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Help with H5 (High five) Pack - source



hello guys i would like to ask a question

its probably not the right section ( but i hope it does if its not please someone move my thread to the correct one thank you)

i would like to ask if there is any L2 H5 Datapack-Source files over there for free

i prefer to get a clean version without custom's 

if you could help me it would be amazing

much love thank you 

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17 hours ago, Katsiadas said:

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awesome i found this link to . but how can i download the files ?i want source - data pack - core so i can edit my own java codes and place new armos . etc

im new to development so please help me 🙂 thank you 

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2 hours ago, themakos77 said:

awesome i found this link to . but how can i download the files ?i want source - data pack - core so i can edit my own java codes and place new armos . etc

im new to development so please help me 🙂 thank you 

i cant explain it but you can watch this video from it and if you have any problems dm me


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