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JhowMuniz last won the day on Fevereiro 15 2017

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Sobre JhowMuniz

  • Data de Nascimento 12/15/1988

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  1. aqui instalei o jogo, coloquei os arquivos, tbm nao esta abrindo ja troquei a system, ja troquei o engine.dll, nada deu certo
  2. onde coloco as img? na acis?
  3. onde coloco a pasta imgs?
  4. tem que criar a variável, para reconhecer o java
  5. não estou conseguindo fazer o login, vou postar a configuração do login e game server. # ================================================================ # Gameserver setting # ================================================================ # This is transmitted to the clients, so it has to be an IP or resolvable hostname. If this ip is resolvable by Login just leave * Hostname = # Bind ip of the gameserver, use * to bind on all available IPs. GameserverHostname = GameserverPort = 7777 # The Loginserver host and port. LoginHost = LoginPort = 9014 # This is the server id that the gameserver will request. RequestServerID = 1 # If set to true, the login will give an other id to the server (if the requested id is already reserved). AcceptAlternateID = True # Use Blowfish cipher to encrypt packet data between server and client (by default: True). # /!\ Don't edit this value and reload config while the server is running. It would lead to all connected clients to become unresponsive (waiting de/crypted packets, but receiving the versus). UseBlowfishCipher = True # ================================================================ # Database informations # ================================================================ URL = jdbc:mariadb://localhost/acis #URL = jdbc:mysql://localhost/acis?serverTimezone=UTC #URL = jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost/acis #URL = jdbc:sqlserver://localhost/database=acis/user=sa/password= Login = root Password = # Maximum database connections. MaximumDbConnections = 10 # ================================================================ # serverList # ================================================================ # Displays [] in front of server name. ServerListBrackets = False # Displays a clock next to the server name. ServerListClock = False # List server according age. ServerListAgeLimit = 0 # If True, the server will be set as GM only. ServerGMOnly = False # If True, the server will be a test server (listed by testserver clients only). TestServer = False # If True, the server will be listed as a regular PvP server. PvpServer = True # ================================================================ # Clients related options # ================================================================ # Allow delete chars after D days, 0 = feature disabled. DeleteCharAfterDays = 7 # Define how many players are allowed to play simultaneously on your server. MaximumOnlineUsers = 100 # ================================================================ # Automatic options # ================================================================ # AutoLoot, don't lead herbs behavior. False by default. AutoLoot = False # AutoLoot from raid boss. False by default. AutoLootRaid = False # If False, herbs will drop on ground even if AutoLoot is enabled. False by default. AutoLootHerbs = False # ================================================================= # Items Management # ================================================================= # Allows players to drop items on the ground, default True. AllowDiscardItem = True # Allows the creation of multiple non-stackable items at one time, default True. MultipleItemDrop = True # Destroys dropped herbs after X seconds, set 0 to disable, default 15. AutoDestroyHerbTime = 15 # Destroys dropped items after X seconds, set 0 to disable, default 600. AutoDestroyItemTime = 600 # Destroys dropped equipable items (armor, weapon, jewelry) after X seconds, set 0 to disable, default 0. AutoDestroyEquipableItemTime = 0 # Destroys dropped items after specified time. Ignores rules above, default 57-0,5575-0,6673-0. # 57-0: Item id 57 will never be destroyed. # 57-600: Item id 57 will be destroyed after 600 seconds/10 minutes. AutoDestroySpecialItemTime = 57-0,5575-0,6673-0 # Items dropped by players will have destroy time multiplied by X, default 1. # 0: Items dropped by players will never be destroyed. PlayerDroppedItemMultiplier = 1 # ================================================================= # RATES # ================================================================= # Rate control, float values. RateXp = 1. RateSp = 1. RatePartyXp = 1. RatePartySp = 1. RateDropAdena = 1. RateDropItems = 1. RateRaidDropItems = 1. RateDropSpoil = 1. RateDropManor = 1 # Quest configuration settings. RateQuestDrop = 1. RateQuestReward = 1. RateQuestRewardXP = 1. RateQuestRewardSP = 1. RateQuestRewardAdena = 1. RateKarmaExpLost = 1 RateSiegeGuardsPrice = 1 # Player Drop Rate control, percent (%) values. PlayerDropLimit = 0 PlayerRateDrop = 0 PlayerRateDropItem = 0 PlayerRateDropEquip = 0 PlayerRateDropEquipWeapon = 0 # Karma Drop Rate control, percent (%) values. KarmaDropLimit = 10 KarmaRateDrop = 40 KarmaRateDropItem = 50 KarmaRateDropEquip = 40 KarmaRateDropEquipWeapon = 10 # Pet rate control (float values except for "PetFoodRate", default 1./1/1.). PetXpRate = 1. PetFoodRate = 1 SinEaterXpRate = 1. # Common herbs (default). RateCommonHerbs = 1. # Herb of Life (categorie 1). RateHpHerbs = 1. # Herb of Mana (categorie 2). RateMpHerbs = 1. # Special herbs (categorie 3). RateSpecialHerbs = 1. # ================================================================= # Allowed features # ================================================================= AllowFreight = True AllowWarehouse = True # If True, player can try on weapon and armor in shops. # Each item tried cost WearPrice adena. AllowWear = True WearDelay = 5 WearPrice = 10 # "Allow" types - Read variable name for info about ;p. AllowLottery = True AllowWater = True AllowCursedWeapons = True AllowManor = True AllowBoat = True # Allow characters to receive damage from falling. EnableFallingDamage = True # ================================================================ # Debug, Dev & Test config # ================================================================ # Don't load spawns. NoSpawns = False # Debug messages (by default False, easily "flood" your GS logs). Developer = False PacketHandlerDebug = False # ================================================================ # Dead Lock Detector (thread detecting deadlocks) # ================================================================ # Activate the feature (by default: False). DeadLockDetector = False # Check interval in seconds (by default: 20). DeadLockCheckInterval = 20 # Automatic restart if deadlock case is found (by default: False). RestartOnDeadlock = False # ================================================================= # Logging features # ================================================================= # Logging ChatWindow. LogChat = False # Logging Item handling NOTE: This can be very space consuming. LogItems = False # Log GM actions. GMAudit = False # ================================================================= # Community board configuration # ================================================================= # Activate or no the community board. EnableCommunityBoard = False # Show this community board section when you open it. BBSDefault = _bbshome # ================================================================= # Flood Protectors # ================================================================= # The values are shown on ms. They can be set to 0 to be disabled. RollDiceTime = 4200 HeroVoiceTime = 10000 SubclassTime = 2000 DropItemTime = 1000 ServerBypassTime = 100 MultisellTime = 100 ManufactureTime = 300 ManorTime = 3000 SendMailTime = 10000 CharacterSelectTime = 3000 GlobalChatTime = 0 TradeChatTime = 0 SocialTime = 2000 MoveTime = 100 # ================================================================= # Threadpool # ================================================================= # Determines the amount of scheduled thread pools. If set to -1, the server will decide the amount depending on the available processors. ScheduledThreadPoolCount = -1 # Specifies how many threads will be in a single scheduled pool. ThreadsPerScheduledThreadPool = 4 # Determines the amount of instant thread pools. If set to -1, the server will decide the amount depending on the available processors. InstantThreadPoolCount = -1 # Specifies how many threads will be in a single instant pool. ThreadsPerInstantThreadPool = 2 # ================================================================= # Misc # ================================================================= # Basic protection against L2Walker. L2WalkerProtection = False # Zone setting. # 0 = Peace All the Time # 1 = PVP During Siege for siege participants # 2 = PVP All the Time ZoneTown = 0 # Show "data/html/servnews.htm" when a character logins. ShowServerNews = False #============================================================= # Loginserver #============================================================= # This is transmitted to the clients, so it has to be an IP or resolvable hostname Hostname = # Bind ip of the LoginServer, use * to bind on all available IPs LoginserverHostname = LoginserverPort = 2106 # The Loginserver host and port. LoginHostname = LoginPort = 9014 # How many times you can provide an invalid account/pass before the IP gets banned LoginTryBeforeBan = 3 # Time you won't be able to login back again after LoginTryBeforeBan tries to login. Provide a value in seconds. Default 10min. (600) LoginBlockAfterBan = 10 # If set to true, any GameServer can register on your login's free slots AcceptNewGameServer = False # If false, the licence (after the login) will not be shown. Default : true. ShowLicence = False #============================================================= # Database informations #============================================================= URL = jdbc:mariadb://localhost/acis #URL = jdbc:mysql://localhost/acis?serverTimezone=UTC #URL = jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost/acis #URL = jdbc:sqlserver://localhost/database=acis/user=sa/password= Login = root Password = # Maximum database connections. MaximumDbConnections = 5 # Usable values: "true" - "false", use this option to choose whether accounts will be created automatically or not. AutoCreateAccounts = True #============================================================= # Security #============================================================= # FloodProtection. time in ms EnableFloodProtection = True FastConnectionLimit = 15 NormalConnectionTime = 700 FastConnectionTime = 350 MaxConnectionPerIP = 50 l2ini da system (uso a system que foi deixada para download, junto ao servidor) Protocol=unreal ProtocolDescription=Unreal Protocol Name=Player Map=Index.unr LocalMap=Entry.unr Host= Portal= MapExt=unr EXEName=l2.exe SaveExt=usa Port=7777 Class=LineageWarrior.MFighter IsL2NetLogin=True IsL2Console=True IsL2Seamless=True IsL2Projector=True ISL2Mark=2 ForceAspectRatio=False AspectRatio=1.334 IsDefaultShaodw=False IsUnderWaterEffect=False IsUseCommand=True L2VersionCheck=false IsL2MemLog=False L2ThreadFilter=1 L2TestServer=false EnablePurgeLevel=True SharedSky=True L2MaxPawnResourceLoad=1.0 L2UseKeyCrypt=true L2UseReplayManager=true EnableSecondWindow=true IsUseXMLUI=True [L2WaterEffect] ColorReference=(A=180,R=38,G=56,B=64,RR=150) EffectResolution=512 [LanguageSet] Language=0 [FontSet] ;Font=L2Font.Japan ;Glyph=Japan.gly Font=L2Font.gulim Glyph=gulim.gly [CharacterDisplay] Name=true Dist=10000 [ClippingRange] PawnMax=3.0 PawnMin=1.5 AntiPortal=1.5 Terrain=8.0 StaticMesh=4.0 Projector=0.2 StaticMeshLod=5.0 Pawn=2.0 Actor=4.0 [AutoLogOn] IsL2AutoLogOn=Ture L2ID=zodiac L2Passwd=zodiac L2Slot=7 [FirstRun] FirstRun=2110 [Engine.Engine] RenderDevice=D3DDrv.D3DRenderDevice ;RenderDevice=Engine.NullRenderDevice ;RenderDevice=OpenGLDrv.OpenGLRenderDevice AudioDevice=ALAudio.ALAudioSubsystem ;AudioDevice=XboxAudio.XboxAudioSubsystem NetworkDevice=IpDrv.TcpNetDriver DemoRecordingDevice=Engine.DemoRecDriver Console=Engine.Console DefaultPlayerMenu=UDebugMenu.UDebugRootWindow Language=int GameEngine=Engine.GameEngine EditorEngine=Editor.EditorEngine GUIController=Engine.BaseGUIController ;DefaultGame=WarfareGame.WarfareTeamGame ;DefaultServerGame=WarfareGame.WarfareTeamGame DefaultGame=Engine.GameInfo DefaultServerGame=Engine.GameInfo ViewportManager=WinDrv.WindowsClient ;ViewportManager=XboxDrv.XboxClient ;ViewportManager=SDLDrv.SDLClient Render=Render.Render Input=Engine.Input Canvas=Engine.Canvas DefaultPlayerController=Engine.LineagePlayerController L2NetHandler=Engine.NetHandler L2Console=NWindow.ConsoleWnd L2Font=NWindow.L2Font [Core.System] PurgeCacheDays=30 SavePath=../Save CachePath=../Cache CacheExt=.uxx Paths=../System/*.u Paths=../StaticMeshes/*.usx Paths=../Textures/*.utx Paths=../Sounds/*.uax Paths=../Voice/*.uax Paths=../Maps/*.unr ;Paths=../Music/*.umx Paths=../Animations/*.ukx Paths=../SysTextures/*.utx Paths=../Animations/*.usk Paths=../Saves/*.uvx Suppress=DevLoad Suppress=DevSave Suppress=DevNetTraffic Suppress=DevGarbage Suppress=DevKill Suppress=DevReplace Suppress=DevCompile Suppress=DevBind Suppress=DevBsp [Engine.GameEngine] CacheSizeMegs=32 UseSound=True ;ServerActors=IpDrv.UdpBeacon ;ServerActors=IpServer.UdpServerQuery ;ServerActors=IpServer.UdpServerUplink MasterServerPort=27900 ;ServerActors=UWeb.WebServer ServerPackages=AmbientCreatures ;ServerPackages=WarEffects ;ServerPackages=Decorations ServerPackages=GamePlay ServerPackages=UnrealGame ;ServerPackages=WarfareGame ;ServerPackages=WarClassLight ;ServerPackages=WarClassHeavy ;ServerPackages=WarClassMisc ;ServerPackages=Pickups [WinDrv.WindowsClient] WindowedViewportX=1024 WindowedViewportY=768 FullscreenViewportX=1024 FullscreenViewportY=768 MenuViewportX=800 MenuViewportY=600 Brightness=0.500000 Contrast=0.500000 Gamma=1.000000 UseJoystick=True CaptureMouse=True StartupFullscreen=False UseWindowFrame=True ScreenFlashes=True NoLighting=False MinDesiredFrameRate=35.000000 Decals=True Coronas=True DecoLayers=True Projectors=True NoDynamicLights=False ReportDynamicUploads=False TextureDetailInterface=Higher TextureDetailTerrain=Higher TextureDetailWeaponSkin=Higher TextureDetailPlayerSkin=Higher TextureDetailWorld=Higher TextureDetailRenderMap=Higher TextureDetailLightmap=Higher NoFractalAnim=False ScaleHUDX=0.0 [SDLDrv.SDLClient] WindowedViewportX=640 WindowedViewportY=480 FullscreenViewportX=800 FullscreenViewportY=600 MenuViewportX=640 MenuViewportY=480 Brightness=0.500000 Contrast=0.500000 Gamma=1.000000 UseJoystick=True JoystickNumber=0 IgnoreHat=False JoystickHatNumber=0 CaptureMouse=True StartupFullscreen=False ScreenFlashes=True NoLighting=False MinDesiredFrameRate=35.000000 Decals=True Coronas=True DecoLayers=True Projectors=True NoDynamicLights=False ReportDynamicUploads=False TextureDetailInterface=Normal TextureDetailTerrain=Normal TextureDetailWeaponSkin=Normal TextureDetailPlayerSkin=Normal TextureDetailWorld=Normal TextureDetailRenderMap=Normal TextureDetailLightmap=UltraHigh NoFractalAnim=False [Engine.Player] ConfiguredInternetSpeed=10000 ConfiguredLanSpeed=20000 [ALAudio.ALAudioSubsystem] UseEAX=False Use3DSound=False UseDefaultDriver=False CompatibilityMode=False UsePrecache=True ReverseStereo=false Channels=32 MusicVolume=0.1 AmbientVolume=1.0 SoundVolume=1.0 DopplerFactor=1.0 Rolloff=0.5 TimeBetweenHWUpdates=15 DisablePitch=False LowQualitySound=False [IpDrv.TcpNetDriver] AllowDownloads=True ConnectionTimeout=15.0 InitialConnectTimeout=500.0 AckTimeout=1.0 KeepAliveTime=0.2 MaxClientRate=20000 SimLatency=0 RelevantTimeout=5.0 SpawnPrioritySeconds=1.0 ServerTravelPause=4.0 NetServerMaxTickRate=20 LanServerMaxTickRate=35 DownloadManagers=IpDrv.HTTPDownload DownloadManagers=Engine.ChannelDownload [IpDrv.HTTPDownload] RedirectToURL= ProxyServerHost= ProxyServerPort=3128 UseCompression=True [Engine.DemoRecDriver] DemoSpectatorClass=Warriors.CHSpectator MaxClientRate=25000 ConnectionTimeout=15.0 InitialConnectTimeout=500.0 AckTimeout=1.0 KeepAliveTime=1.0 SimLatency=0 RelevantTimeout=5.0 SpawnPrioritySeconds=1.0 ServerTravelPause=4.0 NetServerMaxTickRate=60 LanServerMaxTickRate=60 [Engine.GameReplicationInfo] ServerName=Another Unreal Server ShortName=Unreal Server [IpDrv.TcpipConnection] SimPacketLoss=0 SimLatency=0 [IpServer.UdpServerQuery] GameName=ut [IpDrv.UdpBeacon] DoBeacon=True BeaconTime=0.50 BeaconTimeout=5.0 BeaconProduct=ut [XboxDrv.XboxClient] TextureDetail=Medium SkinDetail=Medium LightmapDetail=High TextureMinLOD=6 TextureMaxLOD=9 Brightness=0.8 Contrast=0.7 Gamma=0.8 NoFractalAnim=True [XBoxAudio.XBoxAudioSubsystem] ReverseStereo=False Channels=32 MusicVolume=1.0 SoundVolume=1.0 AmbientFactor=1.0 UsePrecache=True [D3DDrv.D3DRenderDevice] DetailTextures=True HighDetailActors=True SuperHighDetailActors=True UsePrecaching=True UseTrilinear=True AdapterNumber=-1 ReduceMouseLag=True UseTripleBuffering=False UseHardwareTL=True UseHardwareVS=True UseCubemaps=True DesiredRefreshRate=60 UseCompressedLightmaps=True UseStencil=False Use16bit=False Use16bitTextures=False MaxPixelShaderVersion=255 UseVSync=False LevelOfAnisotropy=1 DetailTexMipBias=0.8 DefaultTexMipBias=-0.5 UseNPatches=False TesselationFactor=1.0 CheckForOverflow=False [OpenGLDrv.OpenGLRenderDevice] DetailTextures=True HighDetailActors=True SuperHighDetailActors=True UsePrecaching=True UseCompressedLightmaps=True UseTrilinear=True UseStencil=False MaxTextureUnits=8 VARSize=32 ReduceMouseLag=False [Engine.NullRenderDevice] DetailTextures=True HighDetailActors=True SuperHighDetailActors=True UsePrecaching=True UseCompressedLightmaps=True UseStencil=False [Editor.EditorEngine] UseSound=True CacheSizeMegs=32 GridEnabled=True SnapVertices=False SnapDistance=10.000000 GridSize=(X=16.000000,Y=16.000000,Z=16.000000) RotGridEnabled=True RotGridSize=(Pitch=1024,Yaw=1024,Roll=1024) GameCommandLine=-log FovAngleDegrees=90.000000 GodMode=True AutoSave=True AutoSaveTimeMinutes=5 AutoSaveIndex=6 UseAxisIndicator=True MatineeCurveDetail=0.1 LoadEntirePackageWhenSaving=0 EditPackages=Core EditPackages=Engine EditPackages=Fire EditPackages=Editor EditPackages=UWindow EditPackages=UnrealEd EditPackages=IpDrv EditPackages=GamePlay EditPackages=LineageEffect EditPackages=LineageWarrior EditPackages=LineageNpc EditPackages=LineageNpc2 EditPackages=LineageNpcEv EditPackages=LineageMonster EditPackages=LineageMonster2 EditPackages=LineageMonster3 EditPackages=LineageVehicle EditPackages=LineageDeco EditPackages=LineageCreature EditPackages=UDebugMenu EditPackages=NWindow ;EditPackages=WarEffects ;EditPackages=Decorations ;EditPackages=WarfareGame ;EditPackages=IHVDemoContent ;EditPackages=Pickups ;EditPackages=WarClassLight ;EditPackages=WarClassHeavy ;EditPackages=WarClassMisc ;EditPackages=AmbientCreatures ;EditPackages=Vehicles ;EditPackages=UPreview [UMenu.UnrealConsole] RootWindow=UMenu.UMenuRootWindow UWindowKey=IK_Esc ShowDesktop=True [UMenu.UMenuMenuBar] ShowHelp=True GameUMenuDefault=UTMenu.UTGameMenu MultiplayerUMenuDefault=UTMenu.UTMultiplayerMenu OptionsUMenuDefault=UTMenu.UTOptionsMenu [Engine.GameInfo] bLowGore=False bVeryLowGore=False [UWeb.WebServer] ;Applications[0]=UTServerAdmin.UTServerAdmin ;ApplicationPaths[0]=/ServerAdmin ;Applications[1]=UTServerAdmin.UTImageServer ;ApplicationPaths[1]=/images DefaultApplication=0 bEnabled=False [Engine.LevelInfo] PhysicsDetailLevel=PDL_Medium [Engine.Console] ConsoleKey=9 [WindowPositions] GameLog=(X=0,Y=0,XL=512,YL=256)
  6. ola amigos, podem me ajudar? estou meio enferrujado estou tendo esse erro, para ligar o game server da acis 398. erro na geodata me parece.
  7. resolvi, faltou colocar o ip local tudo ok aqui
  8. obrigrado pelo trabalho. baixando...
  9. frozen 1132, só aparece os icones, a roupa n aparece :/
  10. JhowMuniz


    então preciso instalar o java 7 e baixar uma versão mais antiga do eclipse?
  11. JhowMuniz


    não tem linha 31 em L2NpcInstance frozen 1132, meu deu erro tbm, ta dizendo linha 1943
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