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L2JPrime - Interlude Frozen Based


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Base: L2JFrozen
Isso foi um projeto meu de 2014-2015
Java: 8
Lembro de muitas bugzin eu ter ajeitado, removi algumas coisas inuteis do powerpack.
Não lembro se removi o javolution ou parcial.
estava a 6 anos no github

Como estou voltando devagar a comunidade vou estudando nele.
quem quiser testar ajudar a melhorado o git esta abaixo.

(qualquer adição fix ou sei la e so da pull)



Preto = Ja tem
Vermelho = Removido

Verde = Adicionado



Bloquear Heal em Raid boss e Grand Boss
Phx Wharehouse
Enchant Protection Packet

Fix duplicate Item
Npc Crest
Aio Seller
Sieg Reward

Remove powerpack
Remove Sms
Remove Webserver
Remove paysteam
Remove Topdaemon
Remove auto reward


Reworked of Queen Ant AI.
Added config ally template
Added mobs id 27181 can teleport players near cabrio Like L2OFF
Fixed champion mobs HP.
Fixed issue with small and grater CP potion, couldn't be used at the same time.
Implemented the use of reuseHashCode in order to get the reuse of the skill both based on its level and it's id.
Minor fix offline trade
Some check and clean up
Fixed quest 621_EggDelivery
Fixed quest 622_SpecialtyLiquorDelivery
Fixed skill Summon Feline King like L2OFF
Fixed skill Summon Magnus the Unicorn like L2OFF
Fixed skill Summon Spectral Lord like L2OFF
Fixed skill Mystic Immunity like L2OFF
Fixed skill Focus Mind like L2OFF
Fixed skill Critical Power like L2OFF
Fixed skill Focus Mind like L2OFF
Fixed skill Critical Power like L2OFF
Fixed skill War Frenzy like L2OFF
Fixed skill Shock Stomp like L2OFF and add to enchant skill list
Fixed skill Mass Fear like L2OFF and add to enchant skill list
Fixed skill Mass Gloom like L2OFF and add to enchant skill list
Fixed skill Erase like L2OFF and add to enchant skill list
Fixed Item Skill: Magic Barrier like L2OFF.
Fixed Monument of Heroes HTML for Noble characters.
Fixed quest 7000_HeroItems like L2OFF.
Added skill Mortal Strike to enchant skill list
Added skill Major Group Heal to enchant skill list
Added skill Summon Swoop Cannon to enchant skill list
Added skill Aura Flash to enchant skill list

Added skill Summon Nightshade to enchant skill list
Reworked enchant skill trees like Intelude retail
Deleted unused directory 622_DeliveryOfSpecialLiquor


GITHUB: Sage-BR/L2JPrime

Edited by SageBR
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Em 15/12/2023 at 22:06, SageS disse:

Não da pra eu editar a postagem, tem como algum mod adicionar esse git ao topico?
Sage-BR/L2JPrime (github.com)

Atualizado !!!  Qualquer coisa só chamar, abraço!

  • Like 2

Caso tenha alguma sugestão para aplicativos, por favor envie por MP.

 WhatsApp: 22 98156-2591 


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Em 15/12/2023 at 22:06, SageS disse:

Não da pra eu editar a postagem, tem como algum mod adicionar esse git ao topico?
Sage-BR/L2JPrime (github.com)

Ta dando um erro ao  compilar. To usando JDK8.



[echo] L2JPrime Gameserver


[javac] Compiling 1461 source files to C:\Users\Safeno\Desktop\L2JGame\Files\bkp_files\L2JPrime-master\gameserver\build\classes

[javac] warning: [options] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with -source 8

[javac] C:\Users\Safeno\Desktop\L2JGame\Files\bkp_files\L2JPrime-master\gameserver\head-src\com\l2jprime\gameserver\model\actor\instance\L2NpcInstance.java:31: error: package org.omg.PortableServer.POAManagerPackage does not exist

[javac] import org.omg.PortableServer.POAManagerPackage.State;

[javac] ^

[javac] C:\Users\Safeno\Desktop\L2JGame\Files\bkp_files\L2JPrime-master\gameserver\head-src\com\l2jprime\gameserver\network\L2GameClient.java:614: warning: [removal] Integer(int) in Integer has been deprecated and marked for removal

[javac] _charSlotMapping.add(new Integer(objectId));

[javac] ^

[javac] C:\Users\Safeno\Desktop\L2JGame\Files\bkp_files\L2JPrime-master\gameserver\head-src\com\l2jprime\gameserver\model\L2Character.java:8764: warning: [removal] Integer(int) in Integer has been deprecated and marked for removal

[javac] _disabledSkills.remove(new Integer(_skill.getReuseHashCode()));

[javac] ^

[javac] C:\Users\Safeno\Desktop\L2JGame\Files\bkp_files\L2JPrime-master\gameserver\head-src\com\l2jprime\gameserver\model\actor\instance\L2PcInstance.java:4170: warning: [synchronization] attempt to synchronize on an instance of a value-based class

[javac] synchronized (_movingTaskDefined)

[javac] ^

[javac] C:\Users\Safeno\Desktop\L2JGame\Files\bkp_files\L2JPrime-master\gameserver\head-src\com\l2jprime\gameserver\model\actor\instance\L2PcInstance.java:4219: warning: [synchronization] attempt to synchronize on an instance of a value-based class

[javac] synchronized (_movingTaskDefined)

[javac] ^

[javac] C:\Users\Safeno\Desktop\L2JGame\Files\bkp_files\L2JPrime-master\gameserver\head-src\com\l2jprime\gameserver\model\actor\instance\L2PcInstance.java:4232: warning: [synchronization] attempt to synchronize on an instance of a value-based class

[javac] synchronized (_movingTaskDefined)

[javac] ^

[javac] C:\Users\Safeno\Desktop\L2JGame\Files\bkp_files\L2JPrime-master\gameserver\head-src\com\l2jprime\gameserver\model\actor\instance\L2PcInstance.java:4247: warning: [synchronization] attempt to synchronize on an instance of a value-based class

[javac] synchronized (_movingTaskDefined)

[javac] ^

[javac] C:\Users\Safeno\Desktop\L2JGame\Files\bkp_files\L2JPrime-master\gameserver\head-src\com\l2jprime\gameserver\model\actor\instance\L2NpcInstance.java:1943: error: cannot find symbol

[javac] if ((qs == null) || qs.getState().equals(State.ACTIVE))

[javac] ^

[javac] symbol: variable State

[javac] location: class L2NpcInstance

[javac] C:\Users\Safeno\Desktop\L2JGame\Files\bkp_files\L2JPrime-master\gameserver\head-src\com\l2jprime\gameserver\network\serverpackets\SystemMessage.java:64: warning: [removal] Integer(int) in Integer has been deprecated and marked for removal

[javac] _types.add(new Integer(TYPE_TEXT));

[javac] ^

[javac] C:\Users\Safeno\Desktop\L2JGame\Files\bkp_files\L2JPrime-master\gameserver\head-src\com\l2jprime\gameserver\network\serverpackets\SystemMessage.java:72: warning: [removal] Integer(int) in Integer has been deprecated and marked for removal

[javac] _types.add(new Integer(TYPE_NUMBER));

[javac] ^

[javac] C:\Users\Safeno\Desktop\L2JGame\Files\bkp_files\L2JPrime-master\gameserver\head-src\com\l2jprime\gameserver\network\serverpackets\SystemMessage.java:73: warning: [removal] Integer(int) in Integer has been deprecated and marked for removal

[javac] _values.add(new Integer(number));

[javac] ^

[javac] C:\Users\Safeno\Desktop\L2JGame\Files\bkp_files\L2JPrime-master\gameserver\head-src\com\l2jprime\gameserver\network\serverpackets\SystemMessage.java:79: warning: [removal] Integer(int) in Integer has been deprecated and marked for removal

[javac] _types.add(new Integer(TYPE_NPC_NAME));

[javac] ^

[javac] C:\Users\Safeno\Desktop\L2JGame\Files\bkp_files\L2JPrime-master\gameserver\head-src\com\l2jprime\gameserver\network\serverpackets\SystemMessage.java:80: warning: [removal] Integer(int) in Integer has been deprecated and marked for removal

[javac] _values.add(new Integer(1000000 + id));

[javac] ^

[javac] C:\Users\Safeno\Desktop\L2JGame\Files\bkp_files\L2JPrime-master\gameserver\head-src\com\l2jprime\gameserver\network\serverpackets\SystemMessage.java:87: warning: [removal] Integer(int) in Integer has been deprecated and marked for removal

[javac] _types.add(new Integer(TYPE_ITEM_NAME));

[javac] ^

[javac] C:\Users\Safeno\Desktop\L2JGame\Files\bkp_files\L2JPrime-master\gameserver\head-src\com\l2jprime\gameserver\network\serverpackets\SystemMessage.java:88: warning: [removal] Integer(int) in Integer has been deprecated and marked for removal

[javac] _values.add(new Integer(id));

[javac] ^

[javac] C:\Users\Safeno\Desktop\L2JGame\Files\bkp_files\L2JPrime-master\gameserver\head-src\com\l2jprime\gameserver\network\serverpackets\SystemMessage.java:95: warning: [removal] Integer(int) in Integer has been deprecated and marked for removal

[javac] _types.add(new Integer(TYPE_ZONE_NAME));

[javac] ^

[javac] C:\Users\Safeno\Desktop\L2JGame\Files\bkp_files\L2JPrime-master\gameserver\head-src\com\l2jprime\gameserver\network\serverpackets\SystemMessage.java:114: warning: [removal] Integer(int) in Integer has been deprecated and marked for removal

[javac] _types.add(new Integer(TYPE_SKILL_NAME));

[javac] ^

[javac] C:\Users\Safeno\Desktop\L2JGame\Files\bkp_files\L2JPrime-master\gameserver\head-src\com\l2jprime\gameserver\network\serverpackets\SystemMessage.java:115: warning: [removal] Integer(int) in Integer has been deprecated and marked for removal

[javac] _values.add(new Integer(id));

[javac] ^

[javac] C:\Users\Safeno\Desktop\L2JGame\Files\bkp_files\L2JPrime-master\gameserver\head-src\com\l2jprime\gameserver\templates\L2NpcTemplate.java:232: warning: [removal] Double(double) in Double has been deprecated and marked for removal

[javac] _vulnerabilities.put(id, new Double(vuln));

[javac] ^

[javac] C:\Users\Safeno\Desktop\L2JGame\Files\bkp_files\L2JPrime-master\gameserver\head-src\com\l2jprime\gameserver\model\actor\position\ObjectPosition.java:320: warning: [synchronization] attempt to synchronize on an instance of a value-based class

[javac] synchronized (_changingRegion)

[javac] ^

[javac] C:\Users\Safeno\Desktop\L2JGame\Files\bkp_files\L2JPrime-master\gameserver\head-src\com\l2jprime\gameserver\model\actor\position\ObjectPosition.java:333: warning: [synchronization] attempt to synchronize on an instance of a value-based class

[javac] synchronized (_changingRegion)

[javac] ^



- Tec. Dev. de Sistema

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9 minutos atrás, LucasSafeno disse:

Ta dando um erro ao  compilar. To usando JDK8.

  Ocultar conteúdo


[echo] L2JPrime Gameserver


[javac] Compiling 1461 source files to C:\Users\Safeno\Desktop\L2JGame\Files\bkp_files\L2JPrime-master\gameserver\build\classes

[javac] warning: [options] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with -source 8

[javac] C:\Users\Safeno\Desktop\L2JGame\Files\bkp_files\L2JPrime-master\gameserver\head-src\com\l2jprime\gameserver\model\actor\instance\L2NpcInstance.java:31: error: package org.omg.PortableServer.POAManagerPackage does not exist

[javac] import org.omg.PortableServer.POAManagerPackage.State;

[javac] ^

[javac] C:\Users\Safeno\Desktop\L2JGame\Files\bkp_files\L2JPrime-master\gameserver\head-src\com\l2jprime\gameserver\network\L2GameClient.java:614: warning: [removal] Integer(int) in Integer has been deprecated and marked for removal

[javac] _charSlotMapping.add(new Integer(objectId));

[javac] ^

[javac] C:\Users\Safeno\Desktop\L2JGame\Files\bkp_files\L2JPrime-master\gameserver\head-src\com\l2jprime\gameserver\model\L2Character.java:8764: warning: [removal] Integer(int) in Integer has been deprecated and marked for removal

[javac] _disabledSkills.remove(new Integer(_skill.getReuseHashCode()));

[javac] ^

[javac] C:\Users\Safeno\Desktop\L2JGame\Files\bkp_files\L2JPrime-master\gameserver\head-src\com\l2jprime\gameserver\model\actor\instance\L2PcInstance.java:4170: warning: [synchronization] attempt to synchronize on an instance of a value-based class

[javac] synchronized (_movingTaskDefined)

[javac] ^

[javac] C:\Users\Safeno\Desktop\L2JGame\Files\bkp_files\L2JPrime-master\gameserver\head-src\com\l2jprime\gameserver\model\actor\instance\L2PcInstance.java:4219: warning: [synchronization] attempt to synchronize on an instance of a value-based class

[javac] synchronized (_movingTaskDefined)

[javac] ^

[javac] C:\Users\Safeno\Desktop\L2JGame\Files\bkp_files\L2JPrime-master\gameserver\head-src\com\l2jprime\gameserver\model\actor\instance\L2PcInstance.java:4232: warning: [synchronization] attempt to synchronize on an instance of a value-based class

[javac] synchronized (_movingTaskDefined)

[javac] ^

[javac] C:\Users\Safeno\Desktop\L2JGame\Files\bkp_files\L2JPrime-master\gameserver\head-src\com\l2jprime\gameserver\model\actor\instance\L2PcInstance.java:4247: warning: [synchronization] attempt to synchronize on an instance of a value-based class

[javac] synchronized (_movingTaskDefined)

[javac] ^

[javac] C:\Users\Safeno\Desktop\L2JGame\Files\bkp_files\L2JPrime-master\gameserver\head-src\com\l2jprime\gameserver\model\actor\instance\L2NpcInstance.java:1943: error: cannot find symbol

[javac] if ((qs == null) || qs.getState().equals(State.ACTIVE))

[javac] ^

[javac] symbol: variable State

[javac] location: class L2NpcInstance

[javac] C:\Users\Safeno\Desktop\L2JGame\Files\bkp_files\L2JPrime-master\gameserver\head-src\com\l2jprime\gameserver\network\serverpackets\SystemMessage.java:64: warning: [removal] Integer(int) in Integer has been deprecated and marked for removal

[javac] _types.add(new Integer(TYPE_TEXT));

[javac] ^

[javac] C:\Users\Safeno\Desktop\L2JGame\Files\bkp_files\L2JPrime-master\gameserver\head-src\com\l2jprime\gameserver\network\serverpackets\SystemMessage.java:72: warning: [removal] Integer(int) in Integer has been deprecated and marked for removal

[javac] _types.add(new Integer(TYPE_NUMBER));

[javac] ^

[javac] C:\Users\Safeno\Desktop\L2JGame\Files\bkp_files\L2JPrime-master\gameserver\head-src\com\l2jprime\gameserver\network\serverpackets\SystemMessage.java:73: warning: [removal] Integer(int) in Integer has been deprecated and marked for removal

[javac] _values.add(new Integer(number));

[javac] ^

[javac] C:\Users\Safeno\Desktop\L2JGame\Files\bkp_files\L2JPrime-master\gameserver\head-src\com\l2jprime\gameserver\network\serverpackets\SystemMessage.java:79: warning: [removal] Integer(int) in Integer has been deprecated and marked for removal

[javac] _types.add(new Integer(TYPE_NPC_NAME));

[javac] ^

[javac] C:\Users\Safeno\Desktop\L2JGame\Files\bkp_files\L2JPrime-master\gameserver\head-src\com\l2jprime\gameserver\network\serverpackets\SystemMessage.java:80: warning: [removal] Integer(int) in Integer has been deprecated and marked for removal

[javac] _values.add(new Integer(1000000 + id));

[javac] ^

[javac] C:\Users\Safeno\Desktop\L2JGame\Files\bkp_files\L2JPrime-master\gameserver\head-src\com\l2jprime\gameserver\network\serverpackets\SystemMessage.java:87: warning: [removal] Integer(int) in Integer has been deprecated and marked for removal

[javac] _types.add(new Integer(TYPE_ITEM_NAME));

[javac] ^

[javac] C:\Users\Safeno\Desktop\L2JGame\Files\bkp_files\L2JPrime-master\gameserver\head-src\com\l2jprime\gameserver\network\serverpackets\SystemMessage.java:88: warning: [removal] Integer(int) in Integer has been deprecated and marked for removal

[javac] _values.add(new Integer(id));

[javac] ^

[javac] C:\Users\Safeno\Desktop\L2JGame\Files\bkp_files\L2JPrime-master\gameserver\head-src\com\l2jprime\gameserver\network\serverpackets\SystemMessage.java:95: warning: [removal] Integer(int) in Integer has been deprecated and marked for removal

[javac] _types.add(new Integer(TYPE_ZONE_NAME));

[javac] ^

[javac] C:\Users\Safeno\Desktop\L2JGame\Files\bkp_files\L2JPrime-master\gameserver\head-src\com\l2jprime\gameserver\network\serverpackets\SystemMessage.java:114: warning: [removal] Integer(int) in Integer has been deprecated and marked for removal

[javac] _types.add(new Integer(TYPE_SKILL_NAME));

[javac] ^

[javac] C:\Users\Safeno\Desktop\L2JGame\Files\bkp_files\L2JPrime-master\gameserver\head-src\com\l2jprime\gameserver\network\serverpackets\SystemMessage.java:115: warning: [removal] Integer(int) in Integer has been deprecated and marked for removal

[javac] _values.add(new Integer(id));

[javac] ^

[javac] C:\Users\Safeno\Desktop\L2JGame\Files\bkp_files\L2JPrime-master\gameserver\head-src\com\l2jprime\gameserver\templates\L2NpcTemplate.java:232: warning: [removal] Double(double) in Double has been deprecated and marked for removal

[javac] _vulnerabilities.put(id, new Double(vuln));

[javac] ^

[javac] C:\Users\Safeno\Desktop\L2JGame\Files\bkp_files\L2JPrime-master\gameserver\head-src\com\l2jprime\gameserver\model\actor\position\ObjectPosition.java:320: warning: [synchronization] attempt to synchronize on an instance of a value-based class

[javac] synchronized (_changingRegion)

[javac] ^

[javac] C:\Users\Safeno\Desktop\L2JGame\Files\bkp_files\L2JPrime-master\gameserver\head-src\com\l2jprime\gameserver\model\actor\position\ObjectPosition.java:333: warning: [synchronization] attempt to synchronize on an instance of a value-based class

[javac] synchronized (_changingRegion)

[javac] ^

Usei esse java: https://download.bell-sw.com/java/8u392+9/bellsoft-jdk8u392+9-windows-amd64.msi

Com o eclipse fechado apos a instalação, abro e mudo em compile pra 8
e em installed jres algo assim adiciono a versão manualmente



outra opção é e mandar ele ir diretamente





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48 minutos atrás, SageS disse:

Usei esse java: https://download.bell-sw.com/java/8u392+9/bellsoft-jdk8u392+9-windows-amd64.msi

Com o eclipse fechado apos a instalação, abro e mudo em compile pra 8
e em installed jres algo assim adiciono a versão manualmente

outra opção é e mandar ele ir diretamente


Fiz o que sugeriu e nada.



Versão do JDk








- Tec. Dev. de Sistema

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4 horas atrás, LucasSafeno disse:

Fiz o que sugeriu e nada.

  Mostrar conteúdo oculto


Versão do JDk

  Mostrar conteúdo oculto



  Mostrar conteúdo oculto


faça novamente configuração no eclipse, mas dessa fez cria um novo worspace

segue video


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essa source é de 2014 n lembro de muito, creio q seja 900 e pouca a versão, os mods q a frozen ja tinha! eu removi alguns e "atualizei" as libs
Lembro q tinha removido algumas coisas inuteis como eventos e mods, e fixado quests e skills.

Edited by SageS
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  • L2JBr ADM

Caramba, essa é relíquia viu? Lembro que essas revisões tinham alguns sistemas e situações boas, mesclando com as atualizações que vieram depois e novas melhorias com certeza sai algo bacana dai.


Qualquer dificuldade ou problema no fórum pode me contatar que eu tento solucionar a você.


Valeu pelo conteúdo.

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Você sabia que a L2JBrasil tem uma empresa de Hosting Oficial?
Conheça a L2JCenter.com

L2JBRASIL - 15 anos vendendo SS e flechas em Giran! (Trade / Adena)

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  • L2JBr ADM
6 horas atrás, SageS disse:

EU curtia muito a frozen acho q essa é base 930 eu acho, porem como faz muito tempo q parei e to voltando agora o principal problema pra min é adaptar pq tudo q ta na net é pra acis --'

De fato.

Acis também evoluiu muito, se tivesse alguém que ajudasse nessas adaptações seria ótimo, evoluiu demais desde então!

  • Like 1

Você sabia que a L2JBrasil tem uma empresa de Hosting Oficial?
Conheça a L2JCenter.com

L2JBRASIL - 15 anos vendendo SS e flechas em Giran! (Trade / Adena)

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Removi algumas libs como Bonecp
Deixei c3p0 como padrão
# Database name
GameserverDB =
LoginserverDB =
(agora usa a db configurada no URL = jdbc:mysql://localhost/l2jdb?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf-8&useSSL=false&serverTimezone=GMT-3


Edited by SageBR
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