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[ Interlude ] L2JWars Project.

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Buff Com Duracao De 2 Horas



















Cola isso em GAMESERVE/Confg/Custom/L2JWarsCustom






Qualquer coisa so fala e tamos ai pra fazer o L2JWars o melho projeto :biggrin:

Editado por ADM-Bruno
































Não Tem Nada Aki :D






























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ainda n testei o q eh nessesario

mais so queiria saber se tem proteçao

contra oly do msm ip

mais falando em oly

a utima rev teon tinha 1 bug q o kara q quando o kara tiva indo oly contra paladino o kara podia tira quase todo o life dele se ele pegace angelic pra correr e usa touth so era fika correndo e ganha a oly

n sei se pega aki vou testa mais se alguem souber se ja foi fix ou quer coisa do tipo da 1 toque


mais o principal eh a protecao de oly contra o msm ip ! responde ai paulinho


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Ae Paulinho nao tem como eu remover alguns mods ae ? tipo uns mods que nao iria utiliza para nao fica muito pesado.


kara desculpa a intromição ai ....


ter tem agora vc tem q aprender a fazer so issu


agora se quiser q ele tire os mods para vc ai eh com ele


so eh vc ser especifico na proxima



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Se a Svn Fosse liberada fosse mas facil ne so fazia compila a add ou remover o mod que eu queria.



antes de fala se informe primeiro.



O projeto da SVN ta parado ele não ta comitando mas ta ae!

O conteúdo está oculto, favor efetuar login ou se cadastrar!


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rsrs é essa sim uma private minha tenho 2 free-private e uma paga amigo nem se preocupe com isso...


as 2 free-private é a primeira que começei e esta agora.

Editado por Paulinho Souza*
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rsrs é essa sim uma private minha tenho 2 free-private e uma paga amigo nem se preocupe com isso...


as 2 free-private é a primeira que começei e esta agora.


Paulinho excelente trabalho.. estou usando sua rev.. e estou com problemas nos Buffs .. dance e song consegui por 1 hora .. mais os buffs normais.. nem eu editando no stats deles .. reinicio o server e eles vem 19 min !!! ajuda aeee


e tem como adicionaar o VCAIO? pro aio nao sair da city?

# Configuration File for the Voiced Command AIO.


# Explanation:

# When a player presses .aio he gets a few options of what to do.

# These options will be located at an HTML file and I'd recommend

# you not to change anything. Everything is set configurable

# so if you want to disable functions you can just take a look at

# this file instead of deleting files there.

# The HTML file's name is VoicedAIOCmd.htm located at data/html/mods.


# To enable the use of this command set the value below to True.

EnableVoicedAIOCmd = False


# Protections for the command!

# To increase your protection, I'd suggest you to leave everything as False!


# Allow the use of the command while the player is dueling?

VCAIODuel = False


# Allow the use of the command while the player is dead?

VCAIODead = False


# Allow the use of the command while the player is a participant in Olympiad?

VCAIOOly = False


# Allow the use of the command while the player has Karma?

VCAIOKarma = False


# Allow the use of the command while the player is flagged (marked with a pink name)?

VCAIOFlag = False


# Allow the use of the command while the player is observing the Olympiad Games?

VCAIOObservation = False


# Allow the use of the command while the player is at the Festival?

VCAIOFestival = False


# Allow the use of the command while the player is fishing?

VCAIOFishing = False


# Allow the use of the command while the player is in combat?

VCAIOCombat = False


# Allow the use of the command while the player is paralyzed?

VCAIOParalyze = False


# Allow the use of the command while the player is using the skill 'Fake Death' ?

VCAIOFakeDeath = False


# Allow the use of the command from a Chat Banned player?

VCAIOChatBan = False


# Allow the use of the command while the player is holding a Cursed Weapon (Zariche/Akamanah) ?

VCAIOCWEquipped = False


# Allow the use of the command while the player is rooted to the ground?

VCAIORooted = False


# Allow the use of the command while the player is sitting?

VCAIOSitting = False


# Allow the use of the command while the player is immobilized?

VCAIOImobilised = False


# Allow the use of the command while the player is at the Dungeon of the 7 Signs competition?

VCAIOIn7sDungeon = False


# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


# AIO Warehouse.

# Enable the AIO Warehouse function?

AIOEnableWarehouse = False


# AIO Teleport to Area.

# If a player presses on that button, he will get teleported to a place that you'll set.

# Enable the function?

AIOEnableTeleportToArea = False

# If you enable the function, set the coordinates below!

#Ex : Giran

TeleportX = 82698

TeleportY = 148638

TeleportZ = -3474


# AIO Buffing.

# If a player presses on the buff button he will be buffed,

# depending his class (mage/warrior).

# For now the buffs are just 3 for each case, although

# you can just edit a bit the file in order to add more buffs!

# And of course you can then set them configurable.

# Enable the function?

AIOEnableBuffing = False


# - Fighter Buffs -

# Below Set the Buff ID and the Level that a fighter will take when he presses the button.

FighterBuffNumber1 = 1086

FighterBuffNumber1Level = 2

FighterBuffNumber2 = 1240

FighterBuffNumber2Level = 3

FighterBuffNumber3 = 1077

FighterBuffNumber3Level = 3


# - Mage Buffs -

# Below Set the buff ID and the Level that a mage will take when he presses the buff button.

MageBuffNumber1 = 1059

MageBuffNumber1Level = 3

MageBuffNumber2 = 1062

MageBuffNumber2Level = 2

MageBuffNumber3 = 1085

MageBuffNumber3Level = 3


# AIO Infos.

# When a player presses on the Infos button, he will get an HTML

# popup which will tell him the server's infos.

# You can edit that file, which is located at data/html/mods,

# name VCAioInfos.htm

AIOEnableInfos = False


# AIO Mini Shop.

# Well this is something like a mini shop.

# A player presses on the Shop button and gets an option to buy an item.

# You can set the item configurable below.

# Note that you can set more items, this one was just given as an example.

# Enable the Mini Shop?

AIOEnableLittleShop = False


# How many Adenas will you need?

MiniShopAdenasCount = 1000000000


# What will be the item that you will purchase?

# Set the ID.

MiniShopItemID = 2173


# How many items will be purchased (amount) ?

MiniShopItemCount = 1



Te adicionei no msn.. [email protected]

Editado por Calmaai
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Preciso de NPC De Buff que Buffar com "//SetVIp"


Quem tiver favor manda pra min "meu Email" Ou postar ak no Forum pro Pessoal quer ?




[email protected]

Um sonho de ter um servidor de sucesso, que dure no minino 20 anos :onda:

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o Progeto ta tendo atualizacoes ?


Progeto Muito Bom Parabens Paulinho Souza* :D

Evite Floods ou Respostas desnecessárias para que você nao tenha uma má resposta.

Campanha: Vamos manter o Forum Limpo :D

Antes de criar um Tópico de uma olhada <a href='' Archivesa resposta da sua pergunta ja pode esta la.


O sábio nunca diz tudo o que pensa, mas pensa sempre em tudo o que diz.

<span>Spoiler</span> <input type='button' class='bbc_spoiler_show' value='Show' />

<div class='bbc_spoiler_wrapper'><div class='bbc_spoiler_content' style="display:none;"><span style='color: #808080'><span style='font-size: 15px;'><strong class='bbc'>Tem nada aki não!</strong></span></span></div></div>



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