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[ Interlude ] L2JWars Project.

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dentro da pasta 'data'



eu editei a unica _init_ que tem na rev como os cara falao no tuto ta assim e mesmo assim ta dando quest ! AFFFFFFFFFFFFF

nao sei mais oque faser me da uma ajuda paulinho !!


__all__ = [



import jscript


Editado por Divino
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o clan hall esta bom... o pró é a area dele só fica como pvp... igual um erro q tinha na ilha que uma parte ficava zona de paz e outra não... des da primeira rev tem esse pequeno problema

pq as vezes players vão pro clan hall e ja tem outro la esperando pra matar e ficar com os drops...

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pois é quanto mais bug voces postao mais a rev do cara vai ficando boa... o q voces estao ganhando com isso? nada ele que ganha pois o projeto dele fica melhor e voces ficao sem nada ^^


dexem de ser nooobs..

vcs testam o pack, informa os bug ao Paulinho

ele vai arruma os bugs e posta as actualizaçoes para vcs baixar,

oq vcs ganham com iso ?

um pack melhor, actualizado, para ter um server melhor...

testem testem testem

cuanti mais vcs testam e acham bugs e melhor, pq o Paulinho arruma tudo

e posta atualizaçoes para voces :)


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PQP, os caras ganhando tudo de graça e na boca e ainda vem dizer que o Paulinho é que vai sair com tudo...fala serio


Paulinho uso essa REV, mas não estou conseguindo botar pro char nascer lvl 80...pode mi ajudar com isso?



Anham ultima rev saiu tem quanto tempo?


deixa de ser troxa vcs

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@ WsxsW


Cara pra começar, quantos bugs foram reportados ? so postam sem testar, primeiro voces testam depois fala como funfa o bug e etc.


Agora eu não vou atualizar o pack por besteira eu atualizo quando fixo um bug, e se ta achando ruim não poste guarde suas palavras pra você.


@ ADM Di Pedro


Basta você ir em L2JWarsCustom, ir nesta opção e por o Lv 80.

O conteúdo está oculto, favor efetuar login ou se cadastrar!

Editado por Paulinho Souza*
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não sei como fazem mas estão roubando meus players no trade hacker... ja uns 8 players vem me informando esse bug q houve com eles... =x eles dão trade quando aperta 'ok' nao vem nada so vao os itens deles...






não é bug.... é lesera de alguns players sendo enganado... enganam ele falando q vai bugar a arma e pede pra ele mandar party e ficar jogando a arma no chão,dai vai pra ele em pt aleatoria... --'

Editado por Sepulkro
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@ WsxsW


Cara pra começar, quantos bugs foram reportados ? so postam sem testar, primeiro voces testam depois fala como funfa o bug e etc.


Agora eu não vou atualizar o pack por besteira eu atualizo quando fixo um bug, e se ta achando ruim não poste guarde suas palavras pra você.


@ ADM Di Pedro


Basta você ir em L2JWarsCustom, ir nesta opção e por o Lv 80.

O conteúdo está oculto, favor efetuar login ou se cadastrar!

Paulinho procurei nesse local que vc disse e não tem essa opção :S ...acho q minha rev nao é essa l2jwars só pode...mas ser bem que na pasta tem o nome assim: L2BestWar

Abaixo o conteúdo da pasta l2jteoncustom:





# L2JTeon Customizations



# These Settings have been added by the L2j Teon Dev Team.

# However that does not mean that the L2J Teon Dev Team Created

# all these customizations. All credits to respective owners!

# Your server will not be "retail" if you enable or use any of

# the below configurations.


# These Settings give the Administrator/Owner of a server more

# power in terms of customizations.






# -------------------------------------------------

# Players Protection

# -------------------------------------------------


# This option will disallow PvP/PK of any and ALL kind between players above and below the level given below.

# For example if the number is set to 39, then players level 1-39 cannot attack or be attacked by level 40+.

# (official = 0)

PlayerProtectionLevel = 0


# False will allow Grade Penalty

# True will disable grade penalty

DisableGradePenalties = False


# False will allow Weight Penalty

# True will disable Weight penalty

DisableWeightPenalties = False


# On character login check for illegitmate skills. False = disabled, True Enabled.

CheckSkillsOnEnter = False


# List of Skills that are allowed for all Classes if CheckSkillsOnEnter = True

AllowedSkills = 541,542,543,544,545,546,547,548,549,550,551,552,553,554,555,556,557,558,617,618,619,663,664,665,666,667,668,669,670,671,672,673,674


# Set this option to True to enable custom titles on new chars.

# Also replace TeonDevTeam with title you want.

CharTitle = True

CharAddTitle = L2 LosAmigos


# Death Penalty Configuration.


# Calculate in Change %


# (Official = 20)

DeathPenaltyChance = 20



# Mana Potion MP Regeneration


ManaPotionMPRes = 200


# -----------------------------------------

# Donator Customizations

# -----------------------------------------

# Checkup time of items rent at EnterWorld

# and delete delayed danator's rented items.

# (official = False)

DonatorDeleteRentedItems = False


# Donator Color Name Selection.

# Default Yellow.

DonatorColorName = 00FFFF


# Donator Items.

# With Items ID : 6392 , 6393

# Donators with a simple click on them they can use special Magic on them

AllowDonatorItems = False


# Donators Allow to Auto Revive on die with a popup message FIXED.

AllowDonatorAutoRevive = False


# Donators Allow to pass Check Unlegit Skills.

# if they have any skill that is not for their class server will allow them to pass the check.

AllowDonatorsUnlegit = False


# ---------------------------------

# NPC Customizations

# ---------------------------------


# Minimum and maximum variable in seconds for npc animation delay.

# You must keep MinMonsterAnimation <= MaxMonsterAnimation.

# (official = 0).

MinMonsterAnimation = 5

MaxMonsterAnimation = 20


# --------------------------------------------

# Announcements and Messages

# --------------------------------------------

# This option if True will announce when a GM logs in game.

# (official = False)

ShowGMLogin = True


# Show L2J License

# To show respect to L2j you can turn it on.

ShowL2JLicense = False


# Show Welcome .htm file located in data/html/

# To welcome everyone ourselves we keep this True by default.

ShowTeonInfo = False


# Show Welcome PM on start

ShowWelcomePM = True

PMFrom = L2*-*LosAmigos*-*

PMText1 = Bem Vindo ao L2*-*LosAmigos*-*

PMText2 = Chamem seus amigos e venha se Divertir !


# Announce Count of online players on character login.

ShowOnlinePlayersAtStartup = False


# This will add the below set number to the actual amount of online players. (might want to disable that page on Community Board if you do this!)

OnlinePlayerCountTrick = 0


# Set time interval in ms to announce online player count (0 - don't announce) (1 minute = 60,000 millisecond)

OnlinePlayersAnnounceInterval = 0


# Announce login of Castle Lords.

AnnounceCastleLords = False


# Enable use of displaying pk info to the players everytime

# a pk or pvp is done. Displays in form of : "You have killed PlayerX x many of times".

EnablePkInfo = True


# Enable or disable NPC Announcer

AllowNpcAnnouncer = True


# Allow the NPC Announcer for Donators Only?

NpcAnnouncerDonatorOnly = True


# Set price per each announce note, gms are excluded, they can announce in npc for free.

# default = 10000

PricePerAnnounce = 10000


# Set the max announces per day to prevent spawnming

# default = 20

AnnouncesPerDay = 20


# Set the min level to announce

# default = 1

MinLevelToAnnounce = 1


# Set the max level to announce

# default = 80

MaxLevelToAnnounce = 80


# ---------------------------------------

# Server Customizations

# ---------------------------------------

#Safe Sigterm will disable some features during restart/shutdown proccess to prevent enchant and sublcass exploits. (recommended)

SafeSigterm = False


# Set this to True if you want to add a custom spawn location for ALL new characters.

# choose the coordinates you want Example:

# SpawnX = 149999

# SpawnYY = 46728

# SpawnZ = -3414


CustomSpawn = False

SpawnX = 149999

SpawnY = 46728

SpawnZ = -3414


# Enable this if you want the below configuration to work.

CustomStarterItemsEnabled = False


# Set this to False to allow items like official given to character on creation.

# Set this to True if you don't want players to get items like official on character creation.

# This does not affect CustomStarterItems.

DisableOfficialStarterItems = False


# This allows the administrator to set up additional items for players to start off with, items are put in the format: id,count;id,count;id,count

CustomStarterItems = 57,1000;


# -------------------------------------

# Miscellaneous Customizations

# -------------------------------------

# If True wyverns may be used during a siege.

# If False wyverns may not be used during a siege.

# (official = False)

AltFlyingWyvernInSiege = False


# If True, players require book to enchant skill.

# If False, players do not require book to enchant skill.

# (official = True)

EnchantSkillSpBookNeeded = True


# Life crystal needed to learn clan skills

LifeCrystalNeeded = True


# Reuse Delay for Elixir potions (in seconds).

# (official = 300)

ElixirsDelay = 300


#Remove Castle circlets after a clan lose its castle or a player leaves a clan? - default True

RemoveCastleCirclets = True


# Alternative Rate Value for Perfect Shield Block Rate.

AltPerfectShieldBlockRate = 5


# -----------------------------------------

# Warehouse Sorting

# -----------------------------------------

EnableWarehouseSortingClan = False

EnableWarehouseSortingPrivate = False

EnableWarehouseSortingFreight = False


# Option to Allow activeChar Summon a pet while is in pvp mode.


# Usefull to avoid players run away with striders/wyverns from the fight.

DisableSummonInCombat = True


# --------------------------------------

# Skill Customizations

# --------------------------------------

# Enable to modify skill duration data

EnableModifySkillDuration = False


# Skill duration list

# Format : skillid,newtime;skillid,newtime....

# Example : this enable 1h(3600) duration for songs

# SkillDurationList = 264,3600;265,3600;266,3600;267,3600;268,3600;\

# 269,3600;270,3600;304,3600;305,1200;306,3600;308,3600;349,3600;\

# 363,3600;364,3600

SkillDurationList =


# Force NO autolearn on some skill

EnableNoAutoLearnList = False

# No autolearn skill list

# Format : skillid;skillid;....

NoAutoLearnList =


# ------------------------------------------

# Remote Class Master By Danielmwx

# ------------------------------------------

# Use only if ( AllowClassMasters = True )

# Official = False

AllowRemoteClassMasters = True


# -----------------------------------

# L2Walker ProtectionBy Danielmwx

# -----------------------------------

# L2Walker ( Bot ) Protection Enabled?

# Recomended is True ( Official = False )

L2WalkerProtection = True


# --------------------------------------------

# PVP BOT Protection By Danielmwx

# --------------------------------------------

# PVP ( Bot ) Protection Enabled?

# Recomended is True ( Official = False )

PvPSameIP = True


# ----------------------------------

# Change Name's Color Via PvP's

# ----------------------------------

# Each Amount will change the name color to the values defined here.

# Example: PvpAmmount1 = 500, when a character's PvP counter reaches 500, their name color will change

# according to the ColorForAmount value.

# Note: Colors Must Use RGB format

EnablePvPColorSystem = True


# Pvp Amount & Name color level 1.

PvpAmount1 = 50

ColorForAmount1 = B5B5B5


# Pvp Amount & Name color level 2.

PvpAmount2 = 100

ColorForAmount2 = B5B5B5


# Pvp Amount & Name color level 3.

PvpAmount3 = 200

ColorForAmount3 = B5B5B5


# Pvp Amount & Name color level 4.

PvpAmount4 = 300

ColorForAmount4 = B5B5B5


# Pvp Amount & Name color level 5.

PvpAmount5 = 400

ColorForAmount5 = B5B5B5


# ------------------------------------

# Change Title's Color Via Pk's

# ------------------------------------

# Same as above, with the difference that the PK counter changes the title color.

# Example: PkAmmount1 = 500, when a character's PK counter reaches 500, their title color will change

# according to the Title For Amount

# WAN: Colors Must Use RGB format

EnablePkColorSystem = False


# Pk Amount & Title color level 1.

PkAmount1 = 50

TitleForAmount1 = B5B5B5


# Pk Amount & Title color level 2.

PkAmount2 = 100

TitleForAmount2 = B5B5B5


# Pk Amount & Title color level 3.

PkAmount3 = 200

TitleForAmount3 = B5B5B5


# Pk Amount & Title color level 4.

PkAmount4 = 300

TitleForAmount4 = B5B5B5


# Pk Amount & Title color level 5.

PkAmount5 = 400

TitleForAmount5 = B5B5B5


# --------------------------------

# Custom PVP/PK settings

# --------------------------------

# Pvp reward system

AllowPvpRewardSystem = True


# Pvp reward itemId

PvpRewardItem = 6393


# Pvp reward amount

PvpRewardAmount = 2


# Pk reward system

AllowPkRewardSystem = True


# Pk reward itemId

PkRewardItem = 6392


# Pk reward amount

PkRewardAmount = 5



Editado por Paulinho Souza*
Adicionando spoiler.
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Cara sobre o Timeline ainda estou criando pois estou sem tempo e a galera ainda não esta postando muitos bugs mais ja estou fixando as olympiadas para postar a nova atualização mais EM BREVE Criarei o timeline mais quero fazer muitas correções antes disso pra ninguem ficar copiando minhas correções sem por os devidos creditos.

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