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Tudo que JhowMuniz postou

  1. aqui instalei o jogo, coloquei os arquivos, tbm nao esta abrindo ja troquei a system, ja troquei o engine.dll, nada deu certo
  2. onde coloco as img? na acis?
  3. onde coloco a pasta imgs?
  4. tem que criar a variável, para reconhecer o java
  5. não estou conseguindo fazer o login, vou postar a configuração do login e game server. # ================================================================ # Gameserver setting # ================================================================ # This is transmitted to the clients, so it has to be an IP or resolvable hostname. If this ip is resolvable by Login just leave * Hostname = # Bind ip of the gameserver, use * to bind on all available IPs. GameserverHostname = GameserverPort = 7777 # The Loginserver host and port. LoginHost = LoginPort = 9014 # This is the server id that the gameserver will request. RequestServerID = 1 # If set to true, the login will give an other id to the server (if the requested id is already reserved). AcceptAlternateID = True # Use Blowfish cipher to encrypt packet data between server and client (by default: True). # /!\ Don't edit this value and reload config while the server is running. It would lead to all connected clients to become unresponsive (waiting de/crypted packets, but receiving the versus). UseBlowfishCipher = True # ================================================================ # Database informations # ================================================================ URL = jdbc:mariadb://localhost/acis #URL = jdbc:mysql://localhost/acis?serverTimezone=UTC #URL = jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost/acis #URL = jdbc:sqlserver://localhost/database=acis/user=sa/password= Login = root Password = # Maximum database connections. MaximumDbConnections = 10 # ================================================================ # serverList # ================================================================ # Displays [] in front of server name. ServerListBrackets = False # Displays a clock next to the server name. ServerListClock = False # List server according age. ServerListAgeLimit = 0 # If True, the server will be set as GM only. ServerGMOnly = False # If True, the server will be a test server (listed by testserver clients only). TestServer = False # If True, the server will be listed as a regular PvP server. PvpServer = True # ================================================================ # Clients related options # ================================================================ # Allow delete chars after D days, 0 = feature disabled. DeleteCharAfterDays = 7 # Define how many players are allowed to play simultaneously on your server. MaximumOnlineUsers = 100 # ================================================================ # Automatic options # ================================================================ # AutoLoot, don't lead herbs behavior. False by default. AutoLoot = False # AutoLoot from raid boss. False by default. AutoLootRaid = False # If False, herbs will drop on ground even if AutoLoot is enabled. False by default. AutoLootHerbs = False # ================================================================= # Items Management # ================================================================= # Allows players to drop items on the ground, default True. AllowDiscardItem = True # Allows the creation of multiple non-stackable items at one time, default True. MultipleItemDrop = True # Destroys dropped herbs after X seconds, set 0 to disable, default 15. AutoDestroyHerbTime = 15 # Destroys dropped items after X seconds, set 0 to disable, default 600. AutoDestroyItemTime = 600 # Destroys dropped equipable items (armor, weapon, jewelry) after X seconds, set 0 to disable, default 0. AutoDestroyEquipableItemTime = 0 # Destroys dropped items after specified time. Ignores rules above, default 57-0,5575-0,6673-0. # 57-0: Item id 57 will never be destroyed. # 57-600: Item id 57 will be destroyed after 600 seconds/10 minutes. AutoDestroySpecialItemTime = 57-0,5575-0,6673-0 # Items dropped by players will have destroy time multiplied by X, default 1. # 0: Items dropped by players will never be destroyed. PlayerDroppedItemMultiplier = 1 # ================================================================= # RATES # ================================================================= # Rate control, float values. RateXp = 1. RateSp = 1. RatePartyXp = 1. RatePartySp = 1. RateDropAdena = 1. RateDropItems = 1. RateRaidDropItems = 1. RateDropSpoil = 1. RateDropManor = 1 # Quest configuration settings. RateQuestDrop = 1. RateQuestReward = 1. RateQuestRewardXP = 1. RateQuestRewardSP = 1. RateQuestRewardAdena = 1. RateKarmaExpLost = 1 RateSiegeGuardsPrice = 1 # Player Drop Rate control, percent (%) values. PlayerDropLimit = 0 PlayerRateDrop = 0 PlayerRateDropItem = 0 PlayerRateDropEquip = 0 PlayerRateDropEquipWeapon = 0 # Karma Drop Rate control, percent (%) values. KarmaDropLimit = 10 KarmaRateDrop = 40 KarmaRateDropItem = 50 KarmaRateDropEquip = 40 KarmaRateDropEquipWeapon = 10 # Pet rate control (float values except for "PetFoodRate", default 1./1/1.). PetXpRate = 1. PetFoodRate = 1 SinEaterXpRate = 1. # Common herbs (default). RateCommonHerbs = 1. # Herb of Life (categorie 1). RateHpHerbs = 1. # Herb of Mana (categorie 2). RateMpHerbs = 1. # Special herbs (categorie 3). RateSpecialHerbs = 1. # ================================================================= # Allowed features # ================================================================= AllowFreight = True AllowWarehouse = True # If True, player can try on weapon and armor in shops. # Each item tried cost WearPrice adena. AllowWear = True WearDelay = 5 WearPrice = 10 # "Allow" types - Read variable name for info about ;p. AllowLottery = True AllowWater = True AllowCursedWeapons = True AllowManor = True AllowBoat = True # Allow characters to receive damage from falling. EnableFallingDamage = True # ================================================================ # Debug, Dev & Test config # ================================================================ # Don't load spawns. NoSpawns = False # Debug messages (by default False, easily "flood" your GS logs). Developer = False PacketHandlerDebug = False # ================================================================ # Dead Lock Detector (thread detecting deadlocks) # ================================================================ # Activate the feature (by default: False). DeadLockDetector = False # Check interval in seconds (by default: 20). DeadLockCheckInterval = 20 # Automatic restart if deadlock case is found (by default: False). RestartOnDeadlock = False # ================================================================= # Logging features # ================================================================= # Logging ChatWindow. LogChat = False # Logging Item handling NOTE: This can be very space consuming. LogItems = False # Log GM actions. GMAudit = False # ================================================================= # Community board configuration # ================================================================= # Activate or no the community board. EnableCommunityBoard = False # Show this community board section when you open it. BBSDefault = _bbshome # ================================================================= # Flood Protectors # ================================================================= # The values are shown on ms. They can be set to 0 to be disabled. RollDiceTime = 4200 HeroVoiceTime = 10000 SubclassTime = 2000 DropItemTime = 1000 ServerBypassTime = 100 MultisellTime = 100 ManufactureTime = 300 ManorTime = 3000 SendMailTime = 10000 CharacterSelectTime = 3000 GlobalChatTime = 0 TradeChatTime = 0 SocialTime = 2000 MoveTime = 100 # ================================================================= # Threadpool # ================================================================= # Determines the amount of scheduled thread pools. If set to -1, the server will decide the amount depending on the available processors. ScheduledThreadPoolCount = -1 # Specifies how many threads will be in a single scheduled pool. ThreadsPerScheduledThreadPool = 4 # Determines the amount of instant thread pools. If set to -1, the server will decide the amount depending on the available processors. InstantThreadPoolCount = -1 # Specifies how many threads will be in a single instant pool. ThreadsPerInstantThreadPool = 2 # ================================================================= # Misc # ================================================================= # Basic protection against L2Walker. L2WalkerProtection = False # Zone setting. # 0 = Peace All the Time # 1 = PVP During Siege for siege participants # 2 = PVP All the Time ZoneTown = 0 # Show "data/html/servnews.htm" when a character logins. ShowServerNews = False #============================================================= # Loginserver #============================================================= # This is transmitted to the clients, so it has to be an IP or resolvable hostname Hostname = # Bind ip of the LoginServer, use * to bind on all available IPs LoginserverHostname = LoginserverPort = 2106 # The Loginserver host and port. LoginHostname = LoginPort = 9014 # How many times you can provide an invalid account/pass before the IP gets banned LoginTryBeforeBan = 3 # Time you won't be able to login back again after LoginTryBeforeBan tries to login. Provide a value in seconds. Default 10min. (600) LoginBlockAfterBan = 10 # If set to true, any GameServer can register on your login's free slots AcceptNewGameServer = False # If false, the licence (after the login) will not be shown. Default : true. ShowLicence = False #============================================================= # Database informations #============================================================= URL = jdbc:mariadb://localhost/acis #URL = jdbc:mysql://localhost/acis?serverTimezone=UTC #URL = jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost/acis #URL = jdbc:sqlserver://localhost/database=acis/user=sa/password= Login = root Password = # Maximum database connections. MaximumDbConnections = 5 # Usable values: "true" - "false", use this option to choose whether accounts will be created automatically or not. AutoCreateAccounts = True #============================================================= # Security #============================================================= # FloodProtection. time in ms EnableFloodProtection = True FastConnectionLimit = 15 NormalConnectionTime = 700 FastConnectionTime = 350 MaxConnectionPerIP = 50 l2ini da system (uso a system que foi deixada para download, junto ao servidor) Protocol=unreal ProtocolDescription=Unreal Protocol Name=Player Map=Index.unr LocalMap=Entry.unr Host= Portal= MapExt=unr EXEName=l2.exe SaveExt=usa Port=7777 Class=LineageWarrior.MFighter IsL2NetLogin=True IsL2Console=True IsL2Seamless=True IsL2Projector=True ISL2Mark=2 ForceAspectRatio=False AspectRatio=1.334 IsDefaultShaodw=False IsUnderWaterEffect=False IsUseCommand=True L2VersionCheck=false IsL2MemLog=False L2ThreadFilter=1 L2TestServer=false EnablePurgeLevel=True SharedSky=True L2MaxPawnResourceLoad=1.0 L2UseKeyCrypt=true L2UseReplayManager=true EnableSecondWindow=true IsUseXMLUI=True [L2WaterEffect] ColorReference=(A=180,R=38,G=56,B=64,RR=150) EffectResolution=512 [LanguageSet] Language=0 [FontSet] ;Font=L2Font.Japan ;Glyph=Japan.gly Font=L2Font.gulim Glyph=gulim.gly [CharacterDisplay] Name=true Dist=10000 [ClippingRange] PawnMax=3.0 PawnMin=1.5 AntiPortal=1.5 Terrain=8.0 StaticMesh=4.0 Projector=0.2 StaticMeshLod=5.0 Pawn=2.0 Actor=4.0 [AutoLogOn] IsL2AutoLogOn=Ture L2ID=zodiac L2Passwd=zodiac L2Slot=7 [FirstRun] FirstRun=2110 [Engine.Engine] RenderDevice=D3DDrv.D3DRenderDevice ;RenderDevice=Engine.NullRenderDevice ;RenderDevice=OpenGLDrv.OpenGLRenderDevice AudioDevice=ALAudio.ALAudioSubsystem ;AudioDevice=XboxAudio.XboxAudioSubsystem NetworkDevice=IpDrv.TcpNetDriver DemoRecordingDevice=Engine.DemoRecDriver Console=Engine.Console DefaultPlayerMenu=UDebugMenu.UDebugRootWindow Language=int GameEngine=Engine.GameEngine EditorEngine=Editor.EditorEngine GUIController=Engine.BaseGUIController ;DefaultGame=WarfareGame.WarfareTeamGame ;DefaultServerGame=WarfareGame.WarfareTeamGame DefaultGame=Engine.GameInfo DefaultServerGame=Engine.GameInfo ViewportManager=WinDrv.WindowsClient ;ViewportManager=XboxDrv.XboxClient ;ViewportManager=SDLDrv.SDLClient Render=Render.Render Input=Engine.Input Canvas=Engine.Canvas DefaultPlayerController=Engine.LineagePlayerController L2NetHandler=Engine.NetHandler L2Console=NWindow.ConsoleWnd L2Font=NWindow.L2Font [Core.System] PurgeCacheDays=30 SavePath=../Save CachePath=../Cache CacheExt=.uxx Paths=../System/*.u Paths=../StaticMeshes/*.usx Paths=../Textures/*.utx Paths=../Sounds/*.uax Paths=../Voice/*.uax Paths=../Maps/*.unr ;Paths=../Music/*.umx Paths=../Animations/*.ukx Paths=../SysTextures/*.utx Paths=../Animations/*.usk Paths=../Saves/*.uvx Suppress=DevLoad Suppress=DevSave Suppress=DevNetTraffic Suppress=DevGarbage Suppress=DevKill Suppress=DevReplace Suppress=DevCompile Suppress=DevBind Suppress=DevBsp [Engine.GameEngine] CacheSizeMegs=32 UseSound=True ;ServerActors=IpDrv.UdpBeacon ;ServerActors=IpServer.UdpServerQuery ;ServerActors=IpServer.UdpServerUplink MasterServerPort=27900 ;ServerActors=UWeb.WebServer ServerPackages=AmbientCreatures ;ServerPackages=WarEffects ;ServerPackages=Decorations ServerPackages=GamePlay ServerPackages=UnrealGame ;ServerPackages=WarfareGame ;ServerPackages=WarClassLight ;ServerPackages=WarClassHeavy ;ServerPackages=WarClassMisc ;ServerPackages=Pickups [WinDrv.WindowsClient] WindowedViewportX=1024 WindowedViewportY=768 FullscreenViewportX=1024 FullscreenViewportY=768 MenuViewportX=800 MenuViewportY=600 Brightness=0.500000 Contrast=0.500000 Gamma=1.000000 UseJoystick=True CaptureMouse=True StartupFullscreen=False UseWindowFrame=True ScreenFlashes=True NoLighting=False MinDesiredFrameRate=35.000000 Decals=True Coronas=True DecoLayers=True Projectors=True NoDynamicLights=False ReportDynamicUploads=False TextureDetailInterface=Higher TextureDetailTerrain=Higher TextureDetailWeaponSkin=Higher TextureDetailPlayerSkin=Higher TextureDetailWorld=Higher TextureDetailRenderMap=Higher TextureDetailLightmap=Higher NoFractalAnim=False ScaleHUDX=0.0 [SDLDrv.SDLClient] WindowedViewportX=640 WindowedViewportY=480 FullscreenViewportX=800 FullscreenViewportY=600 MenuViewportX=640 MenuViewportY=480 Brightness=0.500000 Contrast=0.500000 Gamma=1.000000 UseJoystick=True JoystickNumber=0 IgnoreHat=False JoystickHatNumber=0 CaptureMouse=True StartupFullscreen=False ScreenFlashes=True NoLighting=False MinDesiredFrameRate=35.000000 Decals=True Coronas=True DecoLayers=True Projectors=True NoDynamicLights=False ReportDynamicUploads=False TextureDetailInterface=Normal TextureDetailTerrain=Normal TextureDetailWeaponSkin=Normal TextureDetailPlayerSkin=Normal TextureDetailWorld=Normal TextureDetailRenderMap=Normal TextureDetailLightmap=UltraHigh NoFractalAnim=False [Engine.Player] ConfiguredInternetSpeed=10000 ConfiguredLanSpeed=20000 [ALAudio.ALAudioSubsystem] UseEAX=False Use3DSound=False UseDefaultDriver=False CompatibilityMode=False UsePrecache=True ReverseStereo=false Channels=32 MusicVolume=0.1 AmbientVolume=1.0 SoundVolume=1.0 DopplerFactor=1.0 Rolloff=0.5 TimeBetweenHWUpdates=15 DisablePitch=False LowQualitySound=False [IpDrv.TcpNetDriver] AllowDownloads=True ConnectionTimeout=15.0 InitialConnectTimeout=500.0 AckTimeout=1.0 KeepAliveTime=0.2 MaxClientRate=20000 SimLatency=0 RelevantTimeout=5.0 SpawnPrioritySeconds=1.0 ServerTravelPause=4.0 NetServerMaxTickRate=20 LanServerMaxTickRate=35 DownloadManagers=IpDrv.HTTPDownload DownloadManagers=Engine.ChannelDownload [IpDrv.HTTPDownload] RedirectToURL= ProxyServerHost= ProxyServerPort=3128 UseCompression=True [Engine.DemoRecDriver] DemoSpectatorClass=Warriors.CHSpectator MaxClientRate=25000 ConnectionTimeout=15.0 InitialConnectTimeout=500.0 AckTimeout=1.0 KeepAliveTime=1.0 SimLatency=0 RelevantTimeout=5.0 SpawnPrioritySeconds=1.0 ServerTravelPause=4.0 NetServerMaxTickRate=60 LanServerMaxTickRate=60 [Engine.GameReplicationInfo] ServerName=Another Unreal Server ShortName=Unreal Server [IpDrv.TcpipConnection] SimPacketLoss=0 SimLatency=0 [IpServer.UdpServerQuery] GameName=ut [IpDrv.UdpBeacon] DoBeacon=True BeaconTime=0.50 BeaconTimeout=5.0 BeaconProduct=ut [XboxDrv.XboxClient] TextureDetail=Medium SkinDetail=Medium LightmapDetail=High TextureMinLOD=6 TextureMaxLOD=9 Brightness=0.8 Contrast=0.7 Gamma=0.8 NoFractalAnim=True [XBoxAudio.XBoxAudioSubsystem] ReverseStereo=False Channels=32 MusicVolume=1.0 SoundVolume=1.0 AmbientFactor=1.0 UsePrecache=True [D3DDrv.D3DRenderDevice] DetailTextures=True HighDetailActors=True SuperHighDetailActors=True UsePrecaching=True UseTrilinear=True AdapterNumber=-1 ReduceMouseLag=True UseTripleBuffering=False UseHardwareTL=True UseHardwareVS=True UseCubemaps=True DesiredRefreshRate=60 UseCompressedLightmaps=True UseStencil=False Use16bit=False Use16bitTextures=False MaxPixelShaderVersion=255 UseVSync=False LevelOfAnisotropy=1 DetailTexMipBias=0.8 DefaultTexMipBias=-0.5 UseNPatches=False TesselationFactor=1.0 CheckForOverflow=False [OpenGLDrv.OpenGLRenderDevice] DetailTextures=True HighDetailActors=True SuperHighDetailActors=True UsePrecaching=True UseCompressedLightmaps=True UseTrilinear=True UseStencil=False MaxTextureUnits=8 VARSize=32 ReduceMouseLag=False [Engine.NullRenderDevice] DetailTextures=True HighDetailActors=True SuperHighDetailActors=True UsePrecaching=True UseCompressedLightmaps=True UseStencil=False [Editor.EditorEngine] UseSound=True CacheSizeMegs=32 GridEnabled=True SnapVertices=False SnapDistance=10.000000 GridSize=(X=16.000000,Y=16.000000,Z=16.000000) RotGridEnabled=True RotGridSize=(Pitch=1024,Yaw=1024,Roll=1024) GameCommandLine=-log FovAngleDegrees=90.000000 GodMode=True AutoSave=True AutoSaveTimeMinutes=5 AutoSaveIndex=6 UseAxisIndicator=True MatineeCurveDetail=0.1 LoadEntirePackageWhenSaving=0 EditPackages=Core EditPackages=Engine EditPackages=Fire EditPackages=Editor EditPackages=UWindow EditPackages=UnrealEd EditPackages=IpDrv EditPackages=GamePlay EditPackages=LineageEffect EditPackages=LineageWarrior EditPackages=LineageNpc EditPackages=LineageNpc2 EditPackages=LineageNpcEv EditPackages=LineageMonster EditPackages=LineageMonster2 EditPackages=LineageMonster3 EditPackages=LineageVehicle EditPackages=LineageDeco EditPackages=LineageCreature EditPackages=UDebugMenu EditPackages=NWindow ;EditPackages=WarEffects ;EditPackages=Decorations ;EditPackages=WarfareGame ;EditPackages=IHVDemoContent ;EditPackages=Pickups ;EditPackages=WarClassLight ;EditPackages=WarClassHeavy ;EditPackages=WarClassMisc ;EditPackages=AmbientCreatures ;EditPackages=Vehicles ;EditPackages=UPreview [UMenu.UnrealConsole] RootWindow=UMenu.UMenuRootWindow UWindowKey=IK_Esc ShowDesktop=True [UMenu.UMenuMenuBar] ShowHelp=True GameUMenuDefault=UTMenu.UTGameMenu MultiplayerUMenuDefault=UTMenu.UTMultiplayerMenu OptionsUMenuDefault=UTMenu.UTOptionsMenu [Engine.GameInfo] bLowGore=False bVeryLowGore=False [UWeb.WebServer] ;Applications[0]=UTServerAdmin.UTServerAdmin ;ApplicationPaths[0]=/ServerAdmin ;Applications[1]=UTServerAdmin.UTImageServer ;ApplicationPaths[1]=/images DefaultApplication=0 bEnabled=False [Engine.LevelInfo] PhysicsDetailLevel=PDL_Medium [Engine.Console] ConsoleKey=9 [WindowPositions] GameLog=(X=0,Y=0,XL=512,YL=256)
  6. ola amigos, podem me ajudar? estou meio enferrujado estou tendo esse erro, para ligar o game server da acis 398. erro na geodata me parece.
  7. resolvi, faltou colocar o ip local tudo ok aqui
  8. obrigrado pelo trabalho. baixando...
  9. frozen 1132, só aparece os icones, a roupa n aparece :/
  10. JhowMuniz


    então preciso instalar o java 7 e baixar uma versão mais antiga do eclipse?
  11. JhowMuniz


    não tem linha 31 em L2NpcInstance frozen 1132, meu deu erro tbm, ta dizendo linha 1943
  12. os mobs em 4s , me parece que não estão no respal correto. não olhei em outros lugares
  14. personagem não anda,alguém pode me ajudar pfv?
  15. deixar cobrando somente de alguns buffs, buffs especiais
  16. BOA NOTICIA, bem vindo de volta, tem como cobrar um item por buff, uma moeda por exemplo?
  17. o personagem não sai do lugar, alguém sabe o motivo? char adm e normal, clico p atacar o mob, ele vai em direção. mas volta p msm lugar, se clica p ele andar, não sai do lugar Video do erro YOUTUBE
  18. qual java posso usar p rodar o servidor? to com java 8, ta dando erro
  19. ok, o npc tbm some dps do RR, sabe como arrumo? sei mecher mais com frozen, acis to por fora não, só criei a xml, npc é frozen, só criei a xml Consegui resolver, valeu, criei outro id nas xml que ja existia, funcionou sem erros
  20. continua o erro, só quando dou //spawn no npc
  21. Estou com esse erro, coloquei 1 npc gm shop, deu esse erro. XML <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <list> <npc id="90015" idTemplate="90015" name="GranKain" title="Shopping"> <set name="usingServerSideName" val="true"/> <set name="usingServerSideTitle" val="true"/> <set name="level" val="70"/> <set name="radius" val="9"/> <set name="height" val="31.5"/> <set name="rHand" val="6723"/> <set name="lHand" val="0"/> <set name="type" val="Merchant"/> <set name="exp" val="0"/> <set name="sp" val="10"/> <set name="hp" val="2444.46819"/> <set name="mp" val="1345.8"/> <set name="hpRegen" val="7.5"/> <set name="mpRegen" val="2.7"/> <set name="pAtk" val="688.86373"/> <set name="pDef" val="295.91597"/> <set name="mAtk" val="470.40463"/> <set name="mDef" val="216.53847"/> <set name="crit" val="4"/> <set name="atkSpd" val="253"/> <set name="str" val="40"/> <set name="int" val="21"/> <set name="dex" val="30"/> <set name="wit" val="20"/> <set name="con" val="43"/> <set name="men" val="20"/> <set name="corpseTime" val="7"/> <set name="walkSpd" val="80"/> <set name="runSpd" val="120"/> <set name="dropHerbGroup" val="0"/> <ai type="DEFAULT" ssCount="0" ssRate="0" spsCount="0" spsRate="0" aggro="0" canMove="true" seedable="false"/> <skills> <skill id="4045" level="1"/> <skill id="4416" level="7"/> </skills> </npc> </list>
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