : Complete X amount of quests. VOTER : Vote X times. EVENT_WIN : Win X amount of Events. EVENT_LOST : Lose X amount of Events.
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