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Npc Morph PC- NPc com aparencia de char




no caso desses tres arquivos aki eles sao existente ou eu tenho q criar os arquivos ?


* L2_GameServer_CT1/src/main/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/network/serverpackets/

* L2_GameServer_CT1/src/main/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/model/actor/instance/

* L2_GameServer_CT1/src/main/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/instancemanager/


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aff o package explorer soh abre o l2jemu, como muda?

"In a way, the supernatural is what's behind the curtain. Normally, you only need to see what's happening on stage. That's how reality works. If you don't know then it's for the best. Actually, learning about the supernatural only increases the number of things you don't know."'

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nao baixei o .diff pq o link ta off


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Troca de rev , isso nao eh um erro facil de resolver

"In a way, the supernatural is what's behind the curtain. Normally, you only need to see what's happening on stage. That's how reality works. If you don't know then it's for the best. Actually, learning about the supernatural only increases the number of things you don't know."'

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po mals a demora meu modem ta uma mera eu to usando dois qnd umesquenta d +eu troko pelo outro ..

i a internet tbm ta uma bosta e o espasso desse teclado mas eu to loko pra aprende fase isso vo baixa o diff praver..


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so tem o l2emu no eclipse ? ou tem outros ?


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po cara nesse diff aki tem tudo agora fika mas facil..

putz eu quebrando tudo aki :angry: qual quer duvida q concerteza vou ter eu posto aki .....




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Vou começar a trabalhar nesse código no l2jteon interlude , depois que fizer isso faço um pré-configurado com ele...

"In a way, the supernatural is what's behind the curtain. Normally, you only need to see what's happening on stage. That's how reality works. If you don't know then it's for the best. Actually, learning about the supernatural only increases the number of things you don't know."'

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po cara vamo fase esse trosso junto

cara eu to colokando trokando os ..





+import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.datatables.CharTemplateTable;







+import com.jenova.gameserver.datatables.CharTemplateTable;



msm assim apareceuma bola vermelha comum X dentro docomesso ao fim :angry:


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Tem certesa que eh


Abre uma quest qualquer e ve se ta certo essa parte em vermelho, talvez seja isso!



PS: Guma como cria um arquivo novo antes de compilar a rev?Nao to conseguindo...

"In a way, the supernatural is what's behind the curtain. Normally, you only need to see what's happening on stage. That's how reality works. If you don't know then it's for the best. Actually, learning about the supernatural only increases the number of things you don't know."'

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aff q merda..


ja ja olhei agora eu vo ver o q o khayrusS disse


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tem outros

"In a way, the supernatural is what's behind the curtain. Normally, you only need to see what's happening on stage. That's how reality works. If you don't know then it's for the best. Actually, learning about the supernatural only increases the number of things you don't know."'

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Só tem as Opções New Folder e New Repository Location...

"In a way, the supernatural is what's behind the curtain. Normally, you only need to see what's happening on stage. That's how reality works. If you don't know then it's for the best. Actually, learning about the supernatural only increases the number of things you don't know."'

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pera ai vo manda SS

"In a way, the supernatural is what's behind the curtain. Normally, you only need to see what's happening on stage. That's how reality works. If you don't know then it's for the best. Actually, learning about the supernatural only increases the number of things you don't know."'

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olha so agora todo active char e mas algumas coisinhas dao erro



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onde abre essa janela?Eu soh consigo abrir do SVN repository --'

"In a way, the supernatural is what's behind the curtain. Normally, you only need to see what's happening on stage. That's how reality works. If you don't know then it's for the best. Actually, learning about the supernatural only increases the number of things you don't know."'

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