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L2j Lisvus (C4) Scions of Destiny.

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Revisão 727:


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Ta valendo apena usar essa REV para criar servidor low, mid, high ? 

System C4: 

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 100% (Creditos Kallone)


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Links off alguem tem ai ?

L2 Spirits 50x




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2 horas atrás, TXD disse:

Links off alguem tem ai ?

Projeto usa JDK11

ai ta versão 695.. (Atual)


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ja no link abaixo ta da svn mas ta versão inferior


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dois links é a source, só que na primeira ta mais atualizada

Link da System

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geodata e Pathnode

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Editado por Christian-SDM
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1 hora atrás, Christian-SDM disse:

Projeto usa JDK11

ai ta versão 695.. (Atual)

  Mostrar conteúdo oculto

O conteúdo está oculto, favor efetuar login ou se cadastrar!


ja no link abaixo ta da svn mas ta versão inferior

  Mostrar conteúdo oculto

O conteúdo está oculto, favor efetuar login ou se cadastrar!

dois links é a source, só que na primeira ta mais atualizada

Link da System

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geodata e Pathnode

O conteúdo está oculto, favor efetuar login ou se cadastrar!

Obrigado =D

L2 Spirits 50x




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Topico Atualizado com a nova SVN (

O conteúdo está oculto, favor efetuar login ou se cadastrar!
Recomendo que compilem o pack pela SVN, além de ter muiitos commits novos...


Revision 680

Allowing Jython to use registry file. Developers can also use it to set certain python options.
Instead of unsetting inside jython source, it's better to do it in registry file.

Revision 681

- Translated Echo Crystals script into Java.
- Fixed critical hits being broken for all skills except for blows. Thanks legionarios.
- Removed cron folder and TaskJython task.
- Fixed issues when exchanging swords for dual swords in Blacksmith of Mammon. Thanks JMD, WilliamFS.
- Organized SystemMessage Message IDs in order.
- Added item count limit for all items. For stackable items, it's 2 billions, and 1 million for the rest. Thanks ASDron, JMD.
- Fixed Private Store Sell weight and slot checks not working.
- Removed some useless Integer.MAX_VALUE checks.
- Fixed player weight overflow.

Revision 682

- Translated Hero Items script into Java.
- Translated Ketra Orc Support script into Java.
- Translated Varka Silenos Support script into Java.
- Mantras and Runes do not have a maximum count of 2 billion.
- Character Skill List has become more retail-like. Skills are sorted by ID and toggles are always last.
- Few improvements regarding Lists and Maps.

Revision 683

- Corrected ToI entrance admin teleport.
- Translated Race Track Teleporter into Java.
- Translated TeleportWithCharm script into Java.
- Translated 4 ToI teleport scripts into a single Java file.
- From now on, all Java scripts will be loaded from JavaScriptManager class.
- Removed main method from all Java scripts.
- Walker npcs will use CreatureSay packet to broadcast their messages. Thanks JMD.
- Few code improvements.

Revision 684

- Added gitignore rules due to moving project to gitlab. Also, some changes were performed in ant build files.
- Renamed BuffsPerSlot configuration to BuffSlotsPerRow.

Revision 684b

- Added missing ALT+G commands. Thanks JMD.
- Added few missing System Messages.
- Minor improvements for Faenor script engine.

Revision 684c

- Olympiad Stadiums rework. Removing Olympiad Stadium instances and using stadium zones instead.
- Added teleport distance between Olympiad participants. Thanks Joabi.
- Added more retail spawn locations for Olympiad participants. Thanks Joabi.
- Fixed most stadium zone vertices pointing to wrong zones.
- Renamed isChaotic to isAlternate for spawn locations.
- Improved admin_zone_check command so that it displays more details about current zone(s).
- Added useSSL=false parameter to database URL since couple of users had issues after using MySQL 5.7+.

Revision 684d

- admin_setinvul can now be used on L2Character.
- Fixed an issue which caused clan hall warehouse not to work. Thanks Vito33.
- Player siege state will now be set/reset on clan join/leave.
- Added isWarehouse() property for folk npcs.
- Fixed Unlock skill not working. Thanks improvise.
- Fixed admin skill menu not displaying available orc mystic skills at times, due to bad HTML elements.

Revision 685

- Fixed serious Olympiad issues that occured after previous Olympiad update. Thanks Joabi for pointing out.

Revision 686

- Added 'Take Castle' button in admin panel. Thanks JMD.
- Clan window will update when using 'Take Castle' or 'Take Clan Hall'.
- Few improvements in Admin Pledge panel button.
- Small improvement in OlympiadManager.

Revision 687 - 688

- Added GNU license to project root folder.
- Added custom minions table. Thanks JMD and Karakan.
- Fixed Repent your Sins quest issues. Thanks Arlindok9.
- Improved GMViewSkillInfo packet skill order.

Revision 689

ChampionRewards and ChampionAdenasRewards settings will now accept float values. This gives admins the possibility to reduce original drop rate for champions.

Revision 690

ClassCastException fix for admin_setinvul command.

Revision 691

- Removed L2CharPosition class. Location can serve the same purpose.
- Added GrandBoss properties file. Thanks JMD.
- Grand Bosses respawn time calculation has been corrected.
- Minor correction regarding AI moveToPawn timeout.


- Fixed Private Store item count issues. Thanks Arlindok9.
- Fixed a Private Store Sell issue regarding enchanted items.
- Rewritten Oracle Teleport script into Java.

Revision 694 - 05-12-2019

- Removed class templates from database. They are now located in stats/classTemplates.xml. With this, we get rid of 3 sql tables. Thanks Karakan for suggesting.
- Fixed a class master NPE caused by GMs talking to NPC.
- Added support for adding multiple items for characters first login. Thanks Arlindok9 for suggesting.
- Admins can now add extractable items that extract multiple items, using a certain format. Thanks Arlindok9 for suggesting.
- CharTemplateTable will now keep a proper cache for classes.
- Added rate for fish extraction.
- Removed certain spoil rates from configuration file, since they were never used.

Revision 695 - 05-12-2019

- A fix regarding previous commit.
- *Reference in 694: Added security checks in CharacterCreate packet.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Topico atualizado com a versao Compilada da REV (702)

Informacoes dos updates

Revision 696

- Fixed Soul Crystal issues that occured since previous commit. Thanks Arlindok9.
- Removed few weird Hot Springs mob spawns.
- Added a missing Hot Springs npc spawn.
- Admin commands for giving/deleting all target skills will now refresh client skill list.

Revision 697

- Fixed Special Xmas Gift (ID: 5555) broadcasting content to all players. Thanks Arlindok9.
- Replacing c3p0 connection pool with HikariCP.
- Added MariaDB database driver. From now on, this will be the default driver.
- Got rid of ConnectionClose task for unclosed connections. It's more like overheading than helpful.
- Small organization in SiegeManager.
- Threadpools will now stop earlier during shut down.

Revision 698

- Small Admin Panel organization.
- Updated database 'MaxDbConnections' property due to issues. Thanks luigifps for feedback.
- Added Cylinder zone form. Thanks Joabi.
- Fixed adena losing its order as ingredient in Multisell lists. Thanks confejulian.
- Moved zone vertices to XML and got rid of sql table.
- Got rid of few zone-related instance managers since new ZoneManager supports zone retrieval by class.
- All zones have been split into files according to their type. Thanks to moving all zone data into XML and splitting them into files, their structure has been improved.
- Added 'enabled' property for enabling/disabling whole zone XML lists.
- Improved several boss zone vertices.
- Added zone type ZONE_TOWN for distinguishing towns from rest of peaceful zones.
- Added zone reload functionality. It's possible via //zone_reload admin command.
- Added admin zone window. Admins have the ability to know which zones they are into, and what their properties are (e.g. No Landing state).
- Admins can now visualize zones using admin zone window or corresponding commands.
- Added button for admin zone window in Admin Panel.
- Upgraded //zone_check command. Admins can now view a variety of zone and region data (e.g. Geo Region). This command will also open admin zone window.
- Added command right access levels for zone commands.
- Added warning during item XML files parsing, in case an item was not found into database for some reason. This will help admins with flaws regarding custom mods.
- Characters who have not completed third class transfer cannot not view Olympiad manager noblesse window. They will still be able to observe matches, just like non-noblesse characters.
- Minor correction in Login Server authentication.

Revision 699

- Added few more checks regarding item XML-SQL warning that was added in previous commit.
- In the case of game server, 'GameGuardEnforce' setting was moved to
- Added 'GameGuardEnforce' setting for login server.
- Removed 'GameGuardProhibitAction' setting since it was never used.
- Added login support for clients without working gameguard. This also allows the last remaining C5 clients to connect to login server.
- Added 'chaotic' and 'olympiad' player conditions. These can be used to limit item use only for chaotic or olympiad characters respectively.

Revision 700

- Using GrandBoss settings for setting Antharas and Valakas possible wait time on server startup. Thanks Joabi. 

Revision 701

- Added configurable login server support for chaotic throne clients.
Depending on forks, some game servers may need modifications to connect to login server. For now, it's tested with Interlude client.
- Fixed credentials issue. Thanks Joabi.
- Removed unused settings in
- Fixed exception that occured when a client with a forbidden protocol version tried to connect. Also, protocol version validation attempts will only be logged in debug mode.

Revision 702

- Fixed character heading bug that occured when casting BSOE skills right after login. This has been reported many times in the past. Thanks edibraxi123 for reminding. (Also, removed Fake Death small cast hack since it was done to fix this bug).
- UPnP will now be disabled by default.
- LoginController will generate blowfish keys, only if newer clients are acceptable.
- Using SetupGauge types when calling packet instead of integers, for a much better understanding.


Obrigado @~DnR~ pelos updates!


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

After many requests, we are moving back to our old SVN repository.
Its latest commit is 710 which is equal to GitLab's 711.

If any issues occur in SVN sources due to updates, feel free to report them. Thank you all for your contribution to the project.




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21 horas atrás, ~DnR~ disse:

After many requests, we are moving back to our old SVN repository.
Its latest commit is 710 which is equal to GitLab's 711.

If any issues occur in SVN sources due to updates, feel free to report them. Thank you all for your contribution to the project.




lacking this system of buying items enchanteds like l2off, l2jfrozen has already been implemented, but c4 is missing, could you add? and the character doesn’t need to remove a weapon in his hand, to open this function


could you also add a vote reward?

Editado por Christian-SDM
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Post atualizado com a versão 711 da Rev (compilado)


Revision 703

- Added missing prices for castle circlets. Having 0 price, buylist was kicking players out of game. Thanks Joabi.
- Removed few duplicate NPC spawns from Goddard Castle.
- Small check in RequestAuthLogin packet.

Revision 704

- Fixed Draconic Bow Focus SA. Thanks Arlindok9 for reporting and Karakan for the fix.
- Improved Z coords for multiple NPC spawns in Dwarven Village. Thanks cyberghoser1.
- Effect stack system had a check that prevented stacked effects to replace each other if remaining time of old effect was higher than that of new effect. This has now been limited to AIO and NPC buffs to keep effect stacking retail-like.
- Removed 'AccountEncryptionEnforce' configurable property. There is no need to support clients with Prelude Auth anymore.

Revision 705

- Updated critical rate bonuses for all skills. They are retail-like now. Thanks Arlindok9.
- Added support for basemul stat regarding critical rate.



Revision 706

- Fixed few issues regarding aggro skills.
- From now on, CoreAIDisabled monsters will be able to attack other monsters using skills, provided that they do not belong in the same faction. This fixes Baium idle issue. Thanks Joabi.
- Corrected a wrong check in Siege Guards AI.
- Corrected bad faction ID checks.
- Festival monsters and Sepulcher monster will not be auto-attackable by L2MonsterInstance attackers.

Revision 707

- Fixed a teleport bug that occured on teleportation during another teleportation. This fix will now allow GMs to recall players inside forbidden zones (e.g. Boss Zones).

Revision 708

- Proper fix regarding bug mentioned in previous commit. Everything is in order now.
- Added a check in ZoneManager to prevent zone validation for characters that are teleporting during an admin zone reload.

Revision 709

- Fixed newbie support issues for certain quests. Thanks systel.-.
- Removed a bad attack check from item unequip packet. Thanks confejulian.

Revision 710 (Maybe the last one in GitLab)

- Changed PartySpelled packet, so that effects that overflow window replace first effects (just like the rest of buff windows).

Revision 711 (Last GIT commit)

- Fixed a character friend window issue upon login. Thanks Christian-SDM for pointing out.

Revision 711 (SVN)

- Fixed Rest-type skills not working. Thanks combatevolved.


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On 2/4/2020 at 7:22 PM, Christian-SDM said:

lacking this system of buying items enchanteds like l2off, l2jfrozen has already been implemented, but c4 is missing, could you add? and the character doesn’t need to remove a weapon in his hand, to open this function

could you also add a vote reward?

We have added support for this since revision 677 and tbh I implemented this in my local sources since 2018 (which was the year I abandoned work on project). Not sure what kind of sources you tested, but if you are using latest version and have issues buying enchanted items, just let me know.



About the equipped item thing, I'm gonna check it.

And no, I'm not planning to add any voting system. There've been lots of shares in couple of forums regarding this and many other customs for years now.

I believe admins should work harder to get their servers started, and nobody should deprive them of that enthusiasm. Through work, one becomes experienced in what to do when facing real dangers in a live server, and avoid causing inconvenience to players.


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We have added support for this since revision 677 and tbh I implemented this in my local sources since 2018 (which was the year I abandoned work on project). Not sure what kind of sources you tested, but if you are using latest version and have issues buying enchanted items, just let me know.



About the equipped item thing, I'm gonna check it.

And no, I'm not planning to add any voting system. There've been lots of shares in couple of forums regarding this and many other customs for years now.

I believe admins should work harder to get their servers started, and nobody should deprive them of that enthusiasm. Through work, one becomes experienced in what to do when facing real dangers in a live server, and avoid causing inconvenience to players.


in the current version, there is still no weapon purchase enchant system

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And I posted you a screenshot that there is. I don't get your point.

this is incomplete and with bug after sale, still with item in hand but +0 Divide yourself, give to put the purchase item, even using it in your hand, because it is showing that you want to buy and not sell.




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4 minutes ago, Christian-SDM said:

this is incomplete and with bug after sale, still with item in hand but +0 Divide yourself, give to put the purchase item, even using it in your hand, because it is showing that you want to buy and not sell.




You already mentioned the first issue earlier, and as I stated in one of my previous posts I'll check it so stop repeating yourself needlessly.

About the second one which is a visual bug, it's a missing check that must prevent selling equipped items in private store.

These minor issues don't make the system incomplete. You should just take responsibility of being totally wrong when you said this feature is missing, just like I'll take responsibility to fix these issues.




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You already mentioned the first issue earlier, and as I stated in one of my previous posts I'll check it so stop repeating yourself needlessly.

About the second one which is a visual bug, it's a missing check that must prevent selling equipped items in private store.

These minor issues don't make the system incomplete. You should just take responsibility of being totally wrong when you said this feature is missing, just like I'll take responsibility to fix these issues.




my obligation is to show, what is missing, I already do a lot in reporting, do you want me to log in to a server to show you that the part of using the equipped item is missing? in the standard, in the store of purchase, you can continue using the item in hand and put it to show in the store. In the video you are not showing this, in the video, it shows that you need to unequip the item in order to put it in the store. about the visual bug, okay, it doesn’t affect anything, but note what I mentioned about using the item, thanks!

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20 minutes ago, Christian-SDM said:

my obligation is to show, what is missing, I already do a lot in reporting, do you want me to log in to a server to show you that the part of using the equipped item is missing? in the standard, in the store of purchase, you can continue using the item in hand and put it to show in the store. In the video you are not showing this, in the video, it shows that you need to unequip the item in order to put it in the store. about the visual bug, okay, it doesn’t affect anything, but note what I mentioned about using the item, thanks!

You still don't get it. I have eyes and can see what you reproduce in this video.

Let me state once more what the problem is here:

1 hour ago, Christian-SDM said:

in the current version, there is still no weapon purchase enchant system

You have been posting for some time now that this system does not exist in project and you were wrong but still don't admit it.

Your first false claim was that skill issue in your friend's server (or maybe yours?), now it was missing private store buy enchanted items system.

These false claims give bad name to project and waste my limited time on needless tests.
Thank you for your bug reports which as a matter of fact, you would never confirm since you believed system is missing. I'll fix them as soon as possible just like I always do, but I don't think I can fix my opinion for this attitude right away.

Editado por ~DnR~
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You still don't get it. I have eyes and can see what you reproduce in this video.

Let me state once more what the problem is here:

You have been posting for some time now that this system does not exist in project and you were wrong but still don't admit it.

Your first false claim was that skill issue in your friend's server (or maybe yours?), now it was missing private store buy enchanted items system.

These false claims give bad name to project and waste my limited time on needless tests.
Thank you for your bug reports which as a matter of fact, you would never confirm since you believed system is missing. I'll fix them as soon as possible just like I always do, but I don't think I can fix my opinion for this attitude right away.

false? this is by default at l2off, if you have any doubts test with your hands on l2killer or l2elite, or if you want, I test it for you, fake? I try to help you and you call me a liar, play l2off first before talking friend

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2 minutes ago, Christian-SDM said:

false? this is by default at l2off, if you have any doubts test with your hands on l2killer or l2elite, or if you want, I test it for you, fake? I try to help you and you call me a liar, play l2off first before talking friend

Judging from this answer, I see you don't understand a single word of what I said.

I never called you a lier and I never said this feature is not retail.

You misinterpret my answers all the time, but unfortunately I can't speak Portuguese to make this clear to you so this discussion can't go on.

Good luck.

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I request a moderator to clean all unecessary fighting posts from the last few days since it was a misunderstanding, if possible. Thanks.


Revision 713
- Translated quest 10 "Into the World" into Java. Thanks Karakan for help.
- Translated Grand Boss, Seven Signs, and Noblesse teleporters into Java.
- Translated Grand Master Bitz script into Java.
- Fixed issue when buyers could not add equipped items to Private Store Buy list. Thanks Christian-SDM.
- Fixed issue when players could sell their equipped items to a Private Store Buy, causing a visual bug. Thanks Christian-SDM.
- Fixed issue which displayed multiple item slots in Private Store Buy as purchasable if items were identical and player had at least one (visual bug). Thanks Christian-SDM.
- Overloaded onTalk method to support L2NpcInstance and L2PcInstance arguments. Please let me know if any issues occur.

We have began rewritting our scripts into java. Of course, any contribution is appreciated.




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  • 2 weeks later...
23 hours ago, Christian-SDM said:

deixar reportado o Bug Encontrado na versão 714.

Você deixa o limite 20 buff retail, mas quando ta cheio a barras. Você usa 2 vezes a mesma skill,  i ela consome 2 slot, qualquer skill.



This is a non-stackable effect - related issue caused by original L2J Character Effect List queue, which removes old effect later than new effect resulting in 2 consumed slots instead of 1. The reason this occured in Lisvus is because we are using a different slot count algorithm in order to allow admins set maximum buff and maximum debuff slots separately. Client buff window limit requires smart solutions. 🙂

For the time being, we have used a dirty way to solve this in revision 715. I believe it will be properly solved in 716. Thank you very much for reporting.

Editado por ~DnR~
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