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alguem poderia me ajuda a termina esse mod? ANTI_OVER_ENCHANT



queria a ajuda da galera aqui do forum pra termina esse java mod que nao estou conseguindo se alguem conseguir ficarei muito grato pelo que sei muitos administradores estao atras dele tbm obrigado desde ja obs: esse trabalho esta sendo feito para um L2Jserver high five





+#Enable Anti Over Enchant on Login
+EnableAntiOverEnchant = True

+MaxWeapon = 18
+MaxArmor = 18
+MaxJewel = 18


+ public static final String ANTI_OVER_ENCHANT = "./config/InGame/";

+ public static boolean ENABLE_ANTI_OVER_ENCHANT;
+ public static int ENCHANT_MAX_WEAPON;
+ public static int ENCHANT_MAX_ARMOR;
+ public static int ENCHANT_MAX_JEWELRY;

+ }

+ overnechant = new File("./config/InGame/");
+ try { Object is = new FileInputStream(overnechant); localThrowable10 = null;
+ try {
+ L2Properties overnechant_mods = new L2Properties();
+ overnechant_mods.load((InputStream)is);
+ ENABLE_ANTI_OVER_ENCHANT = Boolean.parseBoolean(overnechant_mods.getProperty("EnableAntiOverEnchant", "False"));
+ ENCHANT_MAX_WEAPON = Integer.parseInt(overnechant_mods.getProperty("MaxWeapon", "25"));
+ ENCHANT_MAX_ARMOR = Integer.parseInt(overnechant_mods.getProperty("MaxArmor", "25"));
+ ENCHANT_MAX_JEWELRY = Integer.parseInt(overnechant_mods.getProperty("MaxJewel", "25"));
+ if (is != null) if (localThrowable10 != null) try { ((InputStream)is).close(); } catch (Throwable localThrowable201) { localThrowable10.addSuppressed(localThrowable201); } else ((InputStream)is).close();
+ }
+ catch (Throwable localThrowable202)
+ {
+ localThrowable10 = localThrowable202; throw localThrowable202;
+ }
+ finally
+ {
+ if (is != null) if (localThrowable10 != null) try { ((InputStream)is).close(); } catch (Throwable localThrowable14) { localThrowable10.addSuppressed(localThrowable14); } else ((InputStream)is).close();
+ }
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ _log.warning("Config: " + e.getMessage());
+ throw new Error("Failed to Load ./config/InGame/ File.");
+ }

+ if (item.isEquipable())
+ {
+ if ((activeChar.isCursedWeaponEquipped()) && (this._itemId == 6408))
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ {
+ if (((!activeChar.isGM()) && (item.getEnchantLevel() > Config.ENCHANT_MAX_WEAPON)) || (item.getEnchantLevel() > Config.ENCHANT_MAX_ARMOR) || (item.getEnchantLevel() > Config.ENCHANT_MAX_JEWELRY))
+ {
+ activeChar.sendMessage("You have been kicked for using an item overenchanted!");
+ activeChar.logout();
+ return;
+ }
+ }


+ {
+ msg3 = activeChar.getInventory().getItems(); id = msg3.length; for (obj = 0; obj < id; obj++) { L2ItemInstance i = msg3[obj];
+ if (!activeChar.isGM())
+ {
+ if (i.isEquipable())
+ {
+ if ((i.getEnchantLevel() > Config.ENCHANT_MAX_WEAPON) || (i.getEnchantLevel() > Config.ENCHANT_MAX_ARMOR) || (i.getEnchantLevel() > Config.ENCHANT_MAX_JEWELRY))
+ {
+ activeChar.getInventory().destroyItem(null, i, activeChar, null);
+ activeChar.sendMessage("[server]:You have Items over enchanted you will be kikked!");
+ activeChar.setPunishLevel(L2PcInstance.PunishLevel.JAIL, 1200);
+ Util.handleIllegalPlayerAction(activeChar, "Player " + activeChar.getName() + " have item Overenchanted ", Config.DEFAULT_PUNISH);
+"#### WARNING ####");
+ + " item has been removed from player.");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }

Editado por cesinha
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