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Ai galera a nova ...


Corrigido varios erro que achei .


Agora preciso da ajuda de todos para testar .


O conteúdo está oculto, favor efetuar login ou se cadastrar!

Atitudes Que Fazem A Diferença! 

Não vou dar suporte via mp e nem skype obrigado 

Eu não tenho mais arquivos antigos não tem como ajudar em questões antigas abrigado

Galera todos meus conteúdo estão no fó do meu canal no youtube com revisão npc´s e etc.. estão aqui se não achar e pq não tem mais ...obrigado e espero que de tudo certo a vcs.....


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Partiu testa ??

Mano só teu fã na moral , sem palavras quest dos Bos fico file "Frientza" , e tenho 2 meses de DC irei divulgar aqui vou testa se agora funciona se pega mais de 370 play . muito obrigado por ajuda todo mundo e principalmente a mim . irei fazer mais testes.




Se passa desses play 370 , irei posta aqui

Editado por Williams Silva
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testei pk de boa, aiox de boa tudo certinho !


agora qual e msm aintencao dos 2 npc's seja o primeiro ?


dei pk em outro cha ficou com karma e msm assim nao aparece o nome do cha que deu pk


detalhe nao foi com o cha ADM


outra coisa que percebi ao se fazer a 3 job nao funfa tirei o item A.A em altsettings como mostra ae e nao pega a 3 job


dei rr no server tbm pra ver se nao era por causa disso msm assim nao funfa


# ConfigClassMaster=1;[];[];2;[];[];3;[];[]
# 1st, 2nd, 3rd occupation change for free, without rewards
ConfigClassMaster = 1;[57(10000)];[];2;[57(100000)];[];3;[57(10000000)],[];[]
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# PvP/PK Settings #
# -----------------------------
# Configure karma -
# -----------------------------
# Increase / loss of karma
MinKarma = 240
MaxKarma = 10000
# The number to divide the xp recieved by to calculate karma lost on xp gain/loss.
# Default: 260
XPDivider = 260
# The minimum karma lost if 0 karma is to be removed.
# Default: 0
BaseKarmaLost = 0
# Loss of equipment
CanGMDropEquipment = False
# Warning: Make sure the lists do NOT CONTAIN
# trailing spaces or spaces between the numbers!
# List of pet items we cannot drop.
# Default: 2375,3500,3501,3502,4422,4423,4424,4425,6648,6649,6650
ListOfPetItems = 2375,3500,3501,3502,4422,4423,4424,4425,6648,6649,6650
# Lists of items which should NEVER be dropped (note, adena will
# never be dropped) whether on this list or not
# Default: 57,1147,425,1146,461,10,2368,7,6,2370,2369,6842,6611,6612,6613,6614,6615,6616,6617,6618,6619,6620,6621,7694,8181,5575,7694,9388,9389,9390
ListOfNonDroppableItems = 57,1147,425,1146,461,10,2368,7,6,2370,2369,6842,6611,6612,6613,6614,6615,6616,6617,6618,6619,6620,6621,7694,8181,5575,7694
# Minimun pk requiered to drop
# Default: 5
MinimumPKRequiredToDrop = 5
# Calculation of PVP for players with karma?
AwardPKKillPVPPoint = True
# How much time one stays in PvP mode after hitting an innocent (in ms)
# Default: 120000
PvPVsNormalTime = 40000
# Length one stays in PvP mode after hitting a purple player (in ms)
# Default: 60000
PvPVsPvPTime = 20000
# ----------------------------------------------------
# Settings for players with karma -
# ----------------------------------------------------
# Player with karma can kill in a safe area?
AltKarmaPlayerCanBeKilledInPeaceZone = False
# The player with karma can buy?
AltKarmaPlayerCanShop = True
# The player with karma can use SOE or return?
AltKarmaPlayerCanTeleport = True
# The player with karma can use the gatekeepers?
AltKarmaPlayerCanUseGK = False
# The player with karma can trade?
AltKarmaPlayerCanTrade = True
# The player with karma can use the Warehouse?
AltKarmaPlayerCanUseWareHouse = True
# The dead player and the player that will use a SOE of any type will be teleported to floran
# --------------------------------
# Advanced PvP color system -
# --------------------------------
# Enable Advanced PvP color System?
EnablePvPColorSystem = True
# It works like: PvP,Color;PvP2,Color2,PvPn,Colorn. Example: 100,00FF00;200,FF0000;300,0000FF;
# Note: Colors Must Be in RBG format.
PvpColorList = 100,00FF00;200,FF0000;300,0000FF;
# ------------------------------
# Advanced PK color system -
# ------------------------------
# Enable Advanced PK color System?
EnablePkColorSystem = True
# It works like: PK,Color;PK2,Color2,PKn,Colorn. Example: 100,00FF00;200,FF0000;300,0000FF;
# Note: Colors Must Be in RBG format.
PkColorList = 100,00FF00;200,FF0000;300,0000FF;
# -----------------------------
# PK Info Settings -
# -----------------------------
# If it is enabled then it shows pk info to the players everytime
# A pk or pvp is done. Messages are:
# "You have killed PlayerX y times".
# OR
# "You have been killed y times by PlayerX.
EnablePkInfo = False
# ----------------------------
# Custom Reward -
# ----------------------------
# Enable / Disable custom reward
# It gives a medal ( or whatever item you set) to the winner of a pvp
# You can configure the id and the amount.
# PvP reword
PvpRewardEnabled = False
PvpRewardItemId = 6392
PvpRewardAmmount = 1
# PK reward
PKRewardEnabled = False
PKRewardItemId = 6392
PKRewardAmmount = 1
# If the same player to kill, then after X times the reward Will not Increase
RewardProtect = 0
# On / Off teleport flagged players through Gatekeeper
FlaggedPlayerCanUseGK = False
# Allow players to buff and heal while being flagged.
# Useful for pvp servers that has lame buffers.
# Using the Buffers inside the farm zones.
AltKarmaFlagPlayerCanUseBuffer = False
# Pvp And Xp Award System
# 0 Is by Default!
AllowAddExpSpAtPvP = False
AddExpAtPvp = 0
AddSpAtPvp = 0
# Allow Potions In PvP?
# Note : ALL Potions Won't Be Usable.
# Pots Such as CP , Greater CP , Healing , Greater Healing
# Quick Healing , Mana Pots , Elixirs
# Retail : True
AllowPotsInPvP = True
# Scroll Of Escape Restriction
# if False = A Player Cannot Use SOE When He Is Flagged.
# Default : True
AllowSoEInPvP = True
# Announces when a Player Pvp another Player. Default - false
AnnouncePvPKill = True
# Announces when a Player PK another Player. Default - false
AnnouncePkKill = True
# When the duel is more than 4 players are transported to the coordinates,
# Listed below
DuelSpawnX = -102495
DuelSpawnY = -209023
DuelSpawnZ = -3326
# Automaticly shows PVP&PK on title
PvpPkTitle = False
#Title Prefixes. If commented - "0 | 0" else "PvpTitlePrefix0PkTitlePrefix0"
PvPTitlePrefix =
PkTitlePrefix =
# War Legend Configs
WarLegendAura = False
KillsToGetWarLegendAura = 30
# Anti Farm System
# You must put True to active the AntiFarm mod.
AntiFarmEnabled = False
# You must active AntiFarmEnabled = True to enable this mod.
# AntiFarm for Party, IP, Clan and Ally.
AntiFarmParty = False
AntiFarmIP = False
AntiFarmClanAlly = False
# You must active AntiFarmEnabled = True to enable this mod.
# AntiFarm if player has level < AntiFarmMaxLvlDiff.
AntiFarmLvlDiff = False
AntiFarmMaxLvlDiff = 30
# You must active AntiFarmEnabled = True to enable this mod.
# AntiFarm if player has Pdef < AntiFarmMaxPdefDiff.
AntiFarmPdefDiff = False
AntiFarmMaxPdefDiff = 300
# You must active AntiFarmEnabled = True to enable this mod.
# AntiFarm if player has Patk < AntiFarmMaxPatkDiff.
AntiFarmPatkDiff = False
AntiFarmMaxPatkDiff = 300
# If true summons don't give any reward (avoid pvp/pk farm)
AntiFarmSummon = False

qual eu coloco true ?




# PvP/PK Settings #
# -----------------------------
# Configure karma -
# -----------------------------
# Increase / loss of karma
MinKarma = 240
MaxKarma = 10000
# The number to divide the xp recieved by to calculate karma lost on xp gain/loss.
# Default: 260
XPDivider = 260
# The minimum karma lost if 0 karma is to be removed.
# Default: 0
BaseKarmaLost = 0
# Loss of equipment
CanGMDropEquipment = False
# Warning: Make sure the lists do NOT CONTAIN
# trailing spaces or spaces between the numbers!
# List of pet items we cannot drop.
# Default: 2375,3500,3501,3502,4422,4423,4424,4425,6648,6649,6650
ListOfPetItems = 2375,3500,3501,3502,4422,4423,4424,4425,6648,6649,6650
# Lists of items which should NEVER be dropped (note, adena will
# never be dropped) whether on this list or not
# Default: 57,1147,425,1146,461,10,2368,7,6,2370,2369,6842,6611,6612,6613,6614,6615,6616,6617,6618,6619,6620,6621,7694,8181,5575,7694,9388,9389,9390
ListOfNonDroppableItems = 57,1147,425,1146,461,10,2368,7,6,2370,2369,6842,6611,6612,6613,6614,6615,6616,6617,6618,6619,6620,6621,7694,8181,5575,7694
# Minimun pk requiered to drop
# Default: 5
MinimumPKRequiredToDrop = 5
# Calculation of PVP for players with karma?
AwardPKKillPVPPoint = True
# How much time one stays in PvP mode after hitting an innocent (in ms)
# Default: 120000
PvPVsNormalTime = 40000
# Length one stays in PvP mode after hitting a purple player (in ms)
# Default: 60000
PvPVsPvPTime = 20000
# ----------------------------------------------------
# Settings for players with karma -
# ----------------------------------------------------
# Player with karma can kill in a safe area?
AltKarmaPlayerCanBeKilledInPeaceZone = False
# The player with karma can buy?
AltKarmaPlayerCanShop = True
# The player with karma can use SOE or return?
AltKarmaPlayerCanTeleport = True
# The player with karma can use the gatekeepers?
AltKarmaPlayerCanUseGK = False
# The player with karma can trade?
AltKarmaPlayerCanTrade = True
# The player with karma can use the Warehouse?
AltKarmaPlayerCanUseWareHouse = True
# The dead player and the player that will use a SOE of any type will be teleported to floran
# --------------------------------
# Advanced PvP color system -
# --------------------------------
# Enable Advanced PvP color System?
EnablePvPColorSystem = True
# It works like: PvP,Color;PvP2,Color2,PvPn,Colorn. Example: 100,00FF00;200,FF0000;300,0000FF;
# Note: Colors Must Be in RBG format.
PvpColorList = 100,00FF00;200,FF0000;300,0000FF;
# ------------------------------
# Advanced PK color system -
# ------------------------------
# Enable Advanced PK color System?
EnablePkColorSystem = True
# It works like: PK,Color;PK2,Color2,PKn,Colorn. Example: 100,00FF00;200,FF0000;300,0000FF;
# Note: Colors Must Be in RBG format.
PkColorList = 100,00FF00;200,FF0000;300,0000FF;
# -----------------------------
# PK Info Settings -
# -----------------------------
# If it is enabled then it shows pk info to the players everytime
# A pk or pvp is done. Messages are:
# "You have killed PlayerX y times".
# OR
# "You have been killed y times by PlayerX.
EnablePkInfo = False
# ----------------------------
# Custom Reward -
# ----------------------------
# Enable / Disable custom reward
# It gives a medal ( or whatever item you set) to the winner of a pvp
# You can configure the id and the amount.
# PvP reword
PvpRewardEnabled = False
PvpRewardItemId = 6392
PvpRewardAmmount = 1
# PK reward
PKRewardEnabled = False
PKRewardItemId = 6392
PKRewardAmmount = 1
# If the same player to kill, then after X times the reward Will not Increase
RewardProtect = 0
# On / Off teleport flagged players through Gatekeeper
FlaggedPlayerCanUseGK = False
# Allow players to buff and heal while being flagged.
# Useful for pvp servers that has lame buffers.
# Using the Buffers inside the farm zones.
AltKarmaFlagPlayerCanUseBuffer = False
# Pvp And Xp Award System
# 0 Is by Default!
AllowAddExpSpAtPvP = False
AddExpAtPvp = 0
AddSpAtPvp = 0
# Allow Potions In PvP?
# Note : ALL Potions Won't Be Usable.
# Pots Such as CP , Greater CP , Healing , Greater Healing
# Quick Healing , Mana Pots , Elixirs
# Retail : True
AllowPotsInPvP = True
# Scroll Of Escape Restriction
# if False = A Player Cannot Use SOE When He Is Flagged.
# Default : True
AllowSoEInPvP = True
# Announces when a Player Pvp another Player. Default - false
AnnouncePvPKill = True
# Announces when a Player PK another Player. Default - false
AnnouncePkKill = True
# When the duel is more than 4 players are transported to the coordinates,
# Listed below
DuelSpawnX = -102495
DuelSpawnY = -209023
DuelSpawnZ = -3326
# Automaticly shows PVP&PK on title
PvpPkTitle = False
#Title Prefixes. If commented - "0 | 0" else "PvpTitlePrefix0PkTitlePrefix0"
PvPTitlePrefix =
PkTitlePrefix =
# War Legend Configs
WarLegendAura = False
KillsToGetWarLegendAura = 30
# Anti Farm System
# You must put True to active the AntiFarm mod.
AntiFarmEnabled = False
# You must active AntiFarmEnabled = True to enable this mod.
# AntiFarm for Party, IP, Clan and Ally.
AntiFarmParty = False
AntiFarmIP = False
AntiFarmClanAlly = False
# You must active AntiFarmEnabled = True to enable this mod.
# AntiFarm if player has level < AntiFarmMaxLvlDiff.
AntiFarmLvlDiff = False
AntiFarmMaxLvlDiff = 30
# You must active AntiFarmEnabled = True to enable this mod.
# AntiFarm if player has Pdef < AntiFarmMaxPdefDiff.
AntiFarmPdefDiff = False
AntiFarmMaxPdefDiff = 300
# You must active AntiFarmEnabled = True to enable this mod.
# AntiFarm if player has Patk < AntiFarmMaxPatkDiff.
AntiFarmPatkDiff = False
AntiFarmMaxPatkDiff = 300
# If true summons don't give any reward (avoid pvp/pk farm)
AntiFarmSummon = False

qual eu coloco true ?


QJW6vXi.jpgno seu mostra a quantidade de pk/pvp ?

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# PvP/PK Settings #



# -----------------------------

# Configure karma -

# -----------------------------

# Increase / loss of karma

MinKarma = 240

MaxKarma = 10000


# The number to divide the xp recieved by to calculate karma lost on xp gain/loss.

# Default: 260

XPDivider = 260


# The minimum karma lost if 0 karma is to be removed.

# Default: 0

BaseKarmaLost = 0


# Loss of equipment

CanGMDropEquipment = False


# Warning: Make sure the lists do NOT CONTAIN

# trailing spaces or spaces between the numbers!

# List of pet items we cannot drop.

# Default: 2375,3500,3501,3502,4422,4423,4424,4425,6648,6649,6650

ListOfPetItems = 2375,3500,3501,3502,4422,4423,4424,4425,6648,6649,6650

# Lists of items which should NEVER be dropped (note, adena will

# never be dropped) whether on this list or not

# Default: 57,1147,425,1146,461,10,2368,7,6,2370,2369,6842,6611,6612,6613,6614,6615,6616,6617,6618,6619,6620,6621,7694,8181,5575,7694,9388,9389,9390

ListOfNonDroppableItems = 57,1147,425,1146,461,10,2368,7,6,2370,2369,6842,6611,6612,6613,6614,6615,6616,6617,6618,6619,6620,6621,7694,8181,5575,7694


# Minimun pk requiered to drop

# Default: 5

MinimumPKRequiredToDrop = 5


# Calculation of PVP for players with karma?

AwardPKKillPVPPoint = True


# How much time one stays in PvP mode after hitting an innocent (in ms)

# Default: 120000

PvPVsNormalTime = 40000

# Length one stays in PvP mode after hitting a purple player (in ms)

# Default: 60000

PvPVsPvPTime = 20000


# ----------------------------------------------------

# Settings for players with karma -

# ----------------------------------------------------

# Player with karma can kill in a safe area?

AltKarmaPlayerCanBeKilledInPeaceZone = False


# The player with karma can buy?

AltKarmaPlayerCanShop = True


# The player with karma can use SOE or return?

AltKarmaPlayerCanTeleport = True


# The player with karma can use the gatekeepers?

AltKarmaPlayerCanUseGK = False


# The player with karma can trade?

AltKarmaPlayerCanTrade = True


# The player with karma can use the Warehouse?

AltKarmaPlayerCanUseWareHouse = True


# The dead player and the player that will use a SOE of any type will be teleported to floran



# --------------------------------

# Advanced PvP color system -

# --------------------------------

# Enable Advanced PvP color System?

EnablePvPColorSystem = True


# It works like: PvP,Color;PvP2,Color2,PvPn,Colorn. Example: 100,00FF00;200,FF0000;300,0000FF;

# Note: Colors Must Be in RBG format.

PvpColorList = 100,00FF00;200,FF0000;300,0000FF;


# ------------------------------

# Advanced PK color system -

# ------------------------------

# Enable Advanced PK color System?

EnablePkColorSystem = True


# It works like: PK,Color;PK2,Color2,PKn,Colorn. Example: 100,00FF00;200,FF0000;300,0000FF;

# Note: Colors Must Be in RBG format.

PkColorList = 100,00FF00;200,FF0000;300,0000FF;


# -----------------------------

# PK Info Settings -

# -----------------------------

# If it is enabled then it shows pk info to the players everytime

# A pk or pvp is done. Messages are:

# "You have killed PlayerX y times".

# OR

# "You have been killed y times by PlayerX.

EnablePkInfo = False


# ----------------------------

# Custom Reward -

# ----------------------------

# Enable / Disable custom reward

# It gives a medal ( or whatever item you set) to the winner of a pvp

# You can configure the id and the amount.

# PvP reword

PvpRewardEnabled = False

PvpRewardItemId = 6392

PvpRewardAmmount = 1


# PK reward

PKRewardEnabled = False

PKRewardItemId = 6392

PKRewardAmmount = 1


# If the same player to kill, then after X times the reward Will not Increase

RewardProtect = 0


# On / Off teleport flagged players through Gatekeeper

FlaggedPlayerCanUseGK = False


# Allow players to buff and heal while being flagged.

# Useful for pvp servers that has lame buffers.

# Using the Buffers inside the farm zones.

AltKarmaFlagPlayerCanUseBuffer = False


# Pvp And Xp Award System

# 0 Is by Default!

AllowAddExpSpAtPvP = False

AddExpAtPvp = 0

AddSpAtPvp = 0


# Allow Potions In PvP?

# Note : ALL Potions Won't Be Usable.

# Pots Such as CP , Greater CP , Healing , Greater Healing

# Quick Healing , Mana Pots , Elixirs

# Retail : True

AllowPotsInPvP = True


# Scroll Of Escape Restriction

# if False = A Player Cannot Use SOE When He Is Flagged.

# Default : True

AllowSoEInPvP = True


# Announces when a Player Pvp another Player. Default - false

AnnouncePvPKill = True


# Announces when a Player PK another Player. Default - false

AnnouncePkKill = True


# When the duel is more than 4 players are transported to the coordinates,

# Listed below

DuelSpawnX = -102495

DuelSpawnY = -209023

DuelSpawnZ = -3326


# Automaticly shows PVP&PK on title

PvpPkTitle = False

#Title Prefixes. If commented - "0 | 0" else "PvpTitlePrefix0PkTitlePrefix0"

PvPTitlePrefix =

PkTitlePrefix =


# War Legend Configs

WarLegendAura = False

KillsToGetWarLegendAura = 30



# Anti Farm System


# You must put True to active the AntiFarm mod.

AntiFarmEnabled = False

# You must active AntiFarmEnabled = True to enable this mod.

# AntiFarm for Party, IP, Clan and Ally.

AntiFarmParty = False

AntiFarmIP = False

AntiFarmClanAlly = False

# You must active AntiFarmEnabled = True to enable this mod.

# AntiFarm if player has level < AntiFarmMaxLvlDiff.

AntiFarmLvlDiff = False

AntiFarmMaxLvlDiff = 30

# You must active AntiFarmEnabled = True to enable this mod.

# AntiFarm if player has Pdef < AntiFarmMaxPdefDiff.

AntiFarmPdefDiff = False

AntiFarmMaxPdefDiff = 300

# You must active AntiFarmEnabled = True to enable this mod.

# AntiFarm if player has Patk < AntiFarmMaxPatkDiff.

AntiFarmPatkDiff = False

AntiFarmMaxPatkDiff = 300

# If true summons don't give any reward (avoid pvp/pk farm)

AntiFarmSummon = False



qual eu coloco true ?


QJW6vXi.jpgno seu mostra a quantidade de pk/pvp ?



O seu tá true já :( faz assim entra em conta normal sem ter acess master e tenta ver .




# PvP/PK Settings #



# -----------------------------

# Configure karma -

# -----------------------------

# Increase / loss of karma

MinKarma = 240

MaxKarma = 10000


# The number to divide the xp recieved by to calculate karma lost on xp gain/loss.

# Default: 260

XPDivider = 260


# The minimum karma lost if 0 karma is to be removed.

# Default: 0

BaseKarmaLost = 0


# Loss of equipment

CanGMDropEquipment = False


# Warning: Make sure the lists do NOT CONTAIN

# trailing spaces or spaces between the numbers!

# List of pet items we cannot drop.

# Default: 2375,3500,3501,3502,4422,4423,4424,4425,6648,6649,6650

ListOfPetItems = 2375,3500,3501,3502,4422,4423,4424,4425,6648,6649,6650

# Lists of items which should NEVER be dropped (note, adena will

# never be dropped) whether on this list or not

# Default: 57,1147,425,1146,461,10,2368,7,6,2370,2369,6842,6611,6612,6613,6614,6615,6616,6617,6618,6619,6620,6621,7694,8181,5575,7694,9388,9389,9390

ListOfNonDroppableItems = 57,1147,425,1146,461,10,2368,7,6,2370,2369,6842,6611,6612,6613,6614,6615,6616,6617,6618,6619,6620,6621,7694,8181,5575,7694


# Minimun pk requiered to drop

# Default: 5

MinimumPKRequiredToDrop = 5


# Calculation of PVP for players with karma?

AwardPKKillPVPPoint = True


# How much time one stays in PvP mode after hitting an innocent (in ms)

# Default: 120000

PvPVsNormalTime = 40000

# Length one stays in PvP mode after hitting a purple player (in ms)

# Default: 60000

PvPVsPvPTime = 20000


# ----------------------------------------------------

# Settings for players with karma -

# ----------------------------------------------------

# Player with karma can kill in a safe area?

AltKarmaPlayerCanBeKilledInPeaceZone = False


# The player with karma can buy?

AltKarmaPlayerCanShop = True


# The player with karma can use SOE or return?

AltKarmaPlayerCanTeleport = True


# The player with karma can use the gatekeepers?

AltKarmaPlayerCanUseGK = False


# The player with karma can trade?

AltKarmaPlayerCanTrade = True


# The player with karma can use the Warehouse?

AltKarmaPlayerCanUseWareHouse = True


# The dead player and the player that will use a SOE of any type will be teleported to floran



# --------------------------------

# Advanced PvP color system -

# --------------------------------

# Enable Advanced PvP color System?

EnablePvPColorSystem = True


# It works like: PvP,Color;PvP2,Color2,PvPn,Colorn. Example: 100,00FF00;200,FF0000;300,0000FF;

# Note: Colors Must Be in RBG format.

PvpColorList = 100,00FF00;200,FF0000;300,0000FF;


# ------------------------------

# Advanced PK color system -

# ------------------------------

# Enable Advanced PK color System?

EnablePkColorSystem = True


# It works like: PK,Color;PK2,Color2,PKn,Colorn. Example: 100,00FF00;200,FF0000;300,0000FF;

# Note: Colors Must Be in RBG format.

PkColorList = 100,00FF00;200,FF0000;300,0000FF;


# -----------------------------

# PK Info Settings -

# -----------------------------

# If it is enabled then it shows pk info to the players everytime

# A pk or pvp is done. Messages are:

# "You have killed PlayerX y times".

# OR

# "You have been killed y times by PlayerX.

EnablePkInfo = False


# ----------------------------

# Custom Reward -

# ----------------------------

# Enable / Disable custom reward

# It gives a medal ( or whatever item you set) to the winner of a pvp

# You can configure the id and the amount.

# PvP reword

PvpRewardEnabled = False

PvpRewardItemId = 6392

PvpRewardAmmount = 1


# PK reward

PKRewardEnabled = False

PKRewardItemId = 6392

PKRewardAmmount = 1


# If the same player to kill, then after X times the reward Will not Increase

RewardProtect = 0


# On / Off teleport flagged players through Gatekeeper

FlaggedPlayerCanUseGK = False


# Allow players to buff and heal while being flagged.

# Useful for pvp servers that has lame buffers.

# Using the Buffers inside the farm zones.

AltKarmaFlagPlayerCanUseBuffer = False


# Pvp And Xp Award System

# 0 Is by Default!

AllowAddExpSpAtPvP = False

AddExpAtPvp = 0

AddSpAtPvp = 0


# Allow Potions In PvP?

# Note : ALL Potions Won't Be Usable.

# Pots Such as CP , Greater CP , Healing , Greater Healing

# Quick Healing , Mana Pots , Elixirs

# Retail : True

AllowPotsInPvP = True


# Scroll Of Escape Restriction

# if False = A Player Cannot Use SOE When He Is Flagged.

# Default : True

AllowSoEInPvP = True


# Announces when a Player Pvp another Player. Default - false

AnnouncePvPKill = True


# Announces when a Player PK another Player. Default - false

AnnouncePkKill = True


# When the duel is more than 4 players are transported to the coordinates,

# Listed below

DuelSpawnX = -102495

DuelSpawnY = -209023

DuelSpawnZ = -3326


# Automaticly shows PVP&PK on title

PvpPkTitle = False

#Title Prefixes. If commented - "0 | 0" else "PvpTitlePrefix0PkTitlePrefix0"

PvPTitlePrefix =

PkTitlePrefix =


# War Legend Configs

WarLegendAura = False

KillsToGetWarLegendAura = 30



# Anti Farm System


# You must put True to active the AntiFarm mod.

AntiFarmEnabled = False

# You must active AntiFarmEnabled = True to enable this mod.

# AntiFarm for Party, IP, Clan and Ally.

AntiFarmParty = False

AntiFarmIP = False

AntiFarmClanAlly = False

# You must active AntiFarmEnabled = True to enable this mod.

# AntiFarm if player has level < AntiFarmMaxLvlDiff.

AntiFarmLvlDiff = False

AntiFarmMaxLvlDiff = 30

# You must active AntiFarmEnabled = True to enable this mod.

# AntiFarm if player has Pdef < AntiFarmMaxPdefDiff.

AntiFarmPdefDiff = False

AntiFarmMaxPdefDiff = 300

# You must active AntiFarmEnabled = True to enable this mod.

# AntiFarm if player has Patk < AntiFarmMaxPatkDiff.

AntiFarmPatkDiff = False

AntiFarmMaxPatkDiff = 300

# If true summons don't give any reward (avoid pvp/pk farm)

AntiFarmSummon = False



qual eu coloco true ?


QJW6vXi.jpgno seu mostra a quantidade de pk/pvp ?



O seu tá true já :( faz assim entra em conta normal sem ter acess master e tenta ver .

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nao da pra vc postar um print da sua com os nome la no npc pk/pvp


ucpeik7.pngmsm porcaria :( ate dei restart no servidor



Cara o que você tá se referindo ? O anúncio PvP quando um play mata o outro ou o momento PvP que estalta ? Porque se for o da estalta ele só aparece de 12 em 12 hrs ou vocd configura a hora que você quer que fique .

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Cara o que você tá se referindo ? O anúncio PvP quando um play mata o outro ou o momento PvP que estalta ? Porque se for o da estalta ele só aparece de 12 em 12 hrs ou vocd configura a hora que você quer que fique .

estou me referindo a estatua ? quer dizer que o nome do player que deu pk/pvp so aparece de 12 em 12 horas?

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essa correção é em uma parte do java eu não manjo muito de java mais acredito que se estiver funcionando mesmo, a linha do java que protegia deve ter indo embora com algumas coisas que foram tiradas para deixar o projeto mais Leve, o boss que retiro algumas coisas pode ter sido isso pois a rev é base frozen 1118 e a frozen 1118 ja tem essa correção.

e outra mesmo tendo essas proteções no server sempre é bom pagar um n protect pro servidor, é o que vou fazer, não deixa nem logar com phx, adrenaline, j net, cheat, etc.


OBS: não sei se é isso mesmo que aconteceu mais se realmente funciona é uma possibilidade oque citei.

Achei um bug :( ta pegando pra duplica material craft quem quiser testa só fazer igual o vídeo

você testou?

Editado por Dieguinho
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Achei um bug :( ta pegando pra duplica material craft quem quiser testa só fazer igual o vídeo

esse video é de 2014 por favor poste um video vc fazendo na revisao 55.A

e me manda o programa usado por pm.pois os que tenho nao funciona ou nao sei usa.

pois como amigo flo ai em cima a revisao tem essa proteçao e acabei de olha e ta presente no core

Atitudes Que Fazem A Diferença! 

Não vou dar suporte via mp e nem skype obrigado 

Eu não tenho mais arquivos antigos não tem como ajudar em questões antigas abrigado

Galera todos meus conteúdo estão no fó do meu canal no youtube com revisão npc´s e etc.. estão aqui se não achar e pq não tem mais ...obrigado e espero que de tudo certo a vcs.....


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Bom Não sei se realmente Bug mais queria que alguem me falasse como resolver , Quando do //sethero com char admin do hero pq aparece no monument é outra coisa , quando do //sethero porque o hero não remove isso é um erro ou bug??

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o monument pega a aparencia do char que ta em primeiro se for seu char que ta em primeiro vai aparecer msm como set amor efeito hero etc ....

Atitudes Que Fazem A Diferença! 

Não vou dar suporte via mp e nem skype obrigado 

Eu não tenho mais arquivos antigos não tem como ajudar em questões antigas abrigado

Galera todos meus conteúdo estão no fó do meu canal no youtube com revisão npc´s e etc.. estão aqui se não achar e pq não tem mais ...obrigado e espero que de tudo certo a vcs.....


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o monument pega a aparencia do char que ta em primeiro se for seu char que ta em primeiro vai aparecer msm como set amor efeito hero etc ....

Poise mais só tem meu char adm de hero no servidor poxa , não tem uma configuração para deixar de aparecer lá é como remove o hero no comando , pq tipo na dream tem como vc da o comando tira é colocar o hero entende?

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Só baixa , proces hacker e hidttoz e gat é o seguinte você abri o processo hacker e abri o hidtoz esse programa hidtoz deixa programas invisível feito isso abri o gat e deixa invisível abri a system e deixa na tela que da aquele erro vai no processo hacker e cópia ele vai duplica o l2 olha não uso a system do projeto uso a minha que tenho aqui tá sem gg

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eu nao sei pq nao uso o linux nunca nem estalei no pc ele...

Atitudes Que Fazem A Diferença! 

Não vou dar suporte via mp e nem skype obrigado 

Eu não tenho mais arquivos antigos não tem como ajudar em questões antigas abrigado

Galera todos meus conteúdo estão no fó do meu canal no youtube com revisão npc´s e etc.. estão aqui se não achar e pq não tem mais ...obrigado e espero que de tudo certo a vcs.....


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