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L2Goldenage - Classic Interlude x5 - 01.26.2024


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Dear Newcomer!

We would like to invite you to our new UPCOMING Low-Rate Classic-Interlude server!
Check below features and our community!


Chronicle: Classic-Interlude (Interlude content on Modern game-client.)
Grand Opening: 2024 January 26th 18:00 GMT+1
Main Site

Server Rates:
EXP/SP: amount x5
Adena: amount x4
Seal Stone: amount x3
Drop: chance x4, amount x1
Spoil: chance x4, amount x1
Quests: vary, see the list below *
RB drop: chance dynamic x4->x1 **
Epic: x1, reworked ***

*Info Npc can be found in Giran with all the boosted quests and details.

**D/C/B-Grade Raid Bosses are having drop chance x4 multiplier, A-Grade drop chance x2, S-Grade remain drop chance x1. Some RB drops have been improved, see in-game Shift+Click. Every raid boss is having a chance to drop High/Top-Grade Life stones accordingly to their levels.

***Epic Raid Bosses: Boosted levels up to 80. Droplist reworked for Queen Ant, Core, Orfen, Zaken, Baium: Epic Jewel + Life stone, removed Adena, C/B-Grade items. Antharas, Valakas, Frintezza slightly improved drops, High/Top life stones.

Open Beta Test period: 2023/12/01~2024/01/21.
All characters, items, everything will be wiped at the end of OBT period.


Retail VIP System has been based on donation system, you spend money you get VIP Points which grants you specific bonuses reaching different levels on the system. We have it reworked, the whole system is based on your own farming progress. There is zero connection to donation system.
The more you farm, the more you can benefit from. Are you getting excited? Let's see how it works.

We have 7 levels of the VIP System. You start with 0 VIP Points at character creation (obviously). You can gather VIP points by hunting mobs, simple as that, the more you farm the more points you gather, the more bonuses you can achieve. You get 1 VIP Point hunting down 1 mob. The first VIP level can be activated at 300 point. Let's see the VIP levels and benefits:

Lv1: Bonuses: +2% Exp/Sp/Drop/Spoil/Adena for 30days | Requirement: 300Points
Lv1: Bonuses: +4% Exp/Sp/Drop/Spoil/Adena for 30days | Requirement: 700Points
Lv1: Bonuses: +6% Exp/Sp/Drop/Spoil/Adena for 30days | Requirement: 1600Points
Lv1: Bonuses: +8% Exp/Sp/Drop/Spoil/Adena for 30days | Requirement: 3500Points
Lv1: Bonuses: +10% Exp/Sp/Drop/Spoil/Adena for 30days | Requirement: 7200Points
Lv1: Bonuses: +12% Exp/Sp/Drop/Spoil/Adena for 30days | Requirement: 12000Points
Lv1: Bonuses: +15% Exp/Sp/Drop/Spoil/Adena for 30days | Requirement: 16000Points

Notification: Points are counted on last hit, not shared in party.


We have only cosmetics in Store, such as Color Nick/Title, Cloacks, Hair Accessories. Donations go straight into server bills, further advertisement campaigns. We strictly keep our NON-P2W and corruption-free system. There is Try-on option in-game. Look for “Teon” NPC near Adventures Guildman in Giran Castle Town. Try-on has a small fee (10.000 Adena), items are lasting 1 minute.


Class Changes:
1st class change price: 100.000 Adena
2nd class change price: 1.500.000 Adena
3rd class change price: 1.000 Black Halisha Mark*
* You DON’T need to do any quests here for class change, simply farm at Shrine of Loyalty (700’s mobs). Specific mobs drop there Black Halisha Mark: amount x2, chance 70%
Black Halisha Mark is tradeable, bored to farm your items for class change? Buy them at market.

Autolearn skill is available till maximum level reached, no spellbooks needed, however there are exceptions, here is the list:
Additional buffslot skill remains retail-like:
Level 1 book – can be purchased at Black Marketeer of Mammon (Giran|Goddard)
Level 2 book – several ~70+ Raid Bosses are dropping it with very good chance!
Level 3 book – Epic Raid Bosses drop them
Level 4 book – You can get it from Olympiad!

Resurrection – remains at Level 1
Mass Resurrection – remains at Level 1
Dryad Root – remains at Level 1
Regeneration HP – not learnt
Acrobatic Move – not learnt
Boost HP – not learnt
Espirit – not learnt
Fast HP Recovery – not learnt


Offline Buff System:
A very unique system which allows you to sell buff offline. The system can be used only by buffer type of character ie: Prophet, Elven Elder. Exclusively Blade Dancers and Sword Singers are also allowed.
Buffs bought through shops are lasting x2 times longer. ie.: Might Lv3 last 40 mins.
Dances and songs are also lasting x2 times longer. ie.: Dance of Fury last 4mins.
Usage: type in chat .buffshop

Offline Shops:
This is a very common feature, you can put your shop/craft to offline mode.
Usage: type in chat .offline_shop or setup your shop and simply close client (auto activate)


  • Open Beta: 2023/12/01 ~ 2024/01/21
  • Grand Opening: 2024/01/26 18:00 GMT+1
  • SSQ Registration Period: 2024/01/26 ~ 2024/01/29
    SSQ Seal Period: 2024/01/29 ~ 2024/02/05
    Normal 2 weeks SSQ period. (we enable registration from start)
  • First Sieges 2024/02/03 ~ 2024/02/04
  • Olympiad start: 2024/02/05
    Hero status will be distributed every 2 weeks, on mondays of non siege week.
    First heroes 19th of February
  • Clan Hall Auctions: will start from 2024/02/02
    There are reduced number of clan halls for auction
    Prices increased depending on town. Please check Auctioner.


Antibot Protection: We are using Active Anticheat protection.

Multilanguage HTML: Htmls are multilanguage in-game EN/RU.

Autoloot: autoloot is turned on by default, no item or command needed for activation. You can turn it off by command.

Offline-Shop: Available for free. You can use it by command or after setupping your shop, simply close the game client.

Offline-Buffer: You can sell your buffs if your class is a buffer, this includes Blade Dancer and Sword Singer classes as well. Usage: by command in-game.

Box limit: 3 boxes.

Attendance Reward: You can receive a reward every-day being online for 60 minutes.

Maintenances: Scheduled maintenance 1-2 times a week at night time 1 AM GMT+1
There will be announcement about downtimes, ETA.

Resolving issues, bugs:
You can only reach administration via TICKET system, there are no GM chars made in-game, everything is managed remotely. We guarantee ticket is checked within 24hour and issue solved within 72hours.

Olympiad term: 14 days. Scheduled to start on non-siege week.
Class based games are disabled.
Non-Class based is available every day from 17:00 ~ 20:00 GMT+1
AntiFeed protection is applied, same HWID won’t be able to participate in the games.


All Raid Bosses are dead at server start, including Epics too.
Epics respawn time:

  • Queen Ant: 19Hour +- 1Hour Random
  • Orfen: 28Hour +- 1Hour Random
  • Core: 37Hour +- 1Hour Random
  • Zaken: 40Hour +- 1Hour Random
  • Baium: 120Hour +- 1Hour Random
  • Antharas: 192Hour +- 1Hour Random
  • Frintezza: 44Hour +- 1Hour Random
  • Valakas: 264Hour +- 1Hour Random

HP Amount of Valakas, Antharas, Baium reduced by 50%.
Queen Ant, Core, Orfen, Baium level increased up to 80.
Reduced respawn time for Sub-Class Raid Bosses to 8 hours:
Shilen’s Messenger Cabrio
Death Lord Hallate
Longhorn Golkonda
Flame of Splendor Barakiel

There are PvP-Zone at the following epics:
Queen Ant
Antharas (Heart/Inside)
Valakas (Heart/Inside)
Frintezza (Imperial Tomb)

Join our community to find out more!


Edited by Lewis
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