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Projeto l2j acis

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Vou disponibilizar a todos a ultimo revisão da pack l2j acis no caso a 254 LIMPA, espero que façam um bom proveito desse ótimo trabalho.


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Fórum do Projeto:

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Ja existe no forum tópicos com informações a respeito do projeto então so vou postar as

Informações das ultimas atualizaçoes:


Changeset 253

Multiple cleanups aiming better stability/performance.

Following Zoey76's (better known as "L2J cleanup guru") path, I decided to follow my (hidden) master.

- activation of 3 Eclipse settings, leading to :

- cleanup synthetic accesses warnings by dropping private for protected.

- cleanup 20+ "true" and 50+ "false alarms" potential null pointer accesses, leading to handlers reworks.

- cleanup synchronized lists/maps which got no reason to be synchronized.

- cleaning gsregistering (for a "not-RU" english).


Changeset 254

Java7 invasion ! The summer is coming : cleanup on the code ? Tale of an Eclipse come back !

Under that title which worths best animes', come some cleanup and use of java7 features :

- Diamond for constructor invocations (+ activation of associated warning to be sure old system is correctly cleaned)

- try-with-resources block (also known as 'ARM block') ; drop of apache commonsIO jar, drop of L2DatabaseFactory.close(con).

- Fix all possibles methods when they can be static (+ activation of associated warning)

- Fix all QUESTS STATIC maps (almost all...) to be "private final static" and "HashMap" instead of "FastMap".

Editado por S.E.HanNiBaL
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nao é privado esse projeto ?

Vem ai um novo conceito em Lineage II










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nao é privado esse projeto ?


Eu acredito que não, teve um tempo atrás que o William postou um pré-configurado usando essa revisão .

Editado por WariinG
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Revisions Free, source privado... até onde eu me lembro o projeto seguiu assim.

Caso tenha alguma sugestão para aplicativos, por favor envie por MP.

 WhatsApp: 22 98156-2591 


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Hi guys, Tryskell here (founder of aCis project for ppl who don't know). I'm sorry about english, I'm not BR (FR here :P) and Google Trad would surely destroyed my text :P.


The project is under Contribution2Use system, basically you share, I share, and all (included previous sharers) are happy. I ask your time, not your money. I try to form a community around aCis and IL lovers, we both know IL have always been deved since L2J left it (back to 2007), but never a project aimed to rehabilitate it (and the best proof is you had to wait 2012 to finally say "there is a decent IL project".


aCis doesn't simply aim to refresh 2007 codes (using L2J postIL stuff), we try - under my direction - to ADD or IMPROVE things : XMLization of static data, big researches on 2007 forums to find and adapt code following infos we find, etc. People who follow my project since a while know about quests being ported to Java (260+ atm), and general stability of the project.


You can find a lot more infos on project forum.


PS : 253/254 got a "critical" issue with items, which will be fixed in next rev.

PS2 : if we have the right to create an "official" aCis topic on those forums, I would like to be the creator of the thread (to avoid actual author drops the whole thread)... You know, security stuff. If the creator of that thread can update it often, I got no problem that thread becomes official thread of aCis on those forums, and he can keep ownership of the thread aswell.



"Bom dia a todos."



Editado por Tryskell
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Nice to see you again Tryskell!


I'll take your offer to the administrator, I really like your project and I believe he deserves a place here in our forum!


See ya!

Editado por WilliamFS
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  • L2JBr ADM

Hey Tryskell u can send me an email about your project?


I want know realy whats your need from us and also know details of your project.


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Hey WilliamFS, ty for the kind words !


Grundor, the whole list of things can be found on aCis forums. To be short :

  • work on scripts folder (AIs, quests, custom scripts). It goes from quests to missing AIs none care about (ol mahum / orc flee AI, TRex capture system, and such)
  • test and report issues;
  • work on other parts of DP using L2OFF : XML, HTM, SQL. Some important work must be done on npc.sql
  • for ppl who can't stand working on DP but want work on Java, I can give them some things, which can be deved on a basic L2J Freya pack. But understand only a few tasks can fit with conditions (community server, and some little features).
  • you got aswell a public workbench with tasks I let to public users in order they access private section.
  • gathering informations can be considered as enough if you do it a lot and it's good quality (like you found a gold mine).

I mostly encourage ppl to finish scripts folder and share missing AIs in order the project goes "live" one day. At this moment, 65% of scripts folder is made.

Editado por Tryskell
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  • L2JBr ADM


I believe that this may give L2jBrasil support acis project, within our means.

If members L2jBrasil be interested in the topic and the movement is large we can create an area for u in the development forum.

If u wish, u can create a new topic for the project and ask for help , WilliamFS will help u to organize the Fixed thread


One more question....

When will u learn to speak Portuguese?? :pirate:


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  • 2 weeks later...

Alguém poderia me dizer ... se o forum deles esta fora mesmo ou mudo de endereço ... se alguém sabe do novo endereço poderia disponibiliza-lo =D ty


o fórum esta fora do ar a alguns dias e não sei se tem outro endereço ou se pararam de vez.

O host que hospeda o site teve problemas e eles estão tentando resolver.

Não tem previsão para voltar por enquanto mas o projeto continua.

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não tem uma timeline, porque e privado o projeto, porém existiam esses links para contato:

forum :

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faCebook fan page :

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crappy YouTube channel :

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Informations about C2P system :

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mas como o dono do projeto explicou em outro forum eles estão com problemas no host, e até concertarem parece que vai ficar off.

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